Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Losing Conscious Awareness and God's Love: A Short Note

What Enlightenment means is you have lost conscious awareness and traded it for unconditional love. This means things just happen. There is no self-consciousness. There will be a lack of spatial orientation when one first is initiated.  At first, memory lapses are common. In time, the brain will adjust while control has been given to the Spirit of Truth or God’s Holy Spirit.

In exchange for loss of conscious awareness (which means planning is impossible), one opens to God’s Love. This love is powerful, healing, and energizing. It is giving up of conscious control to God. This is oneness with God.

Usually, there is a going in and out of “being with God” and awareness of the present-day happenings. Again, things are just happenings.

Needless to say, one who is Enlightened is not going to be working at any job which requires a strong Ego to control the situation: Think the police (who because they are Ego-controlled must be game players). On the other hand, should the reader be a therapist helping those who are suffering, Oneness with God or Enlightenment, is the only solution; this is so since the patient is almost always filled with demonic energies which are impossible to access any other way. Conclusion: While therapy may help the patient cope with his suffering, it will not make the person whole again; Only God’s Love can do this!

Footnote: Readers are invited to visit www.theopensecret.com for additional insights.

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