Tuesday, February 27, 2018

The Earth-Spine-Crown Connection: Constructing the Immortal Will, Part II

1) In this essay I introduce the second part of “Construction the Immortal Will.” To review part I, see: Constructing the Immortal Will, Part I .

2) In contrast to the God-Connection which occurs via the crown chakra in which the light energies descend from the heavens, the earth chakra is part of energies which ascend from the earth to the base of the spine. Both connections need to be activated simultaneously in order to be an Immortal. In this essay, I discuss the rising up of the earth energies to the base of the spine through the spine and to the crown chakra.

3) First, note that the earth is a planet created by God. There are 100s of things which had to go just right in order for intelligent life to exist. Here are a few examples: 

 * The distance of the earth from its sun had to be in the “Goldilocks” position: Not too hot and not too cold.

* Our moon which crashed into the earth billions of years ago and then rebounded to circle the earth supports the correct orbit (about 23 degrees from a straight plane) which allows for seasons to exist.

* The Van Allen Belt protects the earth from objects in space which would immediately destroy this planet.

* The Iron core which keeps the planet solidly in place.

* The plates under the earth’s surface which are in constant motion (hence earthquakes) which allows for a constant construction-destruction of the planet’s material (e.g., the construction of mountain ranges).

* The earth’s atmosphere which allows for heat from our sun to enter while trapping the exact amount of radiation which will allow for human beings to exist. Note: Pollution in our atmosphere is destroying this nicely balance energy exchange; hence, global warming.

* The earth’s air is composed of about 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen allows for a perfect energy exchange between plants and human beings.


The odds of literally 100’s of these phenomena going just right (within a narrow band in which they would have to exist) are absolutely impossible to consider. We are talking about 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,..000 to 1 or 1^10,000 zeros! It is impossible that all these factors came together by chance!

4) Note that the above fine-turning argument proves the existence of God unless we do a Stephen Hawking-like fantastic argument that there are an infinite number of universes and thus planet earth just happen to get lucky. And what evidence does Professor Hawking have of there being an infinite number of universes? None. In all due respect to Mr. Hawking: The infinite universes hypothesis is far more fantastic than looking at all the data and just accepting that God created this universe and this is why intelligent life exists on this planet. 

5) With our feet firmly planted on planet earth (if you are disabled just visualize this connection) we invoke the Immortal energies of the earth to be activated in our feet : 

"Right here, right now, I ask that the Immortal energies of the earth vibrate into the soles of my feet, allowing for a permanent Immortal connection between the earth an myself. Thanks, God!”

6) The next step is the see the earth’s Immortal energies rises from the soles of your feet to the base of the spine or the tailbone. This is where the life force of humans is connected: From the earth to the base of the spine. Note that in the 7-chakra system this is the first chakra of the spine chakra. See: Root Chakra - Guide to Health and Balance - Mindvalley Blog

 7) Once the earth’s Immortal energies are connected to the tailbone or base of the spine, you want this energy to rise up the spine to the top of the head. This energy which is rising up is call the kundalini in various Yoga systems and in transpersonal psychology Professor Michael Washburn has some interesting insights into this development. See: Amazon.com: The Ego and the Dynamic Ground: A Transpersonal .....  Also, please note that the 7 major chakra have both front of the body and back of the body counterparts; thus, when the kundalini rises from the base of the spine to the top of the head it will activate all 7 major chakras.

