Monday, October 31, 2016

Constructing the Immortal Will by Being Near the Fire

Note: All citations come from the text The Fifth Gospel: The Gospel of Thomas Comes of Age by Stephen J. Patterson, James M. Robinson, and translated by Hans-Gebhard Bethge, et al. (Trinity Press International, 1998).  


Jesus says: “Whoever who is near me is near the fire. And the person who is far from me if far from the kingdom” (Saying 82).

Jesus says: “If you bring it into being within you, then that which you have will save you. If you do not have it within you, then that which you do not have within you will kill you” (Saying 70).

These two sayings of Jesus point to the construction and activation of an Immortal Will. This is a spiritual structure which starts from above the head (about 3 feet) and then similar to a straight pole goes through the middle of the torso through to the earth (this structure goes through the front of the body). This can be created by males who practice sexual restraint. The sexual energy is converted into the fire Jesus speaks about in Saying 82.

Unless one has this fire within, he cannot construct an Immortal Will (Saying 70). This, by the way, is why females cannot be Immortals on their own—they lack the fire. In addition, weak males who have been de facto castrated by females lack the fire. I would estimate that 90% of males today are essentially weak males who should go ahead and have their balls removed since females have fucked them up.

The goal is to construct this Immortal Will and then to activate it; activation will occur by shifting your mental ego to this Higher Will. As this activation process takes place, higher-ordered archetypes such as Honor, Truth, Wisdom and Courage will also be activated (these archetypes are activated above the head). Simultaneously, all the chakras associated with the body will be activated as well as the earth chakra.

Note that it is through Jesus that the Immortal Will is constructed: “I am the light that is over all. I am All. The All came forth out of me” –Jesus, Gospel of Thomas, Saying 77.


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