Monday, October 31, 2016

Constructing the Immortal Will by Being Near the Fire

Note: All citations come from the text The Fifth Gospel: The Gospel of Thomas Comes of Age by Stephen J. Patterson, James M. Robinson, and translated by Hans-Gebhard Bethge, et al. (Trinity Press International, 1998).  


Jesus says: “Whoever who is near me is near the fire. And the person who is far from me if far from the kingdom” (Saying 82).

Jesus says: “If you bring it into being within you, then that which you have will save you. If you do not have it within you, then that which you do not have within you will kill you” (Saying 70).

These two sayings of Jesus point to the construction and activation of an Immortal Will. This is a spiritual structure which starts from above the head (about 3 feet) and then similar to a straight pole goes through the middle of the torso through to the earth (this structure goes through the front of the body). This can be created by males who practice sexual restraint. The sexual energy is converted into the fire Jesus speaks about in Saying 82.

Unless one has this fire within, he cannot construct an Immortal Will (Saying 70). This, by the way, is why females cannot be Immortals on their own—they lack the fire. In addition, weak males who have been de facto castrated by females lack the fire. I would estimate that 90% of males today are essentially weak males who should go ahead and have their balls removed since females have fucked them up.

The goal is to construct this Immortal Will and then to activate it; activation will occur by shifting your mental ego to this Higher Will. As this activation process takes place, higher-ordered archetypes such as Honor, Truth, Wisdom and Courage will also be activated (these archetypes are activated above the head). Simultaneously, all the chakras associated with the body will be activated as well as the earth chakra.

Note that it is through Jesus that the Immortal Will is constructed: “I am the light that is over all. I am All. The All came forth out of me” –Jesus, Gospel of Thomas, Saying 77.


Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Reframing the Problem: “While You Meant It For Evil, God Used It For Good…”

The story of Joseph and his brothers reveals an amazing twist in a plot: Joseph’s brothers hated him so much that they sold him into slavery, Joseph then became an adviser to the Egyptian Pharaoh, and then when famine came upon the Jewish people, his brothers went to Joseph begging for food. Joseph forgave his brothers, saying: “As for you, you meant it for evil against me; but God meant it for good…” (Genesis 50:20).

One lesson we might take from this wonderful story is to reframe the problem: Every evil that does not kill me can be turned into good by God! As Jesus said in the Gospel of Thomas: “Fortunate are you when you are hated and persecuted…you are the ones who have truly come to know the Father” (Sayings 68, 69).

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Note to Therapists: The Healing of Traumas

As you know, traumas are independent psychic energy complexes which can be activated and reactivated by the brain when it connects to them. While the optimal solution is the dissolution of the Ego since in this case the traumas have nothing to speak to, and thus will eventually die, probably fewer than 1% of your patients are ready for this non-dual solution. So the Plan B:

You will need to perform a ritual in which the trauma is activated and then by intention the trauma is invited into the heart, allowing it to be loved. The trauma is allowed to exist as long as it wishes in the heart. Here we bring forgiveness as the heart opens to a floodgate of tears, crying and sobbing. Allow this cathartic process to continue.

The ritual should be performed after sunset and with a minimum of speech; communication will be done telepathically. In the hands of a master, the healing of traumas will take several hours. After this, the patient will depart for a time of integration. Follow up a week later.

The goal is to unite with God by removing dark energies. Make sure you give thanks to God. “For this reason I say, if one is whole, one will be filled with light, but if one is divided, one will be filled with darkness” (Gospel of Thomas, Saying 61.)

Saturday, October 22, 2016

How I Solved a 2,000-year old Puzzle

Jesus in the beginning of the Gospel of Thomas offers a challenge to the reader: “Whoever discovers the interpretation of these sayings will not taste death” (Saying 1). Some proposed solutions: 

 1. Jesus’ life means nothing—only his death brings salvation.

This is the solution given by Paul. It contends that a careful examination of Jesus’ words and then following the wisdom contained in them is a waste of time; the only thing that matters is Jesus’ death: “For if many died through one man’s trepass, much more have the grace of God and the free gift in the grace of that one man Jesus Christ abounded for many” (Roman 5: 15).