8) In the vast majority of human beings the earth’s Immortal energies are diverted to the genital region which in males will cause for the penis to get an erection which will usually cause a discharge via ejaculation. Hence, Immortals do not ejaculate since the release of semen is the destruction of one’s life force. Simply put, Immortals have no sexual interest in females

9) The seeker will want the earth’s Immortal energies to rise up the spine through the neck chakra, activating the Bindu chakra (located at the top of the head) and to the crown of the head. Note that the Immortal energies from above, the Father-Connection meets the energies from below, the Mother-Connection at the top of the head. Both energies will be freely flowing in an Immortal.  See: Bindu Chakra — the Main Things You Should Know About

10) Please note that it is the activation of the Bindu chakra which allows for a shift in the DNA program which has a maximum of 50 times in which cells can divide—the Hayflick limit. See: Hayflick limit - Wikipedia. While the time in which the limit will be reached can be slowed by deep freezing (e.g., liquid nitrogen) at present 50 divisions appear to be the limit. Perhaps one day researchers will be able to transform a combination of genes which will dramatically increase the limit as has been done in various animals models such as squirrels. Also, note: as far as it is known lobsters are Immortal by design; alas, they cannot protect themselves from predators such as humans who will eat them. I make the above observations so the reader will see that physical Immortality is possible in the animal kingdom and thus our rate of aging is not fixed. See: The Plasticity of Aging: Insights from Long-Lived Mutants - ScienceDirect and BBC - Earth - The animals and plants that can live forever.

 11) Two recommended practices:
a) I see the earth’s Immortal energies activating the base of the spine and then rising just above the spine in arch to the top of the head, meeting the Immortal energies from above and then circling back down from the top of the head to the base of the spine. You might call this an orbit. See: Micro-Cosmic Orbit Meditation - Shelton Qigong.
b) I spent about 2-3 minutes per day doing two Hatha Yoga practices: a) While laying down on my back I lift my legs a few times to straighten my spine and then take my legs above my head to the ground. This is called the “Plow” position in yoga; b) While laying on my stomach, I lift my head above my spine and lift my spine up; this is called the “cobra” position. See: Plow Pose (Halasana) - Yoga Journal and Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana) - Yoga Journal.
Note: Males should not practice Hatha Yoga as our pelvic bone will not allow for the flexibility of the spine. However, because females are designed to give childbirth their pelvic bone is constructed to allow for flexibility and thus Hatha Yoga is great for females. See: The Differences Between the Male and Female Pelvis ....

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Constructing the Immortal Will, Part I

1. The final activation in being a Physical Immortal is the construction of the Immortal Will. This is a pole-like structure going above the head to the heavens, down through the body and then connected to the earth. The first step is to visualize this tube of white light as being connected to the Living Father. This light structure will go through the crown chakra (the top of the head). 

2. The light itself is Jesus. It is through Jesus that one connects with the Father at the Immortal frequency. This would follow since God is multi-dimensional formless intelligence. Thus, God, by His spoken word, will degree something and it will manifest via some blueprint or mechanism. In our case, the blueprint which allows for an Immortal connection is Jesus. In a sense, then, one might think of Jesus as a kind of physical form in which God manifests.

3. This God-Connection begins the first thing each morning by saying the Holy Vow aloud: “Father, I give you everything—My life, my heart, my mind, my soul, my very being. Please give me your strength to do your will this day. Thanks, God!” This invocation is your direct connection to God each day!
4. In The Resurrection Frequency Meditation Practice (this is a link to a post on this blog) one constructs the pole or tube above the head and shifts one’s consciousness or state of awareness to various levels which correspond to various frequencies. The first level is the Transpersonal Self which is located above the head. At this point, your awareness is detached from the Ego brain. I view the Transpersonal Self as being part of a circle-like field which surrounds the aura and is activated along with the core self. Note that the core or center is separate from the heart or the heart chakra. You might think of the core as being under the heart area or the inner heart. This is where your presence or awareness will be centered so that the ego brain with its endless chatter is shut off. Thus, there is non-verbal awareness. See: Higher Self - Transpersonal Self | Magical Path and Transpersonal Chakras and the Hara Line - Humanity Healing Network.

5. The Resurrection Frequency is activated by a daily study of Jesus’ words in the Gospel According to Thomas. Note that Thomas contains both pre-resurrected sayings and resurrected sayings. The pre-resurrected sayings will correlate with many of the sayings in the gospels written or approved by the Roman Catholics: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The Resurrected sayings are those which were given to those of Jesus’ inner circle and represent gnosis or higher spiritual insights. In any case, in my study of Thomas I accept all the sayings as those spoken at a high frequency. Before reading the sayings in Thomas aloud, I speak an invocation:

“Yeshua—Your words are life! May your words vibrate at the Resurrection Frequency, allowing me to be united with you as a Physical Immortal, right here, right now. Thanks, Yeshua!”

