Wednesday, October 11, 2017

10 Great Qualities For an Immortal To Have

1. Concentration—It is not possible to be an Immortal without the ability to focus one’s attention on a single task for a sufficient length of time. This quality is connected to will and one of the purposes of meditation is to help one develop a strong will.

Practice: Meditation—This is a daily practice for 1 hour. I will often combine ingesting marijuana with meditation. Note that God gave this plant to mankind in order for him to be able to activate light consciousness. Light consciousness is achieved by re-centering your awareness from your ego brain to activating the 8th chakra which is located outside the brain. You cannot not enter the light consciousness on your own since you are trapped by the Ego and worse you do not know that you are trapped! But with the aid of marijuana your awareness can leave the ego and thus be set free. 

2. Visualization—It is necessary to be able to see what you are saying or what you are reading; otherwise, you will be at a loss. In general, people can handle 7 things in their working memory at a time and after that they get lost. But if you can create a picture you can keep track of 100s of things simultaneously.


Practice: I use Charles Herton’s text, Forcing Chess Moves, which is filled with 100s of chess puzzles. I do 1-2 puzzles per day (or so) without a chessboard. I spend 10 minutes trying to solve the problem and then I study the solution. Variations which go beyond 6 moves tend to be fuzzy. Also, while I usually find the key moves, I usually missed one line in a variation; this gives me a chance to see what I missed and more importantly why I missed the line. 

3. Will—This quality determines how strong your drive is to accomplish a task. Weak-willed people are worthless as they are incapable of keeping their word and thus are not honorable. Thus, I encourage the seeker to work on strengthening his will each day.

Practice: A great work out program is to do 50 pushups, 100 sit ups and lift some bar bells. I combine this with walking to a grocery store which is a good 40 minute walk from my house and thus I automatically walk over 1 hour per day. Note that I use walking as a form of meditation. Start where ever you are and work from there.

4. Clear Seeing—This quality is necessary to be an Immortal as otherwise you will be in darkness. What you are is awareness. This acts similar to water in the sense that it will meld with whatever object which exists and in whatever space in which it exists. Strongly connected to clear seeing is will as it is through intention or will which an act is performed. Thus, while it takes a strong will and good intentions to achieve something worthwhile, one must also be sure that one’s actions are optimal. Indeed, “The road to Hell is filled with good intentions.”


Practice: I connect to clear seeing by activating the 6th chakra and also by asking the Holy Spirit of Truth to be activated in my being each day. I will often try to see what is in front of my face while shaving and this is a great time to ask for the Holy Spirit of Truth to lead you throughout the day with new insights, original models, and various connections. 

5. Allowing God’s Love to flow—This is a practice as much as a quality, but I include this here because it is through God’s Love that one may love. Please note: I would not love other people, except someone who is a dedicated follower of Jesus. Anyone in the world is controlled by Satan and thus I would not love them. By God’s Love, healing of traumas and pain in the body can be transmuted.

Practice: Each morning I activate an energy bandage which I wrap around my entire body. I ask God to fill this light bandage with His Love and for this bandage to be activated day and night, thus allowing for healing. Prayer: “Father, right here, right now, I ask you to help me wrap this energy bandage around my body. Please fill this bandage with your Love, healing self-hate, traumas, implants, and all negativity. Let your love flow throughout my body day and night. Thanks, God!”


6. Centered in the body—This is shifting one’s awareness from the brain with its endless conversations with itself to the awareness in the body. As one connects one’s awareness or presence to the body, the body will wake up! With some practice, you will start to feel the body’s animating energy; this energy is God. It is your “God Connection.” Thus, being an Immortal is centering one’s attention of the body while intending for it to vibrate at the Immortal Frequency.


Practice: This is done throughout the day, but I use my 1 hour meditation practice each day to focus on the body. All thoughts, memories, or mind stuff is redirected to the body. This will take intense effort as the mind is like a wild horse: It will run every which a way when you try to catch it. As you connect with the body’s animating energy, you allow your presence to merge so that your awareness and the body’s animating energy are as one. The is the secret of being Immortal.


7. Gratitude—This is praising God for all of His wonderful blessings! I practice this while taking a shower as this is a great time to sing praises to God for the gift of life.

Practice: “Father, Thank you for the gift of life! Thank you for every breath I take. Please let me praise you in physical form on this planet forever. Thanks, God!”  I do this practice while showering and helps me get by physically and spiritually clean.


8. Honor—This is a higher-ordered quality which can only be fully activated when the 8th chakra is activated. This is your connection to your Higher Self. One needs a strong will in order to be honorable. An honorable person will keep his word and thus is trustworthy. There needs to be clear seeing, however, to determine if the situation is one which should just be ignored or if it is one in which core principles are at stake.

Example: Say you are offered a job which pays twice your present salary. But the company is well-known in the industry as cheating clients out of their life savings. As an honorable man you would not want to be near darkness and thus will reject the job offer. For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world but lose his very own soul?


9. Honoring the Truth—This is an advanced high-ordered quality. It combines two qualities: Honor and Truth. To honor the truth is to keeping making corrections until a clear path merges. To see truth, the 6th chakra and clear seeing will be activated (see quality 4 above). Note that what other people think is of no importance in this matter.

Example: Honoring the Truth is the insight that 1 data point can overthrow everything! (See what Jesus has to say about this in Saying 67 of the Gospel According to  Thomas). Thus, I know that demons exist because I have encountered Jonathan Vernick and discovered that many of his activities originate from the 5th dimension. Vernick has Satan-like powers which includes entering people’s minds with the intention of controlling them, controlling people’s voices, and implanting thoughts. Since I have seen him operate a dozen times or so I have no doubt my interpretation is correct. Once one sees that demons are real, then to honor the truth one is forced to ask: How is Vernick able to enter people’s minds and control them? This is only possible if all minds are connected to an energy grid or a matrix. While the reader of a rational mindset will find my claims lacking in proof, I can only offer him my word of honor that they are accurate.  


10. Wisdom—This is the highest of qualities to acquire. It’s a balance between going too far to the left or too far to the fight; it’s walking the tightrope in which the unity of opposites emerge. The study of Jesus’ words in the Gospel According to Thomas will be helpful in acquiring wisdom.

Example: “You can see the speck that in your brother’s eye, but you do not see the beam that is in your own eye. When you take the beam out of your own eye, then you will see clearly to take to speck out of your brother’s eye”---Jesus, Saying 26, The Gospel According to Thomas. This is a saying which might help lead one to wisdom: Spend most of your time and energy focused on your own weaknesses. For the most part, other people’s faults are of no concern to you as most people are dead. If you are in an unholy alliance with someone, then you will need to remove yourself from that situation as soon as possible.


Summary: In this essay, I have listed 10 qualities which are great for an Immortal to have. From a foundational view, a strong will, being able to concentrate, and good visualization skills are necessary for spiritual progress. Clear seeing is the activation of the 6th chakra and is connected to the Spirit of Truth. This will allow for making better decisions each day. Taking time to praise God each day is great! Allowing God’s Love to heal you of pain is transformative. Higher-ordered qualities such as Honor, Truth, and Wisdom will be acquired as one intends them to do so. Note that being in error or making a mistake is great as this allows one to make corrections and thus get nearer to the truth.

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