Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Note to Therapists: The Healing of Traumas

As you know, traumas are independent psychic energy complexes which can be activated and reactivated by the brain when it connects to them. While the optimal solution is the dissolution of the Ego since in this case the traumas have nothing to speak to, and thus will eventually die, probably fewer than 1% of your patients are ready for this non-dual solution. So the Plan B:

You will need to perform a ritual in which the trauma is activated and then by intention the trauma is invited into the heart, allowing it to be loved. The trauma is allowed to exist as long as it wishes in the heart. Here we bring forgiveness as the heart opens to a floodgate of tears, crying and sobbing. Allow this cathartic process to continue.

The ritual should be performed after sunset and with a minimum of speech; communication will be done telepathically. In the hands of a master, the healing of traumas will take several hours. After this, the patient will depart for a time of integration. Follow up a week later.

The goal is to unite with God by removing dark energies. Make sure you give thanks to God. “For this reason I say, if one is whole, one will be filled with light, but if one is divided, one will be filled with darkness” (Gospel of Thomas, Saying 61.)

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