Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Physical Immortality Weekly Post: Marijuana-infused Practice and Other Notes

Note to readers: Today I will begin a new feature with this blog—a weekly column in which I will share insights about Physical Immortality. Unless events intervene, I shall post at least once a week. Readers are invited to post questions on www.thomasimmortality.blogspot.com or email me at www.safeway7354@gmail.com.

1) At this point, I have given the dedicated reader all he needs in order to receive the gift of eternal life. Although to my knowledge I am the only follower of Jesus today, I am uplifted that God would choose me to restore his Son’s original message. After all, Jesus was able to heal the sick, cast out demons, and perform many wonder miracles and yet they murdered him. Certainly, I do not expect any greater success than Jesus….

2) The activation of Jesus’ words at the Immortal Frequency is a foundational step in accepting the gift of eternal life:

a) Holy Vow: This is said aloud in the morning: “Father: I give you everything—my heart, my soul, my mind, my life. Please give me the strength to do you will this day. Thanks, God!”

b) Activate the Spirit of Truth into your heart.

c) Before reading a passage from the Gospel of Thomas, say aloud: “Please activate Jesus’ words to the Immortal Frequency so that I may be a Physical Immortal in 2017. Thanks, God!”

3) From my experience when one begins to activate Jesus’ words at the Immortal Frequency the following might happen:

a) Autosuggestion—at the beginning of the practice one might feel silly about saying the words of Jesus aloud. Just do it!

b) Faith—the consistent practice will in time activate faith as shifts will follow those who seek.

c) Magic—After a few months, the initiate can expect shifts in one’s being which will start to transform the aging code.

4) Marijuana-infused meditation is done daily. Some suggestions:

• After imbibing the cannabis, lay down in a quiet place to focus the brain.

• The challenging part will be to focus on the body vibrating at the Immortal Frequency.  The brain ,when it is at the ego consciousness level, will naturally want to talk to itself. These voices need to be refocused on the body’s awareness. The goal is to be able to meditate for one hour per day. I often will combine exercise with meditation before going to sleep. This is a great practice!

• Try connecting one’s in-breath to the out-breath while meditating. This practice is called “consciously connected breathing” and is highly recommended as part of the rebirthing process. See: What is conscious connected breathing or rebirthing breathwork

5) Suggestions from Yoga:

• Yogi masters will recommend meditating at 3:00 a.m. Apparently, this has to do with the various cycles of the earth, moon, sun and so forth. This is something one might play with.

• Activate the various chakras by using crystals or wands. Apparently, some of these objects have high energy which can influence one’s wellbeing. See:

• Physical Immortality—the central teaching of Jesus—has parallels to the Hindu’s insight into the “Bindu Chakra.” This is located in the top of the back of the head and is connected to the pineal gland and the Crown Chakra. It is the activation of the Crown Chakra or the 7th level of consciousness which leads to physical immortality. To activate this level one must activate energy centers outside the brain. This is sometimes called the "halo effect" in which Jesus and other immortals are pictured with a halo above their heads. This is usually understood in Hindu thought to be the 9th chakra (located above the head). This would imply that if one's consciousness is located strictly in the brain, then physical immortality is not possible. This appears to be correct. See: Bindu Chakra — the Main Things You Should Know About

6) Final suggestions:

• It’s a great idea to test one’s cognitive abilities though solving challenging problems such as the New York Times crossword puzzles, chess problems, or sudoku. You might be surprised to see how much smarter you will begin to become as there appears to be a feedback loop between the recommended practices and solving puzzles: If the brain is not working at an optimal level you will know it and then be able to make appropriate changes.

• Social ties to others will need to be reevaluated. Nearly all people are on a one-way street straight to Hell: The grave 6-foot under and that’s the end of them. Jesus is quite clear to his followers: “Whoever does not hate his father and his mother cannot be a disciple of mine” (Saying 55). This “hate” is disconnecting from one’s biological father and biological mother and reconnecting with the Living Father (Saying 3).


  1. So basically you are saying the YOU need marijuana(THC) as a kind of "magic pill" which is an external substance that you put into your physical body in order to become an immortal. True transformation is when you know yourself, for the truth is within, not without...

  2. Dear Reader:

    Thank you for your reply. The proof text for using Cannabis Sativa is Saying 11: "In the days when you consumed what was dead you made it alive. When you are in the light, what will you do?" Answer: When you are in the light you will consume that which is alive. There is only one natural product which is alive: Cannabis Sativa as has been shown by the marijuana researcher, Raphael Mechoulam.

    To be an Immortal there is a two-step process:

    1) To enter the light--this is activating the transpersonal self and seeing through the games of the Ego.

    2) Activating the words of Jesus at the Immortal Frequency.

    I will not say that using marijuana is necessary to become an Immortal; I will say the ego needs to be seen as an artificial construct in order to be an Immortal. This is entering the light. I believe God has given us THC and CBD, (active substances in marijuana) for mankind's benefit:

    Genesis 1:29(KJV)

    29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

    Thank you for taking time to write.


    Harry Petersen
