Thursday, October 6, 2016

Some Notes on the Ego, Demonic Control, and Physical Immortality

1. The formation of the Ego is a product of child development and the brain’s programming. It appears that babies have encoded in their brain (or the brain has access to this coding from the 5th dimension) an ability to learn the spoken language in its immediate surroundings and the ability to learn what “No!” means. Apparently, the child develop a mirror of the parent’s rules in his brain; moreover, in normal development the child is taught to be responsible for his actions and to feel shame or guilt when his actions are contrary to the wishes of the parent. [For the dedicated reader: While I read widely and consider different views, in the end, all my writings are my original ideas or perhaps ideas from the Mind of God.]

2. At some point in the brain’s development, the child will wake up and become self-conscious. At this point the clock has starting ticking. Everything is seen through the prism of ‘me’—what benefits me? How can I protect me? If I do x, will y follow? To get what I want from someone, what do I need to do? 

3. Once a child has awakened to self-consciousness, he is under demonic control. All his actions and thoughts will be dictated by a limited self-interest. In our banal age, the usual brainwashing sources include: 
a) Television—the supreme babysitter and demonic-controlled media the world has ever known. 

b) Public Schools—these are cesspools of illiteracy. Instead of teaching students how to think by giving them cultural literacy—studies in the classics such as geometry, Latin, and classic literature such as the The iliad by Homer—students are given crap and told what to think, how to think, and when to think.

c) Peers—Instead of allowing 12-year old young men to earn money by working, say, 4 hours per day at a 4-day week schedule, young people hang out with their friends (usually on-line, nowadays). Under this program, young males at 12-years of age will start earning a good salary, and females around age 12-year of age will become pregnant and be supported by her family and community in celebration of new life!

4. The Ego which is a kind of centre which all the other subpersonalities are supposed to be guided by is an artificial construct. In fact, nearly all your actions and thoughts come from a deeper level or from outside influence. How could the Ego think thoughts in the first place?

5. The Ego will develop games, defenses, self-destructive behavior, and attack those who threaten it. At this point, by age 7-years of age or so, the child is demonically controlled. The goal of Satan (Yes, there really are evil beings which exist) is to keep human beings separated from God. And with all the distractions and nonsense continuously going on in this world, Satan has done an excellent job.

6. At some point, some wonder about their place in life. Why am I here? What is the purpose of my life? Is there a God? Is there life after death? This could be a starting point to a relationship with God. Sadly, most children are brainwashed in religious dogma and thus believe utter nonsense. 

7. Given their turn of mind, a few people feel something is missing. I have lost something. What is it? Who can help me find it? They become spiritual seekers.

8. Of course, nearly everything said in the spiritual marketplace is hogwash. How to find the truth? First and last, there must be a willingness to be wrong and wrong often. There is an inherent conflict between the Ego and the Truth. The Ego is the brain’s construct to remain separated from God; the Truth is you are a child of the Living Father!

9. At some point an insight might strike the seeker: Maybe what I am and what my brain tells me I am are two different things. What I am is God! I am the source, the energy, which is connected to Transcendent. This is the first step to returning to where you were when you were 3-years old and things just happened without any judgments attached. This is returning home. 

10.  Enlightenment is the reunion with God. It is the giving up of the Ego in favor of Truth. In a certain sense, anyone who has read my posts over the past few months, is on the path of Enlightenment.


11. A few enlightened beings will pose the question: If I am God, and God is immortal, am I not immortal? Satan’s answer: “Yes, you are immortal, but only in a spiritual sense. When you DIE…” But when I die, I am dead.


12. The purpose of the Thomas Immortality Project is to restore Jesus’ original message as his sayings were recorded after his resurrection by his brother Judas Thomas: Physical Immortality—Union with God—is available for the truth seeker, right here, right now!  This union is returning to your original face before you became self-conscious. Life in free fall. The journey returning to the beginning. Paradise Restored!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You are two

  3. Dear Mr. Adams:

    Thank you for your response. When you say "You are two" to what does this refer? Also, I have been unable to access your link; is it possible for you to hyperlink it?


    Harry Petersen

    1. You should be able to copy the link and paste it into your address bar on your computer. It is an interesting youtube video that describes how the brain is divided into two hemispheres and the different functions of the two different brains in the one skull.

    2. Dear Mr. Adams:

      Thank you for your reply. One of the central themes in the Gospel of Thomas is unity: "On the day when you were one, you became two. But when you became two, what will you do?" (Saying 11)

      This "oneness" has many meanings--which is why meditating on Jesus' words can lead to wisdom. In the present context, being one means unity with the various parts of oneself. The definition of neurosis has implicit in it that there is disunity--which leads to sickness.

      Thus, the two hemispheres of the brain work in harmony with each other. All parts of the brain are unified with God at the level of Truth Consciousness. Truth Consciousness is transpersonal (located outside the brain) but connects to the right hemisphere of the brain and the heart.

      In unity consciousness, the Ego is no more as things just happen. The Higher Self activates the various parts of the brain as it sees fit; there is no free will at the brain level.

      Again, it is a pleasure to consider your thoughtful questions.


      Harry Petersen