Paul’s position says followers of Jesus need just accept his death as a sacrifice and you will be saved. No need to actually follow anything Jesus commanded like “If you do not fast from the world, you will not find the kingdom. If you do not observe the Sabbath as a Sabbath, you will not see the Father” (Gospel of Thomas, saying 27).

Historically, Paul’s position became the second proposed solution:

 2.  Come to Church on Sunday (even though Jesus commanded in Saying 27 above to keep the Sabbath which is Saturday—we need not obey God), and ritually participate in Jesus’ death each week through:

Drinking Wine= Jesus’s blood being shed


Wafer= Jesus’ body which died

and you will be saved.

 The Roman Catholics are direct representatives of Satan. Their celebration of Jesus’ death each week is demonic. Apparently, for the Catholics, Jesus having been murdered once is not good enough; each week all believers reenact his murder! There is a reason the “Black Mass” is called “Black.” So we have the Black Mass and priests in black robes threatening the poor sinners with eternal torment if they skip a Sunday Mass or fail to give 10% of their earnings to the church. Clearly, this proposed solution will not work. 

 3.  It’s All Spiritual. 


This is a common response, but it neglects the context in which the puzzle was given: Jesus was a practicing Jew.

Example: He obeyed the Sabbath. This is confirmed by what his brother James did after Jesus resurrection: James started a Jesus movement in Jerusalem and the first followers of Jesus met on the Sabbath—on Saturday. If Jesus had meant for his followers to meet on Sunday, he would have instructed his brother to do so. It follows that Jesus was a practicing Jew. Moreover, since Jews do not believe in an afterlife such as Heaven or Hell (the Roman Catholics used these concepts and put them in the documents which became the New Testament), Jesus, as a Jew, could not and did not believe in the concept of an afterlife. If there is no afterlife, then the eternal life to which Jesus refers must be in the present life.

So although “It’s all spiritual” position is common (probably 99% of people would give some version of this reply) it is clearly is not a solution to the puzzle. 

4. On February 22, 2016 the solution to the 2,000-year old puzzle “Whoever discovers the interpretation of these sayings will not taste death,” was given: Jesus meant exactly what he said: Follow me as a truth seeker, discover my wisdom, know yourself, invite my Spirit to unite with your Spirit, and you will live forever in physical form.

I am grateful that God would use me—the greatest of sinners—to solve this 2,000-year old puzzle. The reader is invited to follow Jesus and you will not taste death.


Correction: In the October 11, 2016 post on this blog I wrote, “This demonic archetype which through spiritual engineering was inserted in the human psyche….” This is a correct statement but inaccurate. It has long been known that primates have similar archetypes since they were needed into order to create a dominate-submissive social structure. So although the archetype of “masochism” appears to exist in primates, the archetype “sadomasochism” appears to have been strictly inserted in homo sapiens

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Losing Conscious Awareness and God's Love: A Short Note

What Enlightenment means is you have lost conscious awareness and traded it for unconditional love. This means things just happen. There is no self-consciousness. There will be a lack of spatial orientation when one first is initiated.  At first, memory lapses are common. In time, the brain will adjust while control has been given to the Spirit of Truth or God’s Holy Spirit.

In exchange for loss of conscious awareness (which means planning is impossible), one opens to God’s Love. This love is powerful, healing, and energizing. It is giving up of conscious control to God. This is oneness with God.

Usually, there is a going in and out of “being with God” and awareness of the present-day happenings. Again, things are just happenings.

Needless to say, one who is Enlightened is not going to be working at any job which requires a strong Ego to control the situation: Think the police (who because they are Ego-controlled must be game players). On the other hand, should the reader be a therapist helping those who are suffering, Oneness with God or Enlightenment, is the only solution; this is so since the patient is almost always filled with demonic energies which are impossible to access any other way. Conclusion: While therapy may help the patient cope with his suffering, it will not make the person whole again; Only God’s Love can do this!

Footnote: Readers are invited to visit for additional insights.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Questions From Readers

1. Is there a foundational document for the Thomas Immortality Project?

Yes. See the text, The Lost Way: How Two Forgotten Gospels are Rewriting the Story of Christian Origins, (Harperone, 2014) by New Testament scholar Stephen J. Patterson. This text shows that at least 53 of the sayings in the Gospel of Thomas go back directly to the words spoken by Jesus. See: The Lost Way: How Two Forgotten Gospels Are ... - Amazon.

