Wednesday, December 21, 2016

The Practice: Concentrating On the Body Vibrating at the Immortal Frequency

The Thomas Immortality Project recommends three practices:

1. Morning Devotion—Saying the Holy Vow aloud, activating the Spirit of Truth, and reading Jesus’ words aloud at the Immortal Frequency.

2. Moderate Strength Training—This includes pushups, sit ups and weights. I combine the “morning devotion” with a few minutes of exercise. These two practices can be done in 30 minutes each morning.

3. Marijuana-Infused Meditation—This practice is fundamental since we are waking up the body. The practice consists of:

a. Using marijuana which includes edibles with a high CBD level. See: Project CBD: Medical Marijuana | Cannabinoid Science.

b. After a few minutes, the effects on the mind-body system will be felt. At this point, I lay down in a quiet place.

c. Intend for the body to vibrate at the Immortal Frequency.

d. Concentrate on the body for a period of time, say 1 hour.


The last step will be the most challenging for people as the brain is constantly talking to itself. Just keep bringing your focus back to the sensations in the body. Note that this is a form of body awareness and concentrated meditation. Start with 10 minutes if this is helpful.

Here truth seekers are invited to explore and play! Try out different times of day; exercise and then meditate; vary the amount of dosage of marijuana being used. Here are some other ideas you can play with:

* Breathing—Advanced practitioners might try breathing techniques from Pranayama, the yoga art of breathing.  Personally, I just connect my in-breath to the out-breath in what is called “consciously connected breathing.” See: Pranayama (Breathing) Exercises & Poses - Yoga Journal.

* Caffeine and Dark Chocolate—These two products are known to have a synergetic effect such that when combined with marijuana they enhance the overall effect on the body-mind system.

* Focus on Jesus’ Words—Since you activate Jesus’ words at the Immortal Frequency each morning, the body will be able to activated at the level during one’s meditation.

* Crystals and wands—Some have claimed these things have higher vibrational energy. Truth seekers can explore and see what happens. See:


 * Focus on activating the chakra above the head—This energy center above and outside the head, a chakra, must be activated in order to get out of the ego mind. The ego is separation from the Dynamic Ground or God. It represents a stage in human development which will have to be shifted as mankind evolves to higher levels. Please note: In my system the 8th chakra is connected to the earth; the 9th chakra is about enlightenment and I do not associate it with “cosmic love” as many system claim. True love is telling the truth: When you die, you are dead! See: Understanding The 12 Chakras And What They Mean.

* Obtain the text  As It Is: The Open Secret of Spiritual Awakening by Tony Parsons. This text is written at a high vibrational  frequency. It is not necessary to agree with the pointers given; merely by reading this book will allow shifts to occur. See: As It Is: The Open Secret of Spritual Awakening: Tony Parsons ....

* Combine with other practices--- The Immortal Frequency Practice can be combined with any other practice. So more formal meditation postures are possible; hatha yoga can be helpful; solving crossword puzzles or chess problems is excellent training for the brain; try Buddhist Mindfulness Training. Play and see what works for you!


It is the claim of the Thomas Immortality Project that by following the three recommended practices the aging code will be shifted. Of course, I am assuming a relatively healthy lifestyle such as not smoking tobacco, limiting alcohol consumption, and keeping one’s BMI within a normal range for your gender, age, and health status.  The best way to challenge this claim: Play with the ideas presented and see what happens!


  1. Meditation raises your consciousness but i am not so sure about smoking weed or eating marijuana cookies...
    Practitioners understand “meditation,” or mental training, to be a process of familiarization with one's own mental life leading to long-lasting changes in cognition and emotion. Little is known about this process and its impact on the brain. Here we find that long-term Buddhist practitioners self-induce sustained electroencephalographic high-amplitude gamma-band oscillations and phase-synchrony during meditation. These electroencephalogram patterns differ from those of controls, in particular over lateral frontoparietal electrodes. In addition, the ratio of gamma-band activity (25-42 Hz) to slow oscillatory activity (4-13 Hz) is initially higher in the resting baseline before meditation for the practitioners than the controls over medial frontoparietal electrodes. This difference increases sharply during meditation over most of the scalp electrodes and remains higher than the initial baseline in the postmeditation baseline. These data suggest that mental training involves temporal integrative mechanisms and may induce short-term and long-term neural changes.

  2. Dear Reader:

    Thank you for your reply. Yes, academic types do tend to use numbers, charts, and graphs in order to give the veneer of being "mathematical." In general, it's all nonsense as witnessed by every single poll in the USA which incorrectly predicted Hillary Clinton would win the presidency.

    As far as the effects of meditation on the brain: These are obviously subject to the background of the individual and thus no general principle can be found about the overall effectiveness of this practice.

    Please note that the goal of Thomas Immortality Project is to shift one's consciousness to the Immortal Frequency by being united with Jesus in his resurrection.

    Thanks again for writing.


    Harry Petersen
