Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Brainstorming Some Ideas for the Thomas Immortality Blog

1. Enlightenment—The dissolution of the Ego can be brought about by eliminating the story telling function of the brain. This construct is separate from the Ego but is usually in constant communication with it. The Ego cannot operate without this function. Thus, the “story function” will constantly offer interpretations of life events and rehash them. It disconnects one from God. All the time one is reviewing events from the past, say, one is feeding the Ego. Note that the Super Ego, a punishing part of the brain, gets its energy from the Ego. Here’s how the model works:
a. God sources life energy for each person.

b. Satan and his demons steal the life energy from humans via the Ego/Super Ego.

c. The Ego is constantly engaged in psychic energy exchanges based upon its interpretation of various events or based on stories.

d. The Super Ego will constantly judge others in a negative manner. Satan uses this negativity to steal energy from the person.

2. Once the story telling function is shut off there is silence. The Ego has nothing to talk to. Usually, when one has a feeling, the story telling function will offer a “reason” for it. This “reason” is an invention and in fact the reason you feel a certain way is because: a) You were wired at birth with certain traits that are unique to you, b) A program controlled by Satan will use the Ego to cause certain feelings to arise. Note that the events which occur are also sourced by Satan. So if Satan wants a 100 million people in complete outrage, it will see to it that Donald Trump is elected President of the USA. The allows for a feeding frenzy for Satan’s demons and various non-human entities. 

3. Jesus’ name in Aramaic is “Yeshua,” meaning "savior" or "deliverer" See: Yeshua - Wikipedia. This presents a problem: Do we use the English name or Jesus’ name as he referred to himself? Usually, I would opt to use the original name or in this case “Yeshua.” However, since the name Jesus is so embedded in our culture, I use this name since otherwise most people would be confused about whom I was referring .

4. Donald J. Trump is turning out to be the disaster everyone thought: A psychopath who will ignore all prior agreements or social norms to achieve his immediate objective. My concern: Russian strategists need to know that the United States will respond to any nuclear attack—whether it was started with Russia or not—with an immediate nuclear response. There can be no other response. Do I believe Trump will do this? No. There is a strong possibility that if Trump saw a political advantage in starting a war, then  he would behave in a provocative manner in order to prod other nation states to attack the USA or a country which is part of NATO. Then he very well might turn around and do nothing when the USA is attacked. From a game theory view, to do nothing when attacked will invite further attacks. Thus, I strongly encourage the American people demand that Trump be charged with treason for his collusion with Putin before Trump has a chance to start a war. There appears to be sufficient evidence to bring this charge. Please see my previous post, Readers: Demand Donald Trump Be Arrested For Treason! posted on November 14, 2016.

5. The advanced Thomas student will want several translations of the Gospel of Thomas. Included in these resources should be the original 1959 translation by A. Guillaumunt, et al. See: The Gospel According to Thomas by A Guillaumont Puech Quispel Till ....This text is a word-for-word translation which is literal as possible. 

Example: In Saying 3 we have the phrase,"You will know yourselves and you will know you are the sons of the Living Father” (emphasis mine). Nearly all modern-day translations use the term child or children to read “You are the children of the living Father” or “You are a child or the Living Father” (See Marvin Meyer’s translation as a case in point). Do the terms “sons” and “children” connote the same meaning? No. The term “son” implies a relationship which is a kind of partnership, albeit, the “father” is in a superior position. In contrast, the term “children” implies a complete dependency upon the parent. Thus, these two translations are not saying the same thing. Because each word in a phrase is important in decoding its meaning, we need to be careful, even if it is to the extent of being pedantic, in our study of the words of Jesus.  

6. “I have no regrets about yesterday and no anxiety about the future because I do the best I can today” –Paraphrase of Edward Snowden, the NSA whistleblower. This is excellent advice. While the present involves a life situation based up past events, the present can only be different in the future by acting with wisdom today. If we are mired in the past events, then we are on an endless loop which will cause stress and upset. What I try to do: To the best of my ability, I act honorably today. This includes being open to compassion and wisdom. Thus, there is always a tension between acting in a manner which is in one’s short-term advantage vs. acting in a manner which is in one’s long-term advantage. In Saying 6, Jesus tells us “not to lie” as all things which are hidden will eventually be known. See my previous post,  Jesus Says: “Do Not Lie…For There Is Nothing Hidden That Will Not Be Revealed” for additional insights.

7. When dealing with the world, I stay focused on what is happening before me. To the extent possible, I avoid judgments and just try to see. This stance follows Jesus’ advice in Saying 5: “See what is in front of your face and the hidden will be revealed.” 

8. In Saying 91, Jesus advises us to “test this moment.” I understand this testing to be an openness to the present moment and actively questioning one’s assumption or the assumptions of others. Often the assumptions are hidden or embedded in the language. From a cosmic perspective, this moment offers a glorious opportunity to commune and be sourced with God’s unconditional love as it vibrates at the Immortal Frequency. It is all there is.


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