Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Questions To Ponder

1. Who am I?

This question forms the beginning of any inquiry. What you are is awareness. This awareness or presence is trapped in the brain filled with “mind stuff” such as the recall of memories, stories, and internal dialogue. To shift your presence from the brain, one will want to detach from the mind stuff. The awareness which sees your internal dialogues is called the “watcher.” It is what you are: God stuff. So one’s awareness or consciousness connects one to God since it is made of God. To experience this connection one will need to leave the ego brain and activate the 8th chakra which is located outside the brain. 

2. Is there life after death?

This is a key question each person will answer through how he lives his life. Based upon the fact that you are presence which is separate from your body and your brain there are two leading hypotheses about what happens after one dies:

 a. This awareness or consciousness is part of God and since God is immortal, then so are you.

b. This awareness is part of God and when you die this returns to God and that is the end of you.

In my view, the latter hypothesis stated in part ‘b’ is correct. Part of the problem with the first conjecture is how an disembodied energy can form any images and have any awareness of what is happening. After all, presence is formless and is more akin to water in the sense that it will merge with whatever container which is available. From both cautionary principles and by Occam Razor (“among competing hypotheses choose the most elegant”), I believe assuming there is no conscious existence after life is a wise one. From looking at the arguments put forth for after life (e.g., “Near-death experiences”) I estimate that there is a 5% chance that this position is correct. The naturalistic claim that death is the end of life appears to be correct. Thus, I would be very fearful about staking my very life on believing there is life after death as if you are wrong, then you are dead.


 3. What is the purpose of my life?

The answer to this question will determine your life’s work. Given that you are “God stuff,” it would logically follow the only purpose to life to be connected to God. Praise is the greatest form of worship. Praise God for every breath you take! Praise God for the gift of life. Praise God!

 4. How should I treat other people?

Given the insight that you are connected to God and nearly everyone in the world is controlled by the mind stuff which is the product of the Ego brain, there is no connection between you and other people. Ideally, one would interact with human beings through “truth consciousness” which is a dedication to the truth. Thus, one will honor the truth by seeking wisdom. Wisdom will tell you it is almost always best to avoid human beings when possible. Humans are divided into multiple sub-personalities, entities, and various implants such as traumas. Fundamentally, humans are insane. They are in darkness. Thus, the best way to treat other people is to avoid them whenever possible; when one is force to interact with a human, one will come in peace. Note Jesus commanded us to hate our father, to hate our mother, to hate our sisters and to hate our brothers (Saying 55, The Gospel According To Thomas). This is excellent advice as human beings are dead.


5. How can I be saved?

Salvation is right here, right now, on planet earth. The Kingdom of God is here! Salvation comes through a moment-by-moment connection with the Living Father. This God connection will be strengthen as you stay connected to the body’s animating energy and can feel this animating energy as it vibrates in your body.


6. Why does God allow mankind to suffer?

To suffer is to be disconnected from God and to be connected to people. Indeed, people are hell and thus when people know they are going to die they often are relieved as the pain and suffering connected to dealing with humans is unimaginable! When one suffers, this is an invitation to come home. Become a child again. Stay connected to God and God alone. By not associating or dealing with humans, all suffering will then cease.


7. What is the open secret?  

The open secret is that at some point the end of the world will occur. It does not take a social scientist to realize that the way things are going are unsustainable; thus, the vast majority of people on this planet will be eliminated. I recently spoke with a Rabbi, R. David Temple, at the University of California at Berkeley (UC Berkeley) near Sproul Hall. He gave me a handout with various numerical calculations which showed that the end of the world will be on October 1, 2018. Note this is the year 5779 in the Hebrew calendar and October is the 7th month in the Jewish system. The Rabbi claimed that the first destruction of Jerusalem occurred in 70 A.D. and that 70 years after the re-establishment of Israel will be the end. Note that modern-day Israel was founded on May 14, 1948 and 70 years after this is May 14, 2018.  While this appears to be more speculative than proof, the Rabbi’s analysis does point to a larger awareness that this present system will not hold for much longer. See: Update Your Calendars for October 1st, 2018 - Patheos.

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