Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Commentary On Selected Passages in the Gospel of Thomas, Part III

Students are invited to study the previous commentaries:


19) “Whoever is living from the living one will not taste death”


--Saying 111


The phrase, “living from the living one” has two important insights for the Thomas student:

a) To be Resurrected with Jesus (the Living One) means one will not taste death. This Resurrection is both of one’s consciousness and the physical body.

b) This phrase can be paralleled to Saying 11, “In the days when you consumed what was dead you made it alive. When you are in the light, what will you do?” Please see the commentary on this passage: Commentary on Selected Passages from the Gospel of Thomas, Part II .

c) By a daily practice of marijuana-infused meditation one may activate the Immortal words of Jesus to the Immortal Frequency.  See: The Practice: Concentrating On the Body Vibrating at the Immortal Frequency .

20) “Adam came from great power and great wealth, but he was not worthy of you. For had he been worthy, he would not have tasted death”



--Saying 85

Here we see the first man, Adam, was an Immortal. His power was sourced directed from God. But when separated from the Source, he became unworthy. Implied in this saying: If one reconnects with the Dynamic Ground, one will not taste death. Note that Adam died a physical death and there is no understanding that he went anywhere after his death. So to be Immortal, it must happen as it happened to Adam: In one’s physical body, right here on planet earth.

21) “For there are five trees in Paradise for you; they do not change, summer or winter, and their leaves do not fall. Whoever knows them will not taste death”



--Saying 19

The trees in Paradise are Immortal as are the human beings who knows the trees. Clearly, this saying combines the metaphoric with the literal; thus, it is an open-ended saying as far as what the trees might represent. Two key insights: a) The trees do not change, and b) Knowledge leads to eternal life.


22) “The human being is like a sensible fisherman who cast his net into the sea and drew it up from the sea with little fish. Among them the sensible fisherman found a large, fine fish. He threw away all the little fish back into the sea and he chose the large fish effortlessly”


---Saying 8

This parable points to God’s wisdom: Choose the very best and stick with it while ignoring the small stuff. This saying is similar to the excellent advice of the management guru, Steve Covey: “Put First Things First”. See: First Things First: Stephen R. Covey, A. Roger Merrill ... - Amazon,



23) “I will give you that which eyes have not seen, ears have not heard, hands did not touch and minds have not conceived”



--Saying 17

The spiritual gifts imparted to Jesus’ followers are ineffable. There are no words to describe the transformation in consciousness: One moment you are there, the next moment all there is is God. When God has taken everything is the new vibrate now!  See: Transformations in Consciousness: The Metaphysics ... - Amazon.

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