Note: Yeshua is what Jesus’ followers call him by as it is his Aramaic name. The insightful reader will see that the meditation practice and the reading of Jesus’ words are connected.

6. Once you have shifted your awareness from the Ego brain to your center, then the Holy Spirit of Truth is invited into your being. This is the Spirit which Jesus gives to each follower so that he is guided to eternal life. Each morning I invite the Spirit of Truth to guide my life: “Holy Spirit of Truth: Please direct my life this day. Show me new insights, connections, original models and help me make corrections when I am in error. Keep me safe and protected and allow for joy today. Thanks, Holy Spirit of Truth!”

7. The insightful reader will note that every morning the seeker renews his connection with the Father-Son-Holy Spirit. In my view, a serious error in many spiritual practices such as Buddhism is the failure to connect with God each day; these systems come dangerously close to being atheism and thus, outside of some “pie-in-the-sky” notion of reincarnation or higher plane of existence, they offer the seeker no help in achieving eternal life. Of course, Christians who are followers of Roman Catholics, expect some existence after their death; Jesus, however, taught the Kingdom of God is right here, right now on planet earth:

Jesus said, "If your leaders say to you, 'Look, the Kingdom of God is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the Kingdom of God is within you and it is outside you"

Jesus, saying 3, The Gospel According to Thomas.

His disciples said to him, "When will the kingdom come?"
"It will not come by watching for it. It will not be said, 'Look, here!' or 'Look, there!' Rather, the Kingdom of God is spread out upon the earth, and people don't see it."

Jesus, saying 113, The Gospel According To Thomas. 

8. This essay is the first part in constructing the Immortal Will. The other parts include being connected to the body and being connected to the earth. I will take these other parts up in due course.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Two-Year Celebration of the Thomas Immortality Project: Some of My Favorite Posts

In honor of the Thomas Immortality Project second-year celebration, which will occur on February 22, 2018, I share some of my favorite posts. These will offer the interested reader an excellent overview of the core understandings which will lead to eternal life.


1. The Resurrection Frequency Meditation Practice —January 16, 2018. This one-hour meditation practice is core. Its goal is to construct the Immortal Code which will shift the aging programming at the DNA level.

2. Quick Overview of the Thomas Immortality Project --January 23, 2018. This post uses a question-and-answer format in order to give the interested reader a quick overview of the Thomas Immortality Project

3.  Healing The Split: Becoming One Again by Returning To Your Core Self —November 21, 2017. The core self is your home base—shifted from the ego when you were about 3 years old—as your awareness is re-centered here instead being trapped in the brain. This is a core shift which is necessary in order to become an Immortal. 

4. Book Review: Practicing The Power Of Now ---October 17. 2017. The two body awareness practices on pages 60-65 are fundamental for the Immortal to master. It took me about a year before I was able to do so. 

 5  Original Model: “The Messianic Secret In the Gospel of Thomas” ---This post reviews why The Gospel According To Thomas is the greatest text ever written: It contains the sayings of Jesus after his Resurrection.


6. Recommended Practices For the Thomas Immortality Project —November 28, 2017. In this post I give the seeker 8 core practices which will launch him on his quest for eternal life.

 7. Marijuana Meditation Practice For Eternal Life —June 20, 2017. One needs to activate an energy center just above the head in order to shift your awareness from the ego brain to your core self. Only by using marijuana will you be able to activate your core self. 


8. 12 Affirmations and Activations for the Thomas Immortality Project —May 2, 2017. This is an overview of the 12 activations I recommend, most of which are done the first thing every morning.

