Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Strengthening the Immortal Will: The Single-Minded Goal of Being an Immortal

1. In this essay I shall outline the single goal of an Immortal: To serve God as a Physical Immortal in 2017. There is no other. Note that the Immortal Will is a pole-like structure which runs from above the head to the earth. This spiritual construct will be activated as one concentrates one’s will on being an Immortal.

2. First to be clear: The Kingdom of God is right here, right now on planet Earth. If people tell you it is in the sky, don’t believe them as the birds are already there. Any idea that God’s Kingdom is in an afterlife is part of Satan’s lies. Recently, I have had the pleasure of dealing with a Master who leads a “Course on Miracles” group who has conveyed to me his out-of-body experiences which have convinced him of an afterlife. Without a doubt, he has experienced the light, but this is the angel of darkness posing as light. Jesus is quite clear: “Look to the Living One as long as you live, or you might die and then try to see the Living One, and you will be unable to see” (Saying 59).

3. Once there is clarity that the Kingdom of God is in your midst, the next step is to focus on the question: Do I wish to be an Immortal? Very few people have any interest in following Jesus and thus they are on a one-way street straight to Hell: The Grave. So one must want to serve God. And the only way to serve God is through the body, mind, and spirit unifying as one. 

4. If one is a male, then the requirements include:

a. Sexual restraint so that the life force or the “Dynamic Ground” as Michael Washburn calls it in his text, The Ego and the Dynamic Ground (see chapter 8, “Regeneration in Spirit”), can rise from the base of the spine to the top of the head, activating the Bindu Chakra. Note that ejaculation diverts God’s Spirit to the balls where it is released. See: Amazon.com: The Ego and the Dynamic Ground: A Transpersonal ...

b. Strength training to keep the body strong as “strong body, strong mind” adage applies here. Pushup, sit ups and weights are all that is necessary.

c. Diet is a matter of preference. Here are three popular ones:

i.  Paleo-diet. This diet includes red meat and veggies and nuts such as walnuts. This is my preference. See: Low Carb Diet News - 70 Year-Old Triathlon Guru Advocates Paleo ...

ii. The Dean Ornish diet. Dr. Ornish claims this is a good heart prevention diet which is vegetarian and advocates whole grains and the elimination of sugar. Because it includes soy, which has  female hormones in it (which are estrogen-like), I would not recommend this diet for males, but it will be suitable for females. 

iii. The Mediterranean Diet—This is supported by a Dr. Oz which includes fruits, breads, beans, and the elimination of red meat. While I think this is a horrible diet, it might work for you. 

5. If the reader is a female, there is still hope for you as Jesus guided Mary, who probably was Mary Magdalene, into being a living spirit (Saying 114). In addition a second female, a Salome, showed interest in following Jesus (Saying 61). So I would recommend females to go ahead and do all the requirements of males such as practicing sexual restraint and then contact me. If there is a female who is ready to shift from being a demonic spirit to being a living spirit, then please email me at: safeway7354@gmail.com. Please note that I am the only follower of Jesus in the world as of today and thus there is no one else you can turn to if you wish to become a living spirit.

6. To strengthen the Immortal Will, one will need to “fast from the world” (Saying 27). Some recommendations:

a. Eliminate all family bonds. Jesus is quite clear: “Whoever does not hate his father and mother as I do cannot be a follower of me” (Saying 101).

b. All screens such as television sets, computers, apple phones, and other electric devices need to be taken to you nearest recycling center and disposed of. All electric communication can be done via public computers. 

c. Honor God’s Holy Day, the 7th day. Note that God blessed and hallowed the 7th day and rested from his work (see Genesis 2:2). Note that the Sabbath starts from Friday sunset to Saturday sundown. One will honor God by staying away from the affairs of the world on Saturday. 

