Monday, October 17, 2016

Questions From Readers

1. Is there a foundational document for the Thomas Immortality Project?

Yes. See the text, The Lost Way: How Two Forgotten Gospels are Rewriting the Story of Christian Origins, (Harperone, 2014) by New Testament scholar Stephen J. Patterson. This text shows that at least 53 of the sayings in the Gospel of Thomas go back directly to the words spoken by Jesus. See: The Lost Way: How Two Forgotten Gospels Are ... - Amazon.

The central argument of this text is by correlating the sayings in the Gospel Q (which was used to write the Gospels of Matthew and Luke) to Thomas (found in 1945 as part of the Nag Hammadi Library), we can see that its original layer (the words which were recorded by his brother Judas Thomas) have independent and multiple attestations which show both texts are authentic saying books of Jesus.

2. What about masturbation?

The entire question of sexuality is part of a larger question: Is each new baby which joins the community celebrated? In traditional societies, boys around 12-years of age are turned into warriors while girls around 12-year of age are turned into mothers and women by becoming pregnant with new life. Sadly, most modern societies treat 12-year olds as little children; but, developmentally, if children do not grow up around age 12, they never will.

Masturbation is the simulation of the sexual act through fantasy. It is the fantasy associated with masturbation which is the problem. The fantasy itself can and often is a dark energy. By masturbating one opens oneself up to a shadow self which will take over without your conscious control. This nearly always involves causing yourself or others pain. The resolution to masturbation or any other habit which disconnects one from God is to ask the Spirit of Truth to enter your heart and to guide you to Holiness.

3. If Jesus left nearly 2,000 years ago, where are his followers today?

As of October 17, 2016 I am the only follower of Jesus in the world. According to a founding myth, we might create the following scenario: Jesus was a peasant from Galilee who when he was around 30-years old was taken over by God. The message: Follow me and you will not taste death. Jesus demonstrated his power over death when he was resurrected from the dead. After his resurrection, Jesus was seen by about 500 brethren and worked with his brothers James and Judas Thomas to organize the incipient Jesus movement.  
After Jesus’ resurrection, he left. The world fell into darkness. Light was restored on February 22, 2016 with the reestablishment of Jesus’ message with the launch of the Thomas Immortality Project

4. What is the connection between physical immortality and enlightenment?

Enlightenment or the dissolution of the Ego is required in order to be an Immortal. This is because the Ego represents separation from God. How to be connected to God? Start with the breath. Breathe in and out. Slowly be part of a rhythm. Continue to connect the inhalation and exhalation. While doing this, you are connected to God.

The practice of consciously-connected breathing for several minutes each day can allow for a reconnection (which was lost when you became self-conscious when you were about 3 years old) between your spirit and God’s Holy Spirit.

5. Can females be Immortals?

When females submit their will to an Immortal, they may receive the gift of eternal life. As Peter noted, “Females are not worthy of life” (Gospel of Thomas, saying 114). But Jesus’ response is telling: “Look, I will make her male, so she too may become a living spirit resembling males. For every female who makes herself male will enter heaven’s kingdom."
Sadly, in this rebellious age females appear to want to rule over males. Any civilization in which its most intelligent females have the fewest children (as exists in nearly all modern-day societies) ensures its long-term destruction. From talking to Donald Trump’s supporters, I surmise they are hoping Vladimir Putin will nuke the USA after Hillary Clinton becomes president. We’ll see what God has in store….  

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