Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Constructing the Immortal Will, Part I

1. The final activation in being a Physical Immortal is the construction of the Immortal Will. This is a pole-like structure going above the head to the heavens, down through the body and then connected to the earth. The first step is to visualize this tube of white light as being connected to the Living Father. This light structure will go through the crown chakra (the top of the head). 

2. The light itself is Jesus. It is through Jesus that one connects with the Father at the Immortal frequency. This would follow since God is multi-dimensional formless intelligence. Thus, God, by His spoken word, will degree something and it will manifest via some blueprint or mechanism. In our case, the blueprint which allows for an Immortal connection is Jesus. In a sense, then, one might think of Jesus as a kind of physical form in which God manifests.

3. This God-Connection begins the first thing each morning by saying the Holy Vow aloud: “Father, I give you everything—My life, my heart, my mind, my soul, my very being. Please give me your strength to do your will this day. Thanks, God!” This invocation is your direct connection to God each day!
4. In The Resurrection Frequency Meditation Practice (this is a link to a post on this blog) one constructs the pole or tube above the head and shifts one’s consciousness or state of awareness to various levels which correspond to various frequencies. The first level is the Transpersonal Self which is located above the head. At this point, your awareness is detached from the Ego brain. I view the Transpersonal Self as being part of a circle-like field which surrounds the aura and is activated along with the core self. Note that the core or center is separate from the heart or the heart chakra. You might think of the core as being under the heart area or the inner heart. This is where your presence or awareness will be centered so that the ego brain with its endless chatter is shut off. Thus, there is non-verbal awareness. See: Higher Self - Transpersonal Self | Magical Path and Transpersonal Chakras and the Hara Line - Humanity Healing Network.

5. The Resurrection Frequency is activated by a daily study of Jesus’ words in the Gospel According to Thomas. Note that Thomas contains both pre-resurrected sayings and resurrected sayings. The pre-resurrected sayings will correlate with many of the sayings in the gospels written or approved by the Roman Catholics: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The Resurrected sayings are those which were given to those of Jesus’ inner circle and represent gnosis or higher spiritual insights. In any case, in my study of Thomas I accept all the sayings as those spoken at a high frequency. Before reading the sayings in Thomas aloud, I speak an invocation:

“Yeshua—Your words are life! May your words vibrate at the Resurrection Frequency, allowing me to be united with you as a Physical Immortal, right here, right now. Thanks, Yeshua!”

Note: Yeshua is what Jesus’ followers call him by as it is his Aramaic name. The insightful reader will see that the meditation practice and the reading of Jesus’ words are connected.

6. Once you have shifted your awareness from the Ego brain to your center, then the Holy Spirit of Truth is invited into your being. This is the Spirit which Jesus gives to each follower so that he is guided to eternal life. Each morning I invite the Spirit of Truth to guide my life: “Holy Spirit of Truth: Please direct my life this day. Show me new insights, connections, original models and help me make corrections when I am in error. Keep me safe and protected and allow for joy today. Thanks, Holy Spirit of Truth!”

7. The insightful reader will note that every morning the seeker renews his connection with the Father-Son-Holy Spirit. In my view, a serious error in many spiritual practices such as Buddhism is the failure to connect with God each day; these systems come dangerously close to being atheism and thus, outside of some “pie-in-the-sky” notion of reincarnation or higher plane of existence, they offer the seeker no help in achieving eternal life. Of course, Christians who are followers of Roman Catholics, expect some existence after their death; Jesus, however, taught the Kingdom of God is right here, right now on planet earth:

Jesus said, "If your leaders say to you, 'Look, the Kingdom of God is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the Kingdom of God is within you and it is outside you"

Jesus, saying 3, The Gospel According to Thomas.

His disciples said to him, "When will the kingdom come?"
"It will not come by watching for it. It will not be said, 'Look, here!' or 'Look, there!' Rather, the Kingdom of God is spread out upon the earth, and people don't see it."

Jesus, saying 113, The Gospel According To Thomas. 

8. This essay is the first part in constructing the Immortal Will. The other parts include being connected to the body and being connected to the earth. I will take these other parts up in due course.

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