7. The morning devotion will include:

a. Holy Vow: “Father, I give you everything, my heart, my soul, my mind, my very being. Please give me the strength to do you will today. Thanks, God.” This is said aloud every morning upon waking up and will reconnect you with God’s Will. Please see Reconnecting With God: The Holy Vow.

b. Activate the Spirit of Truth in your heart.

c. Read Jesus’ words at the Immortal Frequency. See The Practice: Concentrating On the Body Vibrating at the Immortal Frequency

8. As one engages in the affairs of the world, the follower of Jesus will follow the “Golden Rule” (Saying 6) and not lie in word, deed, or intention. Since most people just want to play games, they are best avoided. 

9. Meditation each day is a time in which one strengthens the Immortal Will by focusing on the body vibrating at the Immortal Frequency. As has been known by the Hindus for millennia, marijuana is useful for spiritual development. See: Spiritual Use Of Cannabis | SPARCsf. After ingesting the marijuana, one can lay down in a quiet place and concentrate on the body. This will be quite challenging for beginners as they will be distracted by thoughts which will arise; one will need to keep refocusing the attention on the body vibrating at the Immortal Frequency.


10. During the meditation practice in which the goal is one hour per day and can be combined with exercise before mediation and then practice this before going to sleep, one can do the rebirthing process by consciously connecting one’s breath. Please see: The Presence Process by Michael Brown for additional guidance: The Presence Process: A Healing Journey Into Present ... - Amazon.com. A second common practice is to create a circuit in which the life force goes from the base of the spine to the Bindu Chakra on the in-breath and then goes back down to the base of the spine on the out-breath. See: Microcosmic Orbit - Yu Li Qigong.

11. The strengthening of the Immortal Will can be done each day. This is the will to serve God and to follow Jesus as a Physical Immortal. As Jesus promises, “Whoever discovers the correct meaning of my sayings will not taste death” (Saying 1). May each reader follow Jesus so that he will not taste death.  

Monday, January 30, 2017

Where Do Thoughts Come From?

“Know what is in front of your face and what is hidden will be revealed to you”

---Jesus, Gospel of Thomas, Saying 5.

1. One of the most powerful insights Jesus shared is the promise to his followers that when they start to look for themselves, the hidden will be revealed. In this essay, I posed the question to readers: Where do my thoughts come from?

2. It is obvious that everyone has thoughts. But from whence do they arise? The very act of posing this question and then deeply examining this question is the first step to Enlightenment. 

3. The answer from the brain researchers: Thoughts are a function of the electrical current in the brain. Parts of the brain are activated and then these impulses are translated in thoughts. How does this happen? This is part of what consciousness researchers call the “hard question” to which they have no answer. Apparently, thoughts just somehow arise—either sourced from the brain or outside the brain.  See: The Hard Problem of Consciousness - Serious Science.

4. Our psychologist friends will explain that thoughts are part of the associative function of the brain. So one sees a group of children riding on a merry-go-round and then he is reminded of himself doing so many years previously. While this sort of explanation passes for erudition, it really explains nothing. This kind of pseudo-explanation uses a concept, then defines the concept, then gives various examples of the concept, and then connects the given concept to other concepts and Abracadabra! we know where thoughts come from. In fact, this is a description of what appears to be a chain of causation which is illusionary. For one thing, each time you revisit the child’s merry-go-round, you will have different associations. If there were a true cause-and-effect relationship, then one would expect the same output for the same input, which does not happen. The careful reader will also note that the entire explanation relies on us knowing what causes the “associative function” to occur; instead, by a magic wave of hand, the reader is supposed to accept that this is well understood when, in fact, the psychologist has not explain how this function works but assumes it in explaining another.

5. Thoughts arise from the higher brain controlling the lower brain. This sums up consciousness researcher Daniel Dennett elaborate explanation of how the brain works. See_Dan Dennett: The illusion of consciousness | TED Talk | TED.com.   One immediately sees an infinite regress problem here: Where did the higher mind obtain the impulse in order for the lower brain to have the thoughts? At some point we will have to go outside the system or in this case outside the brain to offer a cogent explanation. 

