Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Strengthening the Immortal Will: The Single-Minded Goal of Being an Immortal

1. In this essay I shall outline the single goal of an Immortal: To serve God as a Physical Immortal in 2017. There is no other. Note that the Immortal Will is a pole-like structure which runs from above the head to the earth. This spiritual construct will be activated as one concentrates one’s will on being an Immortal.

2. First to be clear: The Kingdom of God is right here, right now on planet Earth. If people tell you it is in the sky, don’t believe them as the birds are already there. Any idea that God’s Kingdom is in an afterlife is part of Satan’s lies. Recently, I have had the pleasure of dealing with a Master who leads a “Course on Miracles” group who has conveyed to me his out-of-body experiences which have convinced him of an afterlife. Without a doubt, he has experienced the light, but this is the angel of darkness posing as light. Jesus is quite clear: “Look to the Living One as long as you live, or you might die and then try to see the Living One, and you will be unable to see” (Saying 59).

3. Once there is clarity that the Kingdom of God is in your midst, the next step is to focus on the question: Do I wish to be an Immortal? Very few people have any interest in following Jesus and thus they are on a one-way street straight to Hell: The Grave. So one must want to serve God. And the only way to serve God is through the body, mind, and spirit unifying as one. 

4. If one is a male, then the requirements include:

a. Sexual restraint so that the life force or the “Dynamic Ground” as Michael Washburn calls it in his text, The Ego and the Dynamic Ground (see chapter 8, “Regeneration in Spirit”), can rise from the base of the spine to the top of the head, activating the Bindu Chakra. Note that ejaculation diverts God’s Spirit to the balls where it is released. See: Amazon.com: The Ego and the Dynamic Ground: A Transpersonal ...

b. Strength training to keep the body strong as “strong body, strong mind” adage applies here. Pushup, sit ups and weights are all that is necessary.

c. Diet is a matter of preference. Here are three popular ones:

i.  Paleo-diet. This diet includes red meat and veggies and nuts such as walnuts. This is my preference. See: Low Carb Diet News - 70 Year-Old Triathlon Guru Advocates Paleo ...

ii. The Dean Ornish diet. Dr. Ornish claims this is a good heart prevention diet which is vegetarian and advocates whole grains and the elimination of sugar. Because it includes soy, which has  female hormones in it (which are estrogen-like), I would not recommend this diet for males, but it will be suitable for females. 

iii. The Mediterranean Diet—This is supported by a Dr. Oz which includes fruits, breads, beans, and the elimination of red meat. While I think this is a horrible diet, it might work for you. 

5. If the reader is a female, there is still hope for you as Jesus guided Mary, who probably was Mary Magdalene, into being a living spirit (Saying 114). In addition a second female, a Salome, showed interest in following Jesus (Saying 61). So I would recommend females to go ahead and do all the requirements of males such as practicing sexual restraint and then contact me. If there is a female who is ready to shift from being a demonic spirit to being a living spirit, then please email me at: safeway7354@gmail.com. Please note that I am the only follower of Jesus in the world as of today and thus there is no one else you can turn to if you wish to become a living spirit.

6. To strengthen the Immortal Will, one will need to “fast from the world” (Saying 27). Some recommendations:

a. Eliminate all family bonds. Jesus is quite clear: “Whoever does not hate his father and mother as I do cannot be a follower of me” (Saying 101).

b. All screens such as television sets, computers, apple phones, and other electric devices need to be taken to you nearest recycling center and disposed of. All electric communication can be done via public computers. 

c. Honor God’s Holy Day, the 7th day. Note that God blessed and hallowed the 7th day and rested from his work (see Genesis 2:2). Note that the Sabbath starts from Friday sunset to Saturday sundown. One will honor God by staying away from the affairs of the world on Saturday. 

7. The morning devotion will include:

a. Holy Vow: “Father, I give you everything, my heart, my soul, my mind, my very being. Please give me the strength to do you will today. Thanks, God.” This is said aloud every morning upon waking up and will reconnect you with God’s Will. Please see Reconnecting With God: The Holy Vow.

b. Activate the Spirit of Truth in your heart.

c. Read Jesus’ words at the Immortal Frequency. See The Practice: Concentrating On the Body Vibrating at the Immortal Frequency

8. As one engages in the affairs of the world, the follower of Jesus will follow the “Golden Rule” (Saying 6) and not lie in word, deed, or intention. Since most people just want to play games, they are best avoided. 

9. Meditation each day is a time in which one strengthens the Immortal Will by focusing on the body vibrating at the Immortal Frequency. As has been known by the Hindus for millennia, marijuana is useful for spiritual development. See: Spiritual Use Of Cannabis | SPARCsf. After ingesting the marijuana, one can lay down in a quiet place and concentrate on the body. This will be quite challenging for beginners as they will be distracted by thoughts which will arise; one will need to keep refocusing the attention on the body vibrating at the Immortal Frequency.


10. During the meditation practice in which the goal is one hour per day and can be combined with exercise before mediation and then practice this before going to sleep, one can do the rebirthing process by consciously connecting one’s breath. Please see: The Presence Process by Michael Brown for additional guidance: The Presence Process: A Healing Journey Into Present ... - Amazon.com. A second common practice is to create a circuit in which the life force goes from the base of the spine to the Bindu Chakra on the in-breath and then goes back down to the base of the spine on the out-breath. See: Microcosmic Orbit - Yu Li Qigong.

11. The strengthening of the Immortal Will can be done each day. This is the will to serve God and to follow Jesus as a Physical Immortal. As Jesus promises, “Whoever discovers the correct meaning of my sayings will not taste death” (Saying 1). May each reader follow Jesus so that he will not taste death.  

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