Monday, January 23, 2017

The Rebirthing Process, Activating the Bindu Chakra, and Other Notes

1. As part of the rebirthing process, being born from above (Saying 22, Gospel of Thomas), it is recommended for the truth seeker to meditate for one hour a day. The practice includes: a) The Holy Vow, b) Activating the Spirit of Truth, c) Saying Jesus’ words aloud at the Immortal Frequency, d) Exercise, e) Use marijuana, f) lay down and meditate for an hour.

2. The marijuana-infused meditation is part of the rebirthing process as one connects his in-breath to his out-breath in a process called, “consciously-connected breathing.” Experimentally, this has been shown to have many benefits for the body and brain as it awakes. Please see: Rebirthing - Introduction Into This Highly Efficient Technique and Rebirthing - A Next Step.

3. The bindu chakra is located at the very top of your head, where the part is in your hair. Please see for a picture: Bindu Chakra — the Main Things You Should Know About.

5.The bindu chakra is associated with the light and the transpersonal self. I would conjecture that as this chakra is activated the 9th chakra (outside the head) is also activated. Please note that Immortality is a two-step process:

  1. To enter the light—this is activating the transpersonal self and seeing through the games of the ego.
  2. Activating the words of Jesus at the Immortal Frequency and allowing the body to vibrate at this frequency.
6. The will for Immortality is a foundational step in being an Immortal. Few people care about eternal life and thus when they die that will be the end of them. But a few have been chosen to accept the gift of eternal life: “I will choose you, one from a thousand and two from ten thousand. And they will stand as a single one” (Saying 23, Gospel of Thomas). The very fact that the reader has taken the time and interest to read about Jesus’ original message—the Kingdom of God is available right here, right now---demonstrates that he has been chosen. It will be up to him to gladly receive the words which lead to everlasting life!

7. On a political note: I view Donald J. Trump to be an evil being. My greatest concern is the real possibility of a limited nuclear war in which 50 million Americans (or so) are nuked. While Clinton had many flaws, I believe her experience as Secretary of State under the Obama administration served her well. In contrast, Trump is ill-informed about even basic matters and will make many beginner’s mistakes in foreign policy. Please see my previous analysis: Readers: Demand Donald Trump Be Arrested For Treason!

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