 9. The Unified Field Theory: What Einstein Missed —April 4, 2017. This post connects dark matter/energy—which is where everything is coming from—with the light which comes into being by itself. This light is Jesus. 

10. How To Be An Immortal —May 9, 2017. This post outlines what it takes to be an Immortal. 

11. Games People Play: A Multidimensional Perspective --January 5, 2017. This post is an introduction into the “ego-alien” hypothesis which posits that a) all human minds are connected to an energy grid, b) A 5th dimensional program is controlling the actions of humans via the Ego brain, c) The program, the matrix, is using the life energy from human beings to eat off and thus survive.

12.  Females Are Not Worthy of Life: Commentary on Saying 114 in the Gospel of Thomas  --January 4, 2017. Be clear: Females are an evil energy at their core. They are psychic vampires who must eat other people’s energy in order to maintain their vitality. Females are evil.

 13.  Reconnecting With God: The Holy Vow —November 30, 2016. This essay reviews 13.7 billion years of this universe’s history and connects the first explosion, the “big bang,” with the earth-shaking cosmic explosion which occurred when Jesus was Resurrected from the dead.  

14) Enlightenment: Seeing Life as a Computer Program —July 31, 2017. This post offers research which supports the claim that human beings are in a matrix-like structure which controls them via the ego brain.

 15) Turning From a Frog to a Prince: Rewriting the Script with God’s Love  –September 11, 2017. This post advises the seeker to rewrite his  script from one which will sees his death to a life script which calls for eternal life.

16) 10 Great Qualities For an Immortal To Have —October 11, 2017. In this post I outline 10 characteristics I believe an Immortal will have.


17) Forgeries In the New Testament —May 30, 2017. Once the New Testament (N.T.) student comes across the scholarship of Bart Erhman he will know that the N.T. is filled for forgeries. So much for the screams of the Christian: “The New Testament is the Word of God!” Reply: “No, Sir, the New Testament is bunch of bullshit invented by the early church fathers after Jesus failed to returned by 70 A.D.” See: The Bart Ehrman Blog .


  18) The Lost Way: What Is Jesus’ Authentic Message ? The Lost Way: What is Jesus’ Authentic Message?—June 25, 2016. Professor Stephen Patterson’s scholarly insight into the origins of early Christianity is evidenced in my book review of his text. Note that, Q, the source material for the synoptic gospels, is correlated with the pre-Resurrected sayings of Jesus. Also note: The New Testament does not contain any sayings from the Resurrected Jesus outside of Paul’s apparent hysterical blindness caused by the guilt of ordering Christians put to death. The four Canon Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John mixed up many of the original sayings of Jesus with many of inventions in which entire passages (see Mark 16:9-20) have been invented whole cloth. 


19) Sabbath Sermon: “Physical Immorality: The Second Fire that Set the World Ablaze in 1945” —February 22, 2016. This is the post which restores Jesus original message: Physical Immortality is possible by being resurrected with Jesus. It is with great gratitude that God would use me to lead the world out of darkness and into the light.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Building Sandcastles Just For Fun: The Joy of Being a Child Again

Jesus saw some infants receiving milk. He said to his disciples: “These children receiving milk are like those who enter the kingdom.” They said to him, “Then shall we enter the kingdom as little children?”  

---Jesus, Saying 22, The Gospel According To Thomas 

1. The motif of becoming a child again is a central theme throughout Jesus’ teachings in Thomas. At the beginning of the text we are told: “The man old in days will not hesitate to ask a little child seven days old about the place of life and he will live” (Saying 4). Here we are told a child has more wisdom about entering the Kingdom than one who is old in days. What does the child know that the older person does not know? The direct sourcing of one’s consciousness by God, moment by moment, leads to eternal life. While the child responds according to the script implanted in him by God, the older person has an ego which was implanted by Satan. (Please note that at a higher level of reality—there are at least 6 levels—this duality ends and we see God or Consciousness is playing the role of both God and Satan.)