The central argument of this text is by correlating the sayings in the Gospel Q (which was used to write the Gospels of Matthew and Luke) to Thomas (found in 1945 as part of the Nag Hammadi Library), we can see that its original layer (the words which were recorded by his brother Judas Thomas) have independent and multiple attestations which show both texts are authentic saying books of Jesus.

2. What about masturbation?

The entire question of sexuality is part of a larger question: Is each new baby which joins the community celebrated? In traditional societies, boys around 12-years of age are turned into warriors while girls around 12-year of age are turned into mothers and women by becoming pregnant with new life. Sadly, most modern societies treat 12-year olds as little children; but, developmentally, if children do not grow up around age 12, they never will.

Masturbation is the simulation of the sexual act through fantasy. It is the fantasy associated with masturbation which is the problem. The fantasy itself can and often is a dark energy. By masturbating one opens oneself up to a shadow self which will take over without your conscious control. This nearly always involves causing yourself or others pain. The resolution to masturbation or any other habit which disconnects one from God is to ask the Spirit of Truth to enter your heart and to guide you to Holiness.

3. If Jesus left nearly 2,000 years ago, where are his followers today?

As of October 17, 2016 I am the only follower of Jesus in the world. According to a founding myth, we might create the following scenario: Jesus was a peasant from Galilee who when he was around 30-years old was taken over by God. The message: Follow me and you will not taste death. Jesus demonstrated his power over death when he was resurrected from the dead. After his resurrection, Jesus was seen by about 500 brethren and worked with his brothers James and Judas Thomas to organize the incipient Jesus movement.  
After Jesus’ resurrection, he left. The world fell into darkness. Light was restored on February 22, 2016 with the reestablishment of Jesus’ message with the launch of the Thomas Immortality Project

4. What is the connection between physical immortality and enlightenment?

Enlightenment or the dissolution of the Ego is required in order to be an Immortal. This is because the Ego represents separation from God. How to be connected to God? Start with the breath. Breathe in and out. Slowly be part of a rhythm. Continue to connect the inhalation and exhalation. While doing this, you are connected to God.

The practice of consciously-connected breathing for several minutes each day can allow for a reconnection (which was lost when you became self-conscious when you were about 3 years old) between your spirit and God’s Holy Spirit.

5. Can females be Immortals?

When females submit their will to an Immortal, they may receive the gift of eternal life. As Peter noted, “Females are not worthy of life” (Gospel of Thomas, saying 114). But Jesus’ response is telling: “Look, I will make her male, so she too may become a living spirit resembling males. For every female who makes herself male will enter heaven’s kingdom."
Sadly, in this rebellious age females appear to want to rule over males. Any civilization in which its most intelligent females have the fewest children (as exists in nearly all modern-day societies) ensures its long-term destruction. From talking to Donald Trump’s supporters, I surmise they are hoping Vladimir Putin will nuke the USA after Hillary Clinton becomes president. We’ll see what God has in store….  

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Psychoanalysis and the Gospel of Thomas

Classical Psychoanalysis posits that transformations in the human psyche occurs when there is illumination of the various subpersonalities which, while independent of the human being, nonetheless pretends to be part of the human. illumination=transformation.

Example: Nick the Greek comes to a classically-trained psychoanalyst to receive treatment for compulsive gambling. He has been on a losing streak the past 40 years. What to do? The analyst will want to meet the subpersonality which has a need to lose. This is a demonic archetype which through spiritual engineering was inserted in the human psyche. Its purpose is to get the person to hate himself and thus stay separate from God. Usually, the term “masochism” is used and when this demonic archetype becomes sexualized it will be called “sadomasochism.”

Once light has shined on this demonic archetype which wants Nick to lose, Nick will discover what he is and this compulsion is are opposites of each other. With several years of work, attending session 4-times per week, in-depth self-examination is possible. In the light of day, the demonic energy dissipates. The patient is then pronounced cured—this after $300,000 in therapy fees over a period of 5 years or so.

