Tuesday, May 9, 2017

How To Be An Immortal

The following essay gives some pointers on being an Immortal. By “Immortal” I mean living in physical form on planet Earth forever. Please note that each person will have to find his own way to being an Immortal. Because each person brings his own strengths, and weaknesses, he will have to start where he is. Should the seeker like any support in his quest for eternal life, then feel free to email me at safeway7354@gmail.com.  As the public at large verifies that Immortality is possible, there will be a revival of the Jesus Movement.

1. True Will For Immortality—This first step begins with the opening to the possibility of being transformed into an Immortal. This step will eliminate the vast majority of people as they will usually fall into the following groups: Those who do not care about eternal life and thus will die at their appointed time and that will be the end of them; those who are “wise” and know that Immortality is not possible; those who have accepted Satan’s lies that there is some nebulous life after death. This first step requires an opening and then you can see what happens.

a. The goal in being an Immortal is to unite the Spirit with the physical body. At this point in mankind’s development, science can offer nothing to shift the aging code and thus anything science says about this subject is a waste of time. Sure, eat your vegetables and avoid smoking tobacco and the like; but these practices won’t transforming your physical body or stop it from aging. Seekers are invited to study Saying 29 for additional insights.

b. After accepting the possibility of Immortality, a next step might be to take concrete actions which aligns with your goal. The Thomas Immortality Project blog offers many suggestions and you can start anywhere. A nice place to start may be to start each morning with the Holy Vow: “Father, I give you everything—my life, my heart, my soul, my very being. Please give me the strength to do your will this day. Thanks, God!” This is said aloud the first thing every morning and is your direct connection to God.  Note that Jesus said, “Fortunate is the person who has worked hard and found life” (Saying 58). 

2. The Immortal Will—This step is foundational as it requires a single-minded devotion to being an Immortal. If you have other goals such as taking care of your family, making money, or solving the world’s problems, then you have diverted your attention from “taking up the cross and following Jesus” (See Saying 55). 

a. The process of being an Immortal is as follows:
i. First one is in right standing before God. This is part of the purification process and one will give and accept forgiveness for the past and be committed to being Holy today.
 ii. The crown at the top of the head is activated (the “Bindu Chakra”).

iii.  The light, which is Jesus, is activated at the “Immortal Youthing” frequency.

iv.  One invites God to source you at this frequency moment by moment.

v. The Earth Chakra is activated at the Physical Immortal frequency so that you stay grounded to the Earth. 

b. Note that Jesus said, “I am the light that is over all things. I am all: From me all has come forth, and to be all has reached” (Saying 77). Thus, I recommend a morning devotion of 20-minutes which will include a few minutes of study of Jesus’ sayings in The Gospel of Thomas. These are words of Jesus spoken in Aramaic and have been untouched by the Roman Catholics. Please note that the New Testament scholar Bart Erhman has shown this is NT is a filled with 100’s of forgeries and thus cannot be used as a source of Jesus’ words. Two examples of such forgeries are Mark 16:9-20 and John 7:53-8:11. See The Bart Ehrman Blog

c. A daily meditation practice of intending for the body to vibrate at the Immortal Youthing frequency will be necessary. My preference is to use marijuana and lay down and focus on the body while keeping thoughts at bay. Note that God created plants, herbs, and vegetation for mankind’s benefit (See Genesis 1: 11-12, 29). In any case, concentrated meditation as a daily practice will be necessary. I do this for 1 hour per day and combine it with taking a nap or going to sleep. The seeker is invited to find a practice that works for him and then keep at it. 

3.  Constructing the Immortal Will—This is a spiritual-engineered construct which is created by intention. It is a pole-like structure which goes above the head through the front of the body and connects with the Earth.  The Chinese use a similar construct called the “Central Meridian” while other systems call it the “Column.”  Also, in the Jewish Kabbalah there is a spiritual construct called the “mer-ka-ba” which the seeker might like to investigate. See: Merkaba - Meaning and How to Use...

4. Connect Your Immortal Will With the Father—This is a permanent connection which will moment by moment active the Immortal Youthing frequency. This connection is done through uniting with Jesus as his Twin. 

a. The Ego must be deactivated in order to be sourced by the light. The Ego is an artificial construct which exists in the left hemisphere of the brain and is under the dominion of Satan. According to the “Ego-Alien” Hypothesis, Satan sucks up the life energy of each person via the Ego. There is a nice balance in which Satan and his demons will allow the individual to get strokes by other people while the Super Ego will constantly punish the person for alleged misdeeds. Please note that nearly all human beings are controlled by their Ego and thus free will is an illusion. Please see the post, “Games People Play: A Multidimensional Perspective” for additional insights. See: Games People Play: A Multidimensional Perspective

b. The Immortal Will is activated as the Wisdom center, the heart is opened to God’s unconditional Love, and the belly button area is activated. Note that this last activation is called the “Hara” in Zen and is the source of the body’s Chi or Qi. The goal is to let go and let God by allowing the life energy to flow freely. 

5. I wish to thank each reader who has taken time to read this post. By your kind attention, you are assisting in a world-wide transformation which will grow like a mustard seed: Although it is the smallest of seeds, it will grow into large plants given the right soil. You have the opportunity to transform the world as you spread the Good News: Eternal Life is available right here, right now as you set the world on fire! 

Quick Book Reviews:

1. The Gospel According To Thomas: Coptic Text Established And Translated by A. Guillaumont, H.-Ch Puech, G. Quispel, W. Till, and Yassah ‘Abd Al Mashih (Harper and Row, San Francisco, 1959). This text is of historic importance as it is the first English translation of the Coptic Gospel of Thomas. Note that The Gospel of Thomas was found in 1945 as part of the Nag Hammadi Library, along with 48 other texts. It took scholars 14 years to go through these documents and they discovered that the Copic Gospel of Thomas was in fact the same Greek Gospel found by the British explorers Hunt and Grenfell in 1896 and 1904. I recommend this translation as it is a word-for-word translation and the authors attempt to keep the phrasing as literal as possible. Nearly all the later translations have intentionally corrupted the language for their own purposes. An example is Marvin Meyer’s text which uses gender neutral language by avoiding the term “man” (see saying 8 as an example in which he uses the term “humankind”). As a Jew who lived nearly 2,000 years ago, I am afraid Jesus was not as politically correct as Mr. Meyer and the rest of the present-day scholars are. See: Guillaumont, First Edition - AbeBooks.

2. The Other Gospel: Accounts of Jesus outside the New Testament by Bart Ehrman and Zlaiko Plese (Oxford University Press, 2014). This is a reference book of 39 sources which claim to include the words of Jesus. Nearly all of them are fraudulent and most date hundreds of years after 30 A.D. (when Jesus was resurrected). For the most part these accounts are just part of various traditions as the Jesus Movement ended by 70 A.D. (with the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem) and these accounts are pure inventions. However, the Thomas student will benefit from this text as in academic circles there are always references to various “Gospels” such as the “Gospel of Judas” and the “Gospel of the Hebrews”. The reader can finish this text in just 3-4 hours as Ehrman gives a 2-3 page summary of the source and then provides an English translation. I just scanned the various sources as they are of no value in knowing what Jesus taught. See: The Other Gospels: Accounts of Jesus from Outside the ... - Amazon.com

3. Practicing the Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. This is a workbook with dozens of suggestions of how the seeker can rid himself of the Ego and be sourced by God. The seeker might read a page or two and then reflect upon Tolle’s suggestions. This is a nice introduction into spirituality for those who are so inclined. See: Practicing the Power of Now: Essential Teachings ... - Amazon.com.

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