Monday, October 3, 2016

On the Day You Became Two: Meeting Your Shadow Self

1. At birth you were born with a raw, primal energy consistent with inherited archetypes unique to you.

2. Through social interactions the brain constructed an artificial self: A social self. This is the self which is socially acceptable to be presented in public.

3. The primal energy uses the social self in order to achieve its outcomes when the two sources (primal energy, and social self) are connected. Otherwise, as is usually the case, there is conflict between these two selves primal energy <------à social self; to resolve this conflict, a shadow self is constructed. The shadow self is a self which will take control while the social self is unaware of what is happening.

4. The shadow self is often a self-destructive energy which rebels against socialization. But when this is expressed it is done without the social self’s awareness. Please note that we are not talking about repression here; the actions of the shadow self really happen in the real world.

5. The rebellion of the primal self can take the form of: suicide, diseases, injuries and other self-harm—anything to get the social self to listen it!

6. Someone who becomes somewhat educated soon sees the rules which the social self follows are mostly contrived. Each culture will encode its own creation myths, rituals, and rules as determined by the storehouse of archetypes in the collective unconscious.

7. Question: How to heal this split?

 Answer: Return to the beginning: unite with the primal energy with God's consciousness. This move removes the social self from the picture and replaces it with God!

8. How to return to your original face? Your original face is a balance of your primal, raw energy combined with God’s healing energy. To return to your original self, the social self must be deconstructed.

9. In the end, physical immortality is about returning home. From the oneness experienced in the mother’s womb to the oneness experienced when the social self dissolves we end where we began: The individual’s consciousness gives up and unites with God’s consciousness…On the day you were two, you became one again!

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