6. Thoughts arise from outside the brain. Logically, this is the only place they could arise—which would be obvious if one followed Jesus’ advice to “look what is in front of your face.” The hidden in this case: God. Everything must be sourced by God or Consciousness or nothing could manifest. Everything is vibrating at the speed of light so that your brain is fooled into thinking things are solid when they are just atoms arranged together to make up an illusionary solid. Here we leave the domain of physics and enter metaphysics. See: The Tao of Physics: An Exploration of the Parallels ... - Amazon.com

7. One important corollary to the insight that thoughts arise from outside the brain: Your thoughts are not your own! This is what enlightened masters have been saying for millennia: From Solomon to Jesus to the Buddha to the Zen Masters of today: Thoughts arise without a thinker.

8. The moment the truth seeker sees that thoughts which arise are not his own something amazing happens: They stop! Thoughts are an obvious secondary function from some impulse which have been translated into sub-vocalization. While they usually will be repetitive—like a child’s merry-go-round—you can get off the amusement park ride by seeing you are riding a horse that is being controlled by something outside you.

9. All meditative practices are designed to center the brain on the radiant present. With each breath one disassociates from his thoughts and witnesses them. When this happens one sees one’s thoughts and what one is are two different things. This is the first step to Enlightenment. 

10. May each reader of this blog see what is in front of his face so that the hidden is revealed!

Monday, January 23, 2017

The Rebirthing Process, Activating the Bindu Chakra, and Other Notes

1. As part of the rebirthing process, being born from above (Saying 22, Gospel of Thomas), it is recommended for the truth seeker to meditate for one hour a day. The practice includes: a) The Holy Vow, b) Activating the Spirit of Truth, c) Saying Jesus’ words aloud at the Immortal Frequency, d) Exercise, e) Use marijuana, f) lay down and meditate for an hour.

2. The marijuana-infused meditation is part of the rebirthing process as one connects his in-breath to his out-breath in a process called, “consciously-connected breathing.” Experimentally, this has been shown to have many benefits for the body and brain as it awakes. Please see: Rebirthing - Introduction Into This Highly Efficient Technique and Rebirthing - A Next Step.

3. The bindu chakra is located at the very top of your head, where the part is in your hair. Please see for a picture: Bindu Chakra — the Main Things You Should Know About.

5.The bindu chakra is associated with the light and the transpersonal self. I would conjecture that as this chakra is activated the 9th chakra (outside the head) is also activated. Please note that Immortality is a two-step process:

  1. To enter the light—this is activating the transpersonal self and seeing through the games of the ego.
  2. Activating the words of Jesus at the Immortal Frequency and allowing the body to vibrate at this frequency.
6. The will for Immortality is a foundational step in being an Immortal. Few people care about eternal life and thus when they die that will be the end of them. But a few have been chosen to accept the gift of eternal life: “I will choose you, one from a thousand and two from ten thousand. And they will stand as a single one” (Saying 23, Gospel of Thomas). The very fact that the reader has taken the time and interest to read about Jesus’ original message—the Kingdom of God is available right here, right now---demonstrates that he has been chosen. It will be up to him to gladly receive the words which lead to everlasting life!

7. On a political note: I view Donald J. Trump to be an evil being. My greatest concern is the real possibility of a limited nuclear war in which 50 million Americans (or so) are nuked. While Clinton had many flaws, I believe her experience as Secretary of State under the Obama administration served her well. In contrast, Trump is ill-informed about even basic matters and will make many beginner’s mistakes in foreign policy. Please see my previous analysis: Readers: Demand Donald Trump Be Arrested For Treason!

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Physical Immortality Weekly Post: Marijuana-infused Practice and Other Notes

Note to readers: Today I will begin a new feature with this blog—a weekly column in which I will share insights about Physical Immortality. Unless events intervene, I shall post at least once a week. Readers are invited to post questions on www.thomasimmortality.blogspot.com or email me at www.safeway7354@gmail.com.

