Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Staying Permanently Connected to the Vibrating Body: The Key To Being an Immortal

1. Physical Immortality occurs as the body and Spirit unite as one. This transformation means a shift from the ego brain to the body. No amount of thinking will connect you to God: The God Connection = Body’s Animating Energy.  So the Immortal has shifted his focus from the brain to the Spirit. Note that the Bindu Chakra will be activated as this God Connection occurs. See: Bindu Chakra - Yoga in Daily Life and Images for bindu chakra.

2. Jesus is the animating energy, the fire, which wakes up the body. His Spirit, the Holy Spirit of Truth, is activated in the heart of each follower. As Jesus said, “Whoever is near me is near the fire, and whoever is far from me is far from the Kingdom” (Saying 82, The Gospel According To Thomas).


3. To Activate this Spirit-Body Connection I have a morning prayers which are said aloud and which connects me to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit:

a) “Father—I give you everything: My life, my heart, my soul, my mind, my very being. Please give me the strength to do your will this day. Thanks, God!” This is the Holy Vow which is said the first thing upon waking up each morning. It is your direct connection with God!


b) “Yeshua—Your words are life! May your sayings vibrate at the Immortal Frequency, allowing all who call upon your name to be saved. Thanks, Yeshua!” This prayer is said before my study of Jesus’ sayings in the Gospel According To Thomas. Note: Jesus' birth name is "Yeshua" in Aramaic.


c) “Holy Spirt of Truth—Please come into my heart and show me insights, original models and connections which will lead to eternal life. Also, help me make corrections when I am in error. Keep me safe and protected and allow for some joy today. Thanks, Holy Spirit of Truth!” This is the third prayer said aloud each morning and will connect you to God’s Spirit.


4. The straightforward way to stay connected to the body is through consciously connected breathing. This method is taught in Michael Brown’s course, The Presence Process, and will lead to purification. While simple to describe, it is difficult to do for 20 minute periods. It merely involves connecting the in breath to the out breath without stopping. When in public this is done with the mouth open so that one receives extra oxygen to the brain. Also, if one gulps air during one’s meditation practice, this will help stimulate the pineal gland. See: The Presence Process: A Healing Journey Into Present ... - Amazon.com.


5. Disconnect from the world and stay connected to God and God alone—This is a radical shift in which one has organized one’s life so that one does not have to deal with other people. With this goal in mind, you will be able to find ways to live independently with minimal contact with humans. I once took a seminar, “Your money or your life,” in which the speaker laid out various strategies in how one can live without working. Bluntly speaking: If you have a job which requires you to constantly interact with human beings, then you are fucked!  See: Your Money or Your Life: 9 Steps to Transforming Your ... - Amazon.com.


6. If the dear reader’s goal is stay connected to God and God alone, then he can start where he is. One day you might recycle your television, computer and apple phone. The next day you might move to a city where no one knows you and start over with a new relationship with God. Ask God for His help in staying connected to Him.


7. Feeling the body to vibrate during the day is a sign that you are on the path to becoming an Immortal. Throughout the day I take 2-3 minutes “mini-meditation sessions” in which I connect my awareness to my body’s animating energy. Readers are invited to study my book review of The Power of Now and see the meditation practices recommended on pages 60-65 of the text. Please note that it took me about a year in order to feel my inner body and so it might take you a few months in order for the body to wake up.  See: Book Review: Practicing The Power Of Now and study points 6 and 7.


8. The role of marijuana in becoming an Immortal is an interesting one: Somehow you need to shift your awareness from your ego brain to the body. To do this, one will need to activate the 8th chakra which is located outside the brain. By God’s design, marijuana will allow work with one’s intention when it is aligned with God’s Will. The insightful reader will immediately see: Marijuana=Intention at the Spiritual Level. Because Jesus is the animating energy in everything (Saying 77, The Gospel According To Thomas), one is using marijuana in order to access Jesus. I do not know if this activation can occur without using marijuana.


9. Before going into public I ask for my guardian angles to protect me: “Holy Spirit of Truth—Please allow my guardian angles to create a white light surrounding my body which will protect me from all harm. Anyone who intends harm will have this negativity returned to him seven-fold. Thanks, Holy Spirit!” This white-light protection takes a few seconds and it is said as I walk out the door. Because there are psychic vampires which eat other people’s life force, one will want to be protected from harm. This will also protect your from physical harm.


Summary: Being an Immortal is living from the Living One. Your natural state as a child was one of being Immortal. Once your became self-conscious, sadly, you lost your God Connection. Jesus’ sayings in The Gospel According To Thomas are designed to reconnected you to the Living Father. This connection is through the body as the body unites with the Spirit. May each reader keep seeking until he finds!

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