Jesus in the Gospel of Thomas has a straightforward cure for Nick’s problem:

“If someone becomes like God, he will become full of light. But if he becomes one, separate from God, he will be filled with darkness” (Gospel of Thomas, saying 61).

How does one become like God?

“Become intoxicated at the bubbling spring I have measured out” –Jesus, saying 13.

From Jesus’ words, we can deduce that wholeness is the result of the brain giving up and allowing Jesus’ spirit to enter one’s being. So what would Jesus say to Nick? Nothing. The transformation will occur by being in Jesus’ presence. His being vibrates at the immortal frequency. Resonance through the interplay of energies will work like magic: Being in the presence of holiness will activate holiness in you. After a single session in which Nick and Jesus go fishing together, Nick will be healed and in his right mind.


The healing of the mind through in-depth insight can be of value. It will require at least 5-years of dedicated work and an I. Q. of 130 (this is two standard deviations above the mean, 100). At the end of this process, the Ego is still intact, but has been exposed a bit and thus some measure of freedom from the Ego has occurred.  Clearly, this process is for a select `elite.

In contrast, Jesus’ cure is straightforward: Just be in my presence! Today, the only source of Jesus’ words available are contained in the Gospel of Thomas. This is why the seeker meditates on Jesus’ words.

The reader is encouraged to take one saying or theme from Thomas each day and meditate upon it throughout the day. Example: “Jesus says: ‘If a blind man leads a blind man, both of them will fall into a hole” (saying 34). Some questions one might pose:

How can I apply this saying in my life?

How often have I been in error because I followed others?

How can I know if someone is blind?

The process of integrating Jesus’ wisdom in your being is the first and last step in receiving the gift of eternal life: “Whoever discovers my sayings will not taste death” (Gospel of Thomas, saying 1).

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Some Notes on the Ego, Demonic Control, and Physical Immortality

1. The formation of the Ego is a product of child development and the brain’s programming. It appears that babies have encoded in their brain (or the brain has access to this coding from the 5th dimension) an ability to learn the spoken language in its immediate surroundings and the ability to learn what “No!” means. Apparently, the child develop a mirror of the parent’s rules in his brain; moreover, in normal development the child is taught to be responsible for his actions and to feel shame or guilt when his actions are contrary to the wishes of the parent. [For the dedicated reader: While I read widely and consider different views, in the end, all my writings are my original ideas or perhaps ideas from the Mind of God.]

2. At some point in the brain’s development, the child will wake up and become self-conscious. At this point the clock has starting ticking. Everything is seen through the prism of ‘me’—what benefits me? How can I protect me? If I do x, will y follow? To get what I want from someone, what do I need to do? 

3. Once a child has awakened to self-consciousness, he is under demonic control. All his actions and thoughts will be dictated by a limited self-interest. In our banal age, the usual brainwashing sources include: 
a) Television—the supreme babysitter and demonic-controlled media the world has ever known. 

b) Public Schools—these are cesspools of illiteracy. Instead of teaching students how to think by giving them cultural literacy—studies in the classics such as geometry, Latin, and classic literature such as the The iliad by Homer—students are given crap and told what to think, how to think, and when to think.

c) Peers—Instead of allowing 12-year old young men to earn money by working, say, 4 hours per day at a 4-day week schedule, young people hang out with their friends (usually on-line, nowadays). Under this program, young males at 12-years of age will start earning a good salary, and females around age 12-year of age will become pregnant and be supported by her family and community in celebration of new life!

4. The Ego which is a kind of centre which all the other subpersonalities are supposed to be guided by is an artificial construct. In fact, nearly all your actions and thoughts come from a deeper level or from outside influence. How could the Ego think thoughts in the first place?

5. The Ego will develop games, defenses, self-destructive behavior, and attack those who threaten it. At this point, by age 7-years of age or so, the child is demonically controlled. The goal of Satan (Yes, there really are evil beings which exist) is to keep human beings separated from God. And with all the distractions and nonsense continuously going on in this world, Satan has done an excellent job.

6. At some point, some wonder about their place in life. Why am I here? What is the purpose of my life? Is there a God? Is there life after death? This could be a starting point to a relationship with God. Sadly, most children are brainwashed in religious dogma and thus believe utter nonsense. 