1) At this point, I have given the dedicated reader all he needs in order to receive the gift of eternal life. Although to my knowledge I am the only follower of Jesus today, I am uplifted that God would choose me to restore his Son’s original message. After all, Jesus was able to heal the sick, cast out demons, and perform many wonder miracles and yet they murdered him. Certainly, I do not expect any greater success than Jesus….

2) The activation of Jesus’ words at the Immortal Frequency is a foundational step in accepting the gift of eternal life:

a) Holy Vow: This is said aloud in the morning: “Father: I give you everything—my heart, my soul, my mind, my life. Please give me the strength to do you will this day. Thanks, God!”

b) Activate the Spirit of Truth into your heart.

c) Before reading a passage from the Gospel of Thomas, say aloud: “Please activate Jesus’ words to the Immortal Frequency so that I may be a Physical Immortal in 2017. Thanks, God!”

3) From my experience when one begins to activate Jesus’ words at the Immortal Frequency the following might happen:

a) Autosuggestion—at the beginning of the practice one might feel silly about saying the words of Jesus aloud. Just do it!

b) Faith—the consistent practice will in time activate faith as shifts will follow those who seek.

c) Magic—After a few months, the initiate can expect shifts in one’s being which will start to transform the aging code.

4) Marijuana-infused meditation is done daily. Some suggestions:

• After imbibing the cannabis, lay down in a quiet place to focus the brain.

• The challenging part will be to focus on the body vibrating at the Immortal Frequency.  The brain ,when it is at the ego consciousness level, will naturally want to talk to itself. These voices need to be refocused on the body’s awareness. The goal is to be able to meditate for one hour per day. I often will combine exercise with meditation before going to sleep. This is a great practice!

• Try connecting one’s in-breath to the out-breath while meditating. This practice is called “consciously connected breathing” and is highly recommended as part of the rebirthing process. See: What is conscious connected breathing or rebirthing breathwork

5) Suggestions from Yoga:

• Yogi masters will recommend meditating at 3:00 a.m. Apparently, this has to do with the various cycles of the earth, moon, sun and so forth. This is something one might play with.

• Activate the various chakras by using crystals or wands. Apparently, some of these objects have high energy which can influence one’s wellbeing. See:

• Physical Immortality—the central teaching of Jesus—has parallels to the Hindu’s insight into the “Bindu Chakra.” This is located in the top of the back of the head and is connected to the pineal gland and the Crown Chakra. It is the activation of the Crown Chakra or the 7th level of consciousness which leads to physical immortality. To activate this level one must activate energy centers outside the brain. This is sometimes called the "halo effect" in which Jesus and other immortals are pictured with a halo above their heads. This is usually understood in Hindu thought to be the 9th chakra (located above the head). This would imply that if one's consciousness is located strictly in the brain, then physical immortality is not possible. This appears to be correct. See: Bindu Chakra — the Main Things You Should Know About

6) Final suggestions:

• It’s a great idea to test one’s cognitive abilities though solving challenging problems such as the New York Times crossword puzzles, chess problems, or sudoku. You might be surprised to see how much smarter you will begin to become as there appears to be a feedback loop between the recommended practices and solving puzzles: If the brain is not working at an optimal level you will know it and then be able to make appropriate changes.

• Social ties to others will need to be reevaluated. Nearly all people are on a one-way street straight to Hell: The grave 6-foot under and that’s the end of them. Jesus is quite clear to his followers: “Whoever does not hate his father and his mother cannot be a disciple of mine” (Saying 55). This “hate” is disconnecting from one’s biological father and biological mother and reconnecting with the Living Father (Saying 3).

