Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Giving Thanks on Thanksgiving Day!

In the Spirit of the season I will give thanks:

1. To the Spirit of Truth: Thank you for guiding me into deeper understandings and epiphanies. Every day is a joyous shift into oneness!

2. To the dedicated employees of what was Baker Places and is now Positive Resource Center: Thank you for your dedication to the outcasts of society. Your work is invaluable and is commendable!

3. To God: Thanks for my perfect health. I tend to take it for granted, but those who are ill suffer immensely. Thanks, God!

4. To Jesus: Thank you for manifesting in the flesh and showing the world how to resurrect with you by activating your Immortal words: They are life!

5. To the readers of this blog: May this Thanksgiving Day be a joyous one of good cheer!


  1. Leonard Orr also writes about physical immortality and he claims to have met some immortals in India. But he looks like he is aging and not physically regenerating. Now you say that by study and speaking the words of the Gospel of Thomas you will become physically immortal. Evidence speaks louder than words. What evidence do you have that you are becoming physically immortal?

    1. Dear Reader:

      Thank you for your reply. I will appeal to you as a truth seeker and ask that you give a few honest attempts of activating the words of Jesus at the Immortal Frequency and see how you feel? Be daring! It just may be that this stuff really works....


      Harry Petersen
