Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Some Notes On Becoming an Immortal

1. The first step in becoming an Immortal is a quiet brain. This means the various parts of your brain are silent. This step is essential since the goal is to allow God to source you moment by moment at the Immortal Youthing Frequency. If there is unnecessary brain activity in the form of mental chatter, then the Ego is in control. When the Ego is in control of the brain, the Immortal energy will not be allowed to flow throughout the body. So the first step: Kill the Ego!

2. One of the purposes of meditation is to quiet the brain. My practice is for an hour a day. But I encourage any seeker to start with 10-minutes breath awareness practice: For 10 minutes be attentive to your breath. Each time a thought arises, redirect the focus to your breath. Whatever you do, for 10 minutes concentrate on the rhythm of the in-breath and out-breath. Most people will find this practice quiet challenging. The goal is to silence the brain for 10 minutes. 

3. When thoughts arise—which they still arise from time to time in my case—they usually are on some past event. My immediate response: “I wish to close the door on the past so that God’s Love can flow.” Only by being present each moment can God’s unconditional love flow throughout the body.

4. The single-minded devotion to being an Immortal is foundational. While an Immortal can have a relationship with a female, I believe that as an initiate (one who is a seeker of eternal life) it’s better to stay away from them as they can be a distraction from the quest of Immortality. The parable of the wise fisherman comes to mind: The fisherman nets a slew of fish and among them is one large fish. So the wise fisherman throws all the smaller fish back into the sea so that he can treasure his big catch. Here we see the big catch is worth more than all the small stuff put together. Seekers are invited to study Saying 8 for additional insights. 

5.Strengthening the Immortal Will is done via practices such as morning devotions, affirmations, and new challenges. All the practices should be in alignment with the goal of being an Immortal. The French have a term for the level of obsession one needs to have, idée fixe, in order to be an Immortal. If being an  Immortal is just a nice idea, then I’m afraid it won’t happen for you. 

6. Being an Immortal is a moment-by-moment affair. There is no future in which you will be an Immortal; instead it will happen moment by moment. Recently, I have been reflecting on some of the ideas of Eckhard Tolle’s text, Practice the Power of Now (See: Practicing the Power of Now: Essential Teachings ... - Amazon.com). Tolle does a great job in elucidating the two tracks the brain can be on : a) The silent present with clear seeing or b) The Ego brain with its constant upsets. Please note that while these two tracks are mutually exclusive, one will usually alternate between them. The moment you are aware of mental chatter, at the moment you are on the Enlightened track.

7. Question: Who am I?
     Answer: I am the son of the Living Father. 

The discovery that you are being sourced by Consciousness at the quantum level means you could not exist outside of God’s Love. Being the son of the Living Father means one is unified with Jesus at the Resurrection Frequency. While one can have a God connection without Jesus, this connection will not be at the Resurrection Frequency and thus you will not be an Immortal. The seeker might like to try an affirmation such as: “Jesus, Let me be resurrected with you at the Immortal Frequency, right here, right now. Thanks, Jesus.”

8. To keep the brain in top shape, I recommend doing challenging puzzles on a regular basis. The key is to be in error about a solution and then try another idea. Chess puzzles are great because they reveal an insight into the limits of the human brain: Even top grandmasters only think 4-5 moves ahead (or 8-10 half moves). The trick is to consider all possible options and out of them finding the ones which forces your opponent to make a move (or otherwise limits the opponent’s options). Here we find out that in thinking accuracy is key; the depth of the search is usually just 3-4 moves. So while any schoolboy can be taught how to think ahead 4 moves, few can do so with accuracy and this is the difference between the beginner and the master. So a few puzzles a day will be helpful in concentrating the brain and teaching flexibility and creativity.

9. The seeker will need to access where he is and what he needs to work on. Here are some areas which might need attention: 

* Purification—This is the process by which one is in right standing with God. This means all traumas of the past are heals. One might activate a light energy bandage around the trauma and ask for God’s Love to heal the trauma. 

* Unholy Relationships—If you are in a relationship with a human being, it is likely that it is unholy. You will need to leave this relationship as soon as possible.

* Low Self-Esteem—This is a hidden dis-ease which afflicts a lot of people. Try to identify with it by allowing your awareness to unite with the negative energy. This quiet focus with allow for transformation.

10. The seeker will need to activate the Transpersonal Self outside the brain. This will allow for intuitive right-brain thinking. Also, the Ego will be seen as an artificial construct lodged in the left hemisphere of the brain. In time, you can deactivate the ego at will. At this point, you are Enlightened! So what am I? I am awareness. But whose awareness? You think your awareness is your own; this is the error. In fact, the awareness itself is God! Combined with awareness is will or intention. For 99.99% of human beings, they will be unaware of their brain’s activity as they think that’s what they are. Please note that the ego is controlled by Satan and other non-human entities whose purpose is to take your awareness or life force and use God’s energy for its own self-destructive ends.

11. Becoming an Immortal is easy. This moment I can be aware of my breath. This moment I can allow God’s Love to flow through my body. This moment I can be open to the possibility of something new happening. May each moment be one of infinite blessings!




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