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Commentary On Selected Passages in the Gospel of Thomas, Part III

Students are invited to study the previous commentaries:


19) “Whoever is living from the living one will not taste death”


--Saying 111


The phrase, “living from the living one” has two important insights for the Thomas student:

a) To be Resurrected with Jesus (the Living One) means one will not taste death. This Resurrection is both of one’s consciousness and the physical body.

b) This phrase can be paralleled to Saying 11, “In the days when you consumed what was dead you made it alive. When you are in the light, what will you do?” Please see the commentary on this passage: Commentary on Selected Passages from the Gospel of Thomas, Part II .

c) By a daily practice of marijuana-infused meditation one may activate the Immortal words of Jesus to the Immortal Frequency.  See: The Practice: Concentrating On the Body Vibrating at the Immortal Frequency .

20) “Adam came from great power and great wealth, but he was not worthy of you. For had he been worthy, he would not have tasted death”



--Saying 85

Here we see the first man, Adam, was an Immortal. His power was sourced directed from God. But when separated from the Source, he became unworthy. Implied in this saying: If one reconnects with the Dynamic Ground, one will not taste death. Note that Adam died a physical death and there is no understanding that he went anywhere after his death. So to be Immortal, it must happen as it happened to Adam: In one’s physical body, right here on planet earth.

21) “For there are five trees in Paradise for you; they do not change, summer or winter, and their leaves do not fall. Whoever knows them will not taste death”



--Saying 19

The trees in Paradise are Immortal as are the human beings who knows the trees. Clearly, this saying combines the metaphoric with the literal; thus, it is an open-ended saying as far as what the trees might represent. Two key insights: a) The trees do not change, and b) Knowledge leads to eternal life.


22) “The human being is like a sensible fisherman who cast his net into the sea and drew it up from the sea with little fish. Among them the sensible fisherman found a large, fine fish. He threw away all the little fish back into the sea and he chose the large fish effortlessly”


---Saying 8

This parable points to God’s wisdom: Choose the very best and stick with it while ignoring the small stuff. This saying is similar to the excellent advice of the management guru, Steve Covey: “Put First Things First”. See: First Things First: Stephen R. Covey, A. Roger Merrill ... - Amazon,



23) “I will give you that which eyes have not seen, ears have not heard, hands did not touch and minds have not conceived”



--Saying 17

The spiritual gifts imparted to Jesus’ followers are ineffable. There are no words to describe the transformation in consciousness: One moment you are there, the next moment all there is is God. When God has taken everything is the new vibrate now!  See: Transformations in Consciousness: The Metaphysics ... - Amazon.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Games People Play: A Multidimensional Perspective

I dedicate this essay to Eric Berne, the founder of Transactional Analysis. Berne worked and taught in San Francisco for many years. His popular text, Games People Play: The Psychology of Human Relations (Grove Press, Inc. New York, 1964), included a humorous account of games such as “Now I’ve got you—you son of a bitch!” and “See what you made me do!” See: Games People Play: The Basic Handbook of ... - Amazon.com. Berne’s insights into the games people play are timeless. Eric died in 1970. He continues to be missed….

1) There are two concepts form Berne’s work I wish to employ:

a) Stoke Economy—This means how many times a day a person is stimulated through interactions with others. Most people need strokes to feed “recognition hunger,” thereby keeping their “spinal cord from shriveling” (page 15).

b) Psychological Level vs. Social Level—This concept is a description of what usually goes on in human interactions: At one level, the social level, one meaning is conveyed while at the psychological level something entirely different is being communicated. 

Example: Say a 13-year old girl asks the team captain of the football team if he “would you like some of my candy?” While this might be an honest instance of sharing, it might also be part of a game in which she shares more than her candy. 

c) From a multidimensional perspective, I would add a third: The demonically-controlled level. Here we see what’s really going on: Outside entities are using the life force of human beings to feed off and thus they control the actions of human beings via the Ego. The Ego is a female-like construction which develops in childhood as self-consciousness arises. The Ego represents darkness and is incapable of telling the truth. 

2) The purpose of the program which demonic forces use to control the ego is to derive strokes. Strokes are part of a feedback system which indicates human beings are all connected. So if someone praises you for doing a great job, you will no doubt feel “stroked.” This is an emotional response. Satan will control the actions of the various players in order to achieve its stroke economy for each day.