2. The first step in becoming a child again is to start the day by giving up everything to God and only asking for His strength to carry it out. This is why my morning devotion starts with the “Holy Vow” among other activations: 12 Affirmations and Activations for the Thomas Immortality Project.  The goal is to shut the door to the past by giving and receiving forgiveness. Then we ask for the past events or ties to the past not be called to remembrance again. The role of daily meditation is to purify oneself so that one is centered on the radiant present. This means thoughts will cease as one is one with what is, as it is. Thoughts divert from present moment awareness.

3. A key step in becoming a follower of Jesus is to eliminate all ties and connections to your parents: “Whoever does not hate father and mother cannot be a follower of me” (Saying 55). I would recommend that you write your parents (and your biological brothers and sisters) a handwritten letter informing them that you will never see them or speak to them again. Wish your parents well. If you are unable or unwilling to do this, you are not a follower of Jesus. There are many reasons Jesus gives this command, but a key one is this: Your parents are not followers of Jesus if they do not obey his commands (e.g., Honor God’s Holy Day—the 7th Day of the Week [Saying 27], Do not Lie [Saying 6], Renounce the world [Saying 110]) . So to be in fellowship with them is to deal with darkness: Unless your light is already shining, they will cause you to be as they are. 

4. Becoming a child again means that while we take prudent measures to provide for ourselves and other brothers with whom we are in communion, we don’t worry about the future: “Do not worry, from morning to evening and from evening to morning, about what to wear” (Saying 36). This saying can be generalized from worrying about what to wear to the anything which might cause worry. A key injunction is to be present in this moment: “You know how to examine the face of the sky and earth…but you do not know how to be present in this moment” (Saying 91). Being present means God is sourcing you moment by moment at the Immortal Frequency—just as the first human being was being sourced (Adam was created as an Immortal as Saying 85 notes). However, if you choose to physically die, that will be the end of you, just like it was for Adam (Saying 85). 

5. Being a child again means returning to one’s natural state: “When you strip without being ashamed and take off your clothes and put them under your feet like little children and trample them, then you will see the child of the Living One” (Saying 37). Here we see the unconsciousness of children who are not ashamed of their bodies; it is only adults who somehow think nudity is sinful. Also, this is a shift in consciousness from being in control of events to allowing each moment to flow as it will. 

6. In Saying 22, which is cited in part at the beginning of this essay, Jesus advises his followers to become like little children again by: Making the two into one, the outside the same as the inside, and the outside like the inside. Here we see a key insight: There is no private self which differs from the public self. How one presents oneself in public is how one is in private, according to this injunction. Please note that the source of all the games people play begin with these kinds of deceptions. In the end, the only one who you deceive is yourself as people will see through your games. I encourage followers of Jesus to meditate on this saying as this is a transformative process which might take several months to achieve. 

7. I would imagine The Gospel of Thomas was a bestseller as scholars are aware of several different Greek versions of this gospel. The buyer of this sayings book would have been interested in how not to taste death (Saying 1) and the gospels gives pointers on how to achieve eternal life. The reoccurring theme of being a child again would have no doubt have been noted and puzzled over. Perhaps the reader would like to do the same. Please note that it is the claim of the Thomas Immortality Project that none of the seekers found the hidden secret: Eternal Life occurs now, on planet earth, by being transformed into an Immortal. There is no life after death. 

8. A great meditation practice is to concentrate on one’s breath. Breathe in for the ‘breath of life’ and breathe out for letting go to God. All thoughts are redirected to the breath. Each moment is allowed to arise as it will.

9. Being in union with the Living Father is like children building sandcastles at the seashore: There is joy in just doing it! There is no ulterior motive for building the sandcastle as it will quickly be washed away by the sea. There is nothing for sale here and nothing to get. Once the sandcastle has been washed away, it is no more. All that remains is the joy of being here in this moment. If the reader is interested in eternal life, then I would encourage him to start at the beginning, “Fortunate is the one who stands at the beginning: That one will know the end and will not taste death” Jesus, Saying 18, The Gospel According To Thomas.