Tuesday, November 1, 2016

The Three Steps to Physical Immortality

Structurally, physical immortality consists of:

1. Purification.

2. Construction of the Immoral Will.

3. Surrendering the mental ego to the Immortal Will.


A brief note about each:

1. Purification is the process by which one is made in right standing with God. It involves forgiveness, the removal of traumas, the cleansing of dark energies, and the opening of the heart. In other words, the initiate has allowed God’s Love to make him whole again.

2. As noted in the previous post (see October 31, 2016 post), the construction of the Immortal Will is part of spiritual engineering. This structure is like a pole which extends above the head, through the middle of the torso, and into the earth. Males who practice sexual restraint are suitable candidates.

3. The dissolution of the mental ego is a necessary step as the ego represents separation from God. By surrendering the ego to the Immortal Will the initiate has united with Jesus at the Immortal Frequency. 

The Gospel of Thomas represents the living words of the living Jesus! The words themselves vibrate at the Immortal Frequency. Readers are encouraged to meditate on one statement of Jesus each day.

Example: “Don’t you realize from what I say to you who I am?”—Jesus, saying 43.

Some possible insights from the words of Jesus:

  • The words I speak and who I am are one. Thus, the words I speak reveals exactly who I am.


  • By their words you will know them. So words=deeds. Anyone who thinks lying is some sort of strategic move to achieve an outcome (which is nearly everyone in public life today) is under demonic influence.
  • Immortal Vibrations=Immortal Words. The words Jesus spoke are at the Immortal vibration and thus the words will pierce the hearts of the chosen. 


When Jesus’ followers asked him: “When will the resurrection of the dead take place and when will the new world come?” Jesus replies: “The Resurrection you are awaiting has already come, but you don’t recognize it” (Saying 51). May each reader be Resurrected with Jesus, both in spiritual and physical form, today!

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