Monday, December 19, 2016

Commentary on Selected Passages from the Gospel of Thomas, Part II

Readers may see the first commentary: Brief Commentary on Selected Passages from the Gospel of Thomas posted on December 7, 2016.


13) “Look to the living one as long as you live or you might die and then try to see the living one and you will be unable to see”



---Saying 59

The zen-like attention to the now and the possibilities which exist in the present is the core of Jesus’ message: Salvation is here, right where you are, right now—just look!  In every instance in which Jesus followers ask questions such as:

Is there life after death? (see Saying 18)

When will the new world come? (see Saying 51)

Should we study what the prophets have written? (See Saying 52)

Jesus returns his listeners to the present: “You have pushed the living from yourselves, and have begun to speak of those who are dead” ( Saying 52).


14) “If your leaders say to you, ‘Look the kingdom is in heaven,’ then the birds of heaven will precede you. If they say to you, ‘It is in the sea,’ then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is inside you and outside you”



---Saying 3

The Kingdom of God has two parts:

a. Inside—This is the spirit-filled follower of Jesus who through mystical union has resurrected with Jesus and is his twin.

b. Outside—This is the literal building of God’s Kingdom on earth. Note that Jesus is not coming back. So it will be up to good people to demand God’s Kingdom on earth. Really it is easy: If good people would band together and refuse to pay taxes on the grounds that it violates one’s privacy, the IRS would cease to be. The government would have to find another way to raise revenue (like a single 20% tax on all good and services and all other taxes be such as state taxes, property taxes, income taxes, estate taxes will be eliminated). You have the power!


15) “You see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but you do not see the beam that is in your own”


---Saying 26.

In addition to being centered in the now, a second core message of Jesus: Focus on what I am doing, not others. It is easy to find faults with others. But do you see the disaster your life has become?



Q: Who are you?

A: We are the children of the Living Father.

Q: Where did you come from?

A: We came from the light, from the place where the light came into being by itself.

Q: What is the proof of God within you?

A: It is movement and it is rest.



--- Paraphrased from saying 50.


Jesus gives his followers a catechism to follow so that when others ask about them, they will be able to know how to answer. Truth seekers might zoom in on the phrase, “we came from the light.” This is light consciousness which is a chakra or energy center located just outside and above the head. When the 9th chakra is activated, then light consciousness will be activated. At this point, the Ego will be seen to be an artificial construct which keeps the free flow of energy from circulating. One will be in God’s hands where there will be movement and rest.


17) “During the days when you ate what is dead, you made it alive. When you are in the light, what will you do?”


---Saying 11.


Answer: When you are in the light, you will consume what comes from the light as it makes you alive. There is only one thing a person can consume which will unite him with the light: Cannabis Sativa.  This is so because one of the pioneers of marijuana science, Raphael Mechoulam, discovered an “Impossible” fact: The human body’s control mechanism of its function is the same as that which exists in Cannabis Sativa!  See: Dr. Raphael Mechoulam | Kalytera Therapeutics, Inc.This is completely impossible because how could a plant duplicate the cannabinoid system which is identical to the same system in human beings which controls the immune system, the central nervous system, pain pathways and dozens of other systems?

Conclusion: When one is in the light, one will consume what comes from the light: Cannabis Sativa.



Jesus said to his disciples: “Compare and tell me what I am like.”

Matthew: “You are like an especially wise philosopher.”


---Saying 13


Wisdom is the key quality Jesus wants to be activated in truth seekers. Wisdom is going outside of one’s limited self-interest and finding understanding at a higher level. So be a lover of wisdom!

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