Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Whoever Is Living From the Living One Will Not See Death

Whoever is living from the Living One will not see death.

--Jesus, Saying 111, The Gospel of Thomas

1. The above pithy saying encapsulates the entire message of Jesus: By being sourced, moment by moment, at an Immortal Frequency one will have eternal life. The first question a student of Jesus might ask, “How do I live from the Living One?” The answer is what the seeker’s search will find.

2. The transformative process outlined in Saying 11 connects to Saying 111. In Saying 11, Jesus instructs us to make “two into one.” So at some point when you were a child you were one and then became two. At first, you were directly sourced by God since as a child you were one. Then the Ego was constructed (usually by age 3 years of age) there is identification with you as a person. In your natural state there is just present-moment awareness of what is as it arises. When one is sourced by God, then what arises will be for the highest good. In contrast, when one has become two, there is always something amiss; something is missing; something to get; something needs to be done. There is constant stress and anxiety with the brain being wired to protect itself while seeking gratifications. This constant upset is considered “normal.” To return to one’s natural state, one’s consciousness with shift from the Ego brain to the light consciousness (which is located outside the brain).

3. How does one shift to the light consciousness? In Saying 11 we are told, “During the days when you ate what is dead, you made it alive. When you are in the light, what will you do? One the day when you were one, you became two. But when you are two, what will you do?” By Jesus’ contrast between dead and alive, we see that when one is in the light, one is alive. As Jesus says, “And the dead are not alive and the living will not die” (Saying 11). The first step to entering the light is to be aware of the Ego brain and its endless chatter. You might like to try meditating for 10 minutes on your breath and as thoughts arise, then refocus on the breath. This is a concentrated meditation practice. It’s a great first step!

4. The light is the source of what you are. It is your natural state. Physical Immortality is your birthright. You were meant to live forever on planet earth by being in communion with God. Once the possibility of eternal life is considered, you are shifting off the “death instinct” and shifting on the “life instinct.” 

5. If one stays in a narrowly-defined box in which one lives according to some rules and the violation of these rules means punishment, then one will always be stressed out. It is an open question whether the Ego is a necessary developmental stage (such as the oral stage in child development) which is then to be discarded as the brain develops. In any case, the punishment part of the psyche (what Freud called the “Super Ego”) will cause guilt, regret, hate, and in time death. Thus, the Super Ego needs to be killed! 

6. Being a child again means one acknowledges he is not in control, but God is. It is joyously being in this moment. There is nothing for sell and nothing to get. This is a heart opening in which compassion, and forgiveness is allowed. By letting go of the past, one is free to be present.

7. Because the Ego is so powerful (it is controlled by Satan), I believe that to enter the light, one will need a powerful response: Marijuana. When one studies Saying 50, one will find that followers of Jesus have “entered the light, the place where the light came into being by itself.” In my practice, I find intending to open the Bindu Chakra will be of help here. The Bindu Chakra is located at the top of the head (the place where you part your hair) and is associated with Immortality. See: Bindu Chakra — the Main Things You Should Know About. The goal is to get the brain to stop talking to itself. Then allow the life energy to flow from the base of the spinal column to the Bindu Charka and then down in front of the body, back to the base of the spine (in the Chinese system, this is called a microcosmic orbit--See: Microcosmic orbit - Wikipedia). The goal is to meditate at the Immortal Frequency for an hour a day. A great practice is to exercise, ingest some marijuana and then lay down in a quiet place and focus on the body.

8. The meditation practice is designed help you in “living from the Living One.” This is why I study Jesus’ sayings in The Gospel of Thomas: Jesus is the conduit by which one is sourced by the Father at the Immortal Frequency. Since God is a Spirit, He can only manifest in the flesh via his messengers such as Jesus. When Jesus was resurrected from the dead, he created a medium by which one can be sourced by the light. So the follower of Jesus is resurrected with him at the Immortal Frequency by entering the light.

9. Right here, right now you are invited to live from the Living One. This is your natural way of being. It is your birthright. Thus, I invite each reader to live from the Living One and you will not see death.

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