7. Given their turn of mind, a few people feel something is missing. I have lost something. What is it? Who can help me find it? They become spiritual seekers.

8. Of course, nearly everything said in the spiritual marketplace is hogwash. How to find the truth? First and last, there must be a willingness to be wrong and wrong often. There is an inherent conflict between the Ego and the Truth. The Ego is the brain’s construct to remain separated from God; the Truth is you are a child of the Living Father!

9. At some point an insight might strike the seeker: Maybe what I am and what my brain tells me I am are two different things. What I am is God! I am the source, the energy, which is connected to Transcendent. This is the first step to returning to where you were when you were 3-years old and things just happened without any judgments attached. This is returning home. 

10.  Enlightenment is the reunion with God. It is the giving up of the Ego in favor of Truth. In a certain sense, anyone who has read my posts over the past few months, is on the path of Enlightenment.


11. A few enlightened beings will pose the question: If I am God, and God is immortal, am I not immortal? Satan’s answer: “Yes, you are immortal, but only in a spiritual sense. When you DIE…” But when I die, I am dead.


12. The purpose of the Thomas Immortality Project is to restore Jesus’ original message as his sayings were recorded after his resurrection by his brother Judas Thomas: Physical Immortality—Union with God—is available for the truth seeker, right here, right now!  This union is returning to your original face before you became self-conscious. Life in free fall. The journey returning to the beginning. Paradise Restored!

Monday, October 3, 2016

On the Day You Became Two: Meeting Your Shadow Self

1. At birth you were born with a raw, primal energy consistent with inherited archetypes unique to you.

2. Through social interactions the brain constructed an artificial self: A social self. This is the self which is socially acceptable to be presented in public.

3. The primal energy uses the social self in order to achieve its outcomes when the two sources (primal energy, and social self) are connected. Otherwise, as is usually the case, there is conflict between these two selves primal energy <------à social self; to resolve this conflict, a shadow self is constructed. The shadow self is a self which will take control while the social self is unaware of what is happening.

4. The shadow self is often a self-destructive energy which rebels against socialization. But when this is expressed it is done without the social self’s awareness. Please note that we are not talking about repression here; the actions of the shadow self really happen in the real world.

5. The rebellion of the primal self can take the form of: suicide, diseases, injuries and other self-harm—anything to get the social self to listen it!

6. Someone who becomes somewhat educated soon sees the rules which the social self follows are mostly contrived. Each culture will encode its own creation myths, rituals, and rules as determined by the storehouse of archetypes in the collective unconscious.

7. Question: How to heal this split?

 Answer: Return to the beginning: unite with the primal energy with God's consciousness. This move removes the social self from the picture and replaces it with God!

8. How to return to your original face? Your original face is a balance of your primal, raw energy combined with God’s healing energy. To return to your original self, the social self must be deconstructed.

9. In the end, physical immortality is about returning home. From the oneness experienced in the mother’s womb to the oneness experienced when the social self dissolves we end where we began: The individual’s consciousness gives up and unites with God’s consciousness…On the day you were two, you became one again!

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Life In Free Fall and Deep Structural Healing

The giving up of control, the dissolution of the Ego, life in free fall, points to a paradoxical result:

Free Fall=God=Deep Healing

Nearly all human beings suffer from dozens of traumas. These are deep-seated energies of pain. Through the giving up of control, living life in free fall without any planning, goals, or games there is deep structural healing of traumas. These negative energies will constantly replay themselves; except for brain surgery, there is no way to rid oneself of them. While therapy can help one feel more comfortable living with traumas, therapy will not result in deep structural healing.

Question: How might I heal myself of psychological pain?

 Answer: You can't. The healing will happen as there is a "letting go and letting God," and once the brain has given up, there is space for God's healing to take place.

 The equation:

 Immortality= Free Fall + Higher Will

points to the paradoxical result such that when the Higher Will (located outside the brain) combines with the giving up of conscious control (surrendering to God) can lead to unity with God. "On the day you were one, you became two. But when you are two, what will you do?" (Gospel of Thomas, saying 11).