Saturday, October 1, 2016

Life In Free Fall and Deep Structural Healing

The giving up of control, the dissolution of the Ego, life in free fall, points to a paradoxical result:

Free Fall=God=Deep Healing

Nearly all human beings suffer from dozens of traumas. These are deep-seated energies of pain. Through the giving up of control, living life in free fall without any planning, goals, or games there is deep structural healing of traumas. These negative energies will constantly replay themselves; except for brain surgery, there is no way to rid oneself of them. While therapy can help one feel more comfortable living with traumas, therapy will not result in deep structural healing.

Question: How might I heal myself of psychological pain?

 Answer: You can't. The healing will happen as there is a "letting go and letting God," and once the brain has given up, there is space for God's healing to take place.

 The equation:

 Immortality= Free Fall + Higher Will

points to the paradoxical result such that when the Higher Will (located outside the brain) combines with the giving up of conscious control (surrendering to God) can lead to unity with God. "On the day you were one, you became two. But when you are two, what will you do?" (Gospel of Thomas, saying 11).


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