Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Brief Commentary on Selected Passages from the Gospel of Thomas

1. “Be Passerby”

--Saying 42.      

This is the shortest of Jesus’ sayings. Without a narrative or context, this saying can be applied in multiple situations. If you like, we can call this an open-ended aphorism. As a matter of one’s stance in the world, the advice is spot on: The things of this world are temporary; so don’t get too attached to them.

2. “You, however, be as shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves”

--Saying 39. 

While the followers of Jesus practice the “Golden Rule” (see Saying 6), they are also capable of gaining insight into what’s happening. From this insight, they will come up with a “shrewd” response.

3. “Know what is in front of your face and what is hidden will be disclosed to you”

 --Saying 5.

Jesus advises us to look and see. Do you really understand what is happening? Do you see from a place of wisdom or do you see from a self-centered perspective? The promise of clear seeing: The hidden will also be seen.

4. “Whoever drinks from my mouth will become like me; I myself shall become that person”
--Saying 108

This saying points to the mystical union the follower of Jesus has with the resurrected Jesus. Not only will the follower become “like me,” he will become me! The union with Jesus occurs through the study of his sayings since the Gospel of Thomas is the only direct source of Jesus’ words; the initiate of Jesus then drinks from his mouth. Then a divine spark may explode: No longer does one believe in Jesus—one is Jesus!

5. “On the day when you were one, you became two. But when you became two what will you do?”
--Saying 11.

This saying is part of a theme which occurs throughout Thomas: Oneness. From being one in the womb; to being separated into two about 3-year of age when the child becomes self-conscious and thus the artificial construct “Ego” is activated; to transcending the Ego in the service of the Dynamic Ground, human beings can end where they began: One with God!

6. “Whoever has something in hand will be given more, and whoever had nothing will be deprived of even the little he has”

--Saying 41.

This is just the law of attraction being restated. Those who are open and receptive will receive even more blessings, while those who are negative will lose even what little they have.

7. “Whoever knows all, if he is lacking one thing, he is lacking everything”

--Saying 67.

This saying is similar to the proverb, “The chain is only as strong as its weakest link.” This points to the fact that without unity, there will be conflict which will lead to destruction. Also, this saying points to self-knowledge as being key in one’s spiritual development as without this self-understanding one will make many errors in judgment which will lead to disasters.

8. “Your kings and powerful people dress in fine clothing and will not recognize the truth”

--Saying 78.

Just because someone is a leader or president does not mean he knows what he is doing. All the pomp and circumstance of an office will be of no value if there is not an engagement with the truth. 

9. “When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will understand that you are the children of the Living Father”

--Saying 5.

The spiritual awakening that one is more than flesh and blood, but is a spiritual being, a child of the Living Father, is the first step to a journey without end. Each morning one can create a reconnection with God by saying one’s Holy Vow aloud: “Father, I give you everything, my heart, my soul, my life. Please give me the strength to do your will this day. Thanks, God!

10. “Because you have drunk, you have become intoxicated from the bubbling spring I have measured out”

--Saying 13.

Here we see the very words of Jesus are intoxicating. They vibrate at the Immortal Frequency. This is why Thomas followers activate Jesus’ words to the Immortal Frequency before reading them aloud. Jesus’ words are life!

11. “Whoever finds the meaning of these words will not taste death”

--Saying 1.

Here Jesus gives the reader a challenge: Find the meaning of these words and you will be immortal. The ingenious solution to this puzzle was given on February 22, 2016 with the launching of the Thomas Immortality Project: The words of Jesus are life as they vibrate at the Immortal Frequency. Readers are encouraged to test this claim by direct practice.


12. “Perhaps people think that I have come to cast peace upon the earth. But they do not know that I have come to cast dissention upon the earth: Fire, sword, war”

--Saying 16

The Kingdom of God will happen when good people unite and demand it. Jesus is not coming back. To follow Jesus means one follows the “Golden Rule” and demand everyone else do so as well. If someone is dishonest in any way, followers of Jesus must speak up. By challenging unethical conduct, one will cause dissention. This might be you temporary lose some material goods or “friendships”…but you just gained your very own soul!


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