Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Recommended Practices For the Thomas Immortality Project

1. Celibacy—This is a prerequisite for all spiritual development. From an Immortal viewpoint, the sexual energies must be allowed to rise from the base of the spine to the top of the head. If this energy is released via ejaculation, then it cannot be used to allow for youthing or rejuvenation. In my case, it took 6 months and about 40 failures before I achieved sexual mastery. So it may take the seeker some time in order to be whole. I would suggest that the seeker pray to God for strength. Please be clear: If you engage in ejaculation, you cannot be an Immortal. 

2. Fast From the World—This means to be connected to God and God alone; thus, one will limit his interactions with humans. Besides using a public computer for about 3 hours a week, I do not use a computer or access the internet. Also, I do not own a television set or have an Apple phone. I do read the local newspapers in which I spend about 3 hours per week in order to have a general sense of what is happening. Fasting from the world also means you have organized your life so that you do not have a job in which you engage with humans on a daily basis. In sum, the process of becoming an Immortal means one develops a relationship with God and God alone.

3. Meditation for 1 hour per day—If the seeker is just starting out, then 10 minutes of focusing on his breath is great! Then work from there and add 5 additional minutes of practice per week until you get up to 60 minutes. Also, note that 2-3 times a week I use marijuana as an aid to access a higher dimension which I combine with marijuana use. Essentially, this “higher dimension” is an energy center just above your head. When you are at this level, you will not be able to report on anything as there is a sense of boundlessness; this makes sense since without the brain there is not receiver which will allow you to record any information. Side note: People who claim to have out-of-body experiences, to have near-death experiences, or have contacted higher dimensional beings are probably deceived. Thus, while activating this energy center outside the brain is necessary in order to detach from the ego brain and then be re-centered in the body, I would not engage in any other practice which would  have my consciousness leave my body. 

4. Activating Jesus’ sayings to the Immortal Frequency—This is the cornerstone of the Thomas Immortal Project: Because Jesus’ sayings in The Gospel According To Thomas were recorded by his brother, Judas, after his Resurrection, they are already vibrate at the Immortal Frequency and thus by activating them before reading them aloud, the seeker will be united with the Immortal energies of Jesus. Note that it is only through Jesus one can be an Immortal as only his words are life! Also, note that one must be whole and centered in the body for the activation to work. Please see my previous post:  Original Model: “The Messianic Secret In the Gospel of Thomas” for additional insights. 

5. Returning to your core self—This is shifting one’s awareness from the ego brain with its incessant chatter to your core self. Note that the center of your core self is located below the breastbone (connected to the rib cage) and this is your true self. The false self was created when your parents forced you to be submit to their will; in fairness, the creation of the ego was probably an evolution development which allowed for social structures to exist. In any case, nearly all humans have their sense of awareness trapped in their brain. Note that when one is in the ego brain there is no free will as it controls you. Any idea that you have free will at this level is an illusion. Please see: Healing The Split: Becoming One Again by Returning To Your Core Self

6. Purification—This is the healing of traumas, feelings of being unworthy, self-hate, and memories of the past which cause guilt, shame, regret, and so forth. The goal is to be Holy even as God is Holy. Every morning I activate a light bandage which I wrap around the body and ask for God’s Love to flow through my being, allowing for healing. This takes about 20 seconds a day and is a highly recommended daily practice. 

7. Strengthening the Immortal Will—This is living one’s life with the single-minded goal of being a Physical Immortal. A great practice includes doing 50 pushups, 100 sit ups, and using weights on a regular basis. Try to do one new thing a day. Challenge yourself! Note that as one lives from his core self and has activated his transpersonal self the Immortal Will takes a life of its own and will help direct your life. Also, note that the Immortal Will works with The Spirit of Truth in guiding you to be an Immortal.

8. Wisdom—This is seeing things from a long-term view and considers the context of a situation. I would always error on the side of showing mercy than punishing someone who has fucked up. Of course, mercy has its limits and those who show no willingness to address the issues at hand may need to be dealt with accordingly. Along with Wisdom, one will want to cultivate other higher-order activations: Truth, Courage, Mercy, Faith, Honor, and Will. This is why the study of Jesus’ sayings in The Gospel of Thomas is helpful: Jesus’ sayings include all the necessary activations to achieve wisdom. Of course, one must seek wisdom and when one fucks up admit the error and then try to learn to do better in the future.

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