Tuesday, May 2, 2017

12 Affirmations and Activations for the Thomas Immortality Project

This essay outlines the affirmations and activations mentioned on the Thomas Immortality Project. They are models which the seeker of eternal life might find helpful. Seekers are encouraged to create their own wordings and their own activations as obtaining Immorality will be unique for each individual.  I have organized them in one post so that you might be able to activate them as the Spirit moves. As a note of distinction, affirmations are intentions spoken aloud while activations are spiritual constructs which one creates by intention. As always, everything is done in accordance to the will of God. 
1. Holy Vow“Father, I give you everything—My life, my heart, my soul, my very being. Please give me your strength to do your will this day. Thanks, God!”
This is said the first thing upon waking up each morning. It is your direct connection to God. It acknowledges your dependence upon God and puts the Ego in its place.

2. Activating Jesus’ Words—“Yeshua, your words are life! Please activate them at the Immortal Frequency, allowing me to be resurrected with you as a Physical Immortal. Thanks, Yeshua!.” 

This activation is said aloud before reading Jesus’ words in The Gospel of Thomas. To be an Immortal, one needs to be sourced by the Light which connects you to the Living Father. This Light is Jesus (see Saying 77). Also, note that Jesus' birth name is Yeshua and is what his followers call him by.

3. Immortal Prayer— “Father, Thank you for the gift of life! Thank you for every breath I take. Moment by moment source me at the Immortal Frequency, allowing me to be a Physical Immortal, right here, right now. Thanks, God!”
This prayer is part of the morning devotion which includes prayers, the study of Jesus’ words, and devotion to God. Note that Immortality occurs each moment as it arises. One might want to spend a few minutes offering praise to God for life!

4. Spirit of Truth—“I invite the Spirit of Truth to be activated in my heart, allowing for compassion and forgiveness while honoring wisdom and truth. Thanks, Holy Spirit!” 

Here we activate the Spirit of Truth during one’s morning devotion. This is a gentle Spirit which will prompt you with insights and things to do which are in alignment with your Highest Purpose.  It’s a great idea to listen to this and do whatever God would have you do.

5. Holiness Prayer— “Father, have mercy upon me. Forgive me for all wrongs I have done to you, to others and myself. Please remove and protect me from all evil, traumas, and demonic influences. Let me be Holy even as you are Holy! Thanks, God!”
This prayer is part of the purification process. The goal is to be in right standing before God. It is said each day during one’s morning devotion. 

6. Activating the Immortal Will—“Right here, right now, I activate my Immortal Will. I activate my wisdom center, my heart, and my vitality center. After these have been activated I construct a pole-like structure which goes from above my head to beneath the earth. I turn my will over to God so that I can serve him as an Immortal. Thanks, God!” 

The spiritual construction of the Immortal Will is replacing one’s Ego for God. Note that nearly all human beings are controlled by the Ego which is controlled by Satan. The Ego’s purpose is to keep you disconnected from God. The three centers, the wisdom center (located in the middle of the forehead or “third eye”), the love center (associated with the heart chakra), and the vitality center (associated with the belly button or navel region) are activated here.

7. Resurrecting With Jesus—  

“Jesus asks you, ‘Who are you?”  

“I am the child of the Living Father.”

“Have you turned your will over to the Father?”

“Yes, Jesus, I have constructed my Immortal Will and turned it over to God.”

“What is the proof of God in you?"

“It is God’s Spirit moving in me and my rest on God’s Holy Day, the 7th day of the week.”

“Very well, my son. I now baptize you in the Name of the Father, in the name of the Son, and in the name of the Holy Spirit. Arise up and be resurrected with me as an Immortal!”

“Thanks, Jesus!”
This unification with Jesus is the start of a new life! Note that the baptism will be in water in which you will be fully immersed. This ritual is a public declaration that you are a follower of Jesus. 

8. Activating the Light Consciousness—“Right here, right now, I ask for my life force to rise from the base of my spine to the top of my head and then just outside my head. This is my Higher Self which connects me with God and allows me to deactivate the Ego brain.” 

On an earthly plane, the seeker’s consciousness will be what in  Zen is called the Hara or in the Chinese system the Tan Tien chakra. This is associated with the belly button and is the source of Chi or one’s life force. Note that those in the Ego brain have their consciousness in the forefront of their brain and thus will be controlled by Satan. When one is centered in the Hara, thoughts cease since one is connected to the Immortal energies of the earth.  By entering the light, one can be sourced by God. See: The Hara: Center of balance - Alchemy Realm.

9. Activating the Earth Chakra—“Right here, right now, I activate the earth chakra at the Immortal Frequency. May each step I take be filled with these higher frequency as I stay grounded to the earth. Thanks, God!”
This activation keeps you grounded to the earth. You are meant to live on this planet in physical form forever. Any idea that there is life after death is part of Satan’s lies. Thus, one is sourced by both heaven and earth at the Immortal Frequency. 

10. Light Bandage for Healing—“Right here, right now, I construct a light bandage which is filled with God’s unconditional love. It will heal any trauma, and any source of pain. I ask this bandage to continue to be activated throughout the day, allowing healing to take place as God wills. Thanks, God!”
This activation can be used for any specific need for healing. This can be physical, spiritual or psychological. It can be used as part of the purification process. Note that it is God’s Love which does the healing. 

11.  Guidance Prayer—“Father, please help me in solving the following problem or situation: ---------------------. Please intervene to resolve this problem as you will. Thanks, God!” 
This prayer or request is asking for God’s help in any of life’s situations. Note that resolving any problem one works in cooperation with God as “God helps those who help themselves.” Have faith that as a Child of the Living Father everything will work out for the Highest Good.

12. Original and creative insights each day—“Right here, right now I ask that I be open to at least one new insight today. Thanks, God!”
This is the last of our activations and it is part of the morning devotion. Only by seeking can one find. Each day offers many opportunities to see what is in front on your face ( Saying 5). The insights may be very basic such as seeing how you have repeated the same pattern over and over or seeing through the games of other people.

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