3) Each person will be genetically wired with a set of pre-programmed characteristics which can be activated. These include instinctual responses, and various gadgets such as humor, rage, and joy. The program will cause individuals with inherited qualities to respond in a certain way; free will at the ego level is an illusion.

4) From an analysis of the program, we can see there will be called for so many responses: So in San Francisco 50 people will need to be murdered each year. If one looks at the recent murder rates in the City each year it is around 50 (within a 99% confidence level that it will be between 40 and 60 per year). Note that John Von Neumann, (John von Neumann - Wikipedia) one of the greatest mathematicians to ever lived, made a similar observation and called this statistical phenomenon “black magic” which had no rational explanation. I find this amazing! 

5) The “Ego-Alien” Hypothesis claims people are playing games in order to create a “stimulus-response” in order to activate various reactions in human being. So Satan will program or cause human beings to constantly fuck each other up so the demons can eat.

6) How to get out of this mess? 

a) At a social level, human beings will need to return to their roots and start living in tribes or small communities which remain intact. This means human beings are no longer tied to their jobs for survival, but are directly connected to each other. In this context, intimacy and love will have a chance to flourish.

b) At the psychological level, a dedication to the truth will stop one from playing games. This means one is honest in actions, words, and intentions. Usually, one will follow Jesus’ advice and “fast from the world” (Saying 27, Gospel of Thomas). 

c) At the multidimensional level, the truth seeker will need to activate the transpersonal self (a chakra outside the brain) to see what is happening. I would conjecture that THC, a psychoactive substance in marijuana, is helpful in this activation.

7) When human beings see that Physical Immortality is possible and that an Immortal Civilization can be constructed, the Kingdom of God will come forth. At this point, people will no longer need to play games as we are all united at the Truth Consciousness. Intimacy and love will be all there is. May this day arrive soon!

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Females Are Not Worthy of Life: Commentary on Saying 114 in the Gospel of Thomas

Simon Peter said to them, “Mary should leave us for females are not worthy of life.”

Jesus said, “Look, I shall guide her to make her male, so that she too may becoming a living spirit. For every female who makes herself male will enter the Kingdom of God.”

---Saying 114, The Gospel of Thomas

First, I will summarize some key points made about this passage by Uwe-Karsten Plisch in the Gospel of Thomas: Original Text With Commentary (Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 2008) on pages 243-247:

 * The dialogue is Post-Easter (Page 244).

This is a fundamental point that the truth seeker will need: The Gospel of Thomas was written by Jesus’ brother, Judas Thomas, by recording the living Jesus’ words (see prologue and saying 1). In other words, saying 114 was a dialogue which was occurred and was recorded after Jesus’ Resurrection. 

* Note that Saying 114 is the last saying in the Gospel of Thomas and it connects to the first saying in several ways. One clear example is the use of the term “living,” which is recorded in the prologue and in Saying 114; Living Spirit (114) and Living Jesus (Pages 244-245).

The concept of “living being” is encountered in Genesis 2:7: “God formed man of dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being” (emphasis mine). Later we are told the female was formed: “and the rib which God has taken from the man he made into a woman” (Genesis 2:22). 

* The unity of male and female occurs by the female being turned into a male (Pages 246-247).

The point here is the unity of opposites in male-female example is achieved by eliminating the female. This would follow since as Peter noted “females are not worthy of life.” So when there is only male energy there will be one self. Thus, as in Saying 22, “When you make the male and female into a single one,” all is left is the male spirit.



1. Is it possible to become an Immortal while interacting with females?

No. Females are not a living spirit as Jesus stated. Instead females have a demonic energy about them which represents darkness. Thus, if a male wishes to enter the light he will need to rid himself of darkness—females.

2. Can a female become Immortal?

Yes. In Saying 114, Mary who probably is either Mary Magdalene or the mother of Jesus, will be guided by Jesus and turned into a male. So a female by herself cannot become an Immortal; however, if she submits her will to an Immortal she may become a living spirit.