Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Being the Animating Energy: Becoming an Immortal, Part II

“ Because you have drunk, you have become intoxicated from the animating energy I have poured out.”
---Jesus, saying 13, The Gospel According To Thomas 

Overview: Shifting from internal dialogues in one’s brain—the left hemisphere of the brain—to being animating energy—the right hemisphere of the brain—is the quintessence of being an Immortal. I will discuss this transformation in this essay.  

1)     In last week’s essay, I discussed activating the still point as the first requirement in being an Immortal. This shifts one’s consciousness or awareness from the brain to the belly region (below the navel). This activation will also allow a shift from the left hemisphere of the brain which engages the mind in endless dialogues to the right hemisphere of the brain which allows for intuitive insight. In this essay, I extend this transformation to connecting with one’s animating self so that one is vibrational energy. See: Becoming an Immortal: Centering In the Still Point, Part I . 

2)     All living things have animating energy which allows for them to be alive. In human beings this animating function is connected to the core self. The core self is located just below the sternum (where the rib cage is located) and at the top of the belly. The core is the essence of you are. It is immortal and when a person ceases to exist the core returns to God. Please note that there is no conscious awareness after death since without a brain and a body there is no way for one to have awareness. Thus, when one is dead, this is the end.  Jesus does not teach reincarnation or any other form of afterlife for humans; instead he uses the example of Adam’s death as applying to all human beings: “Adam came in great power and wealth and yet he was not worthy of you. For had he been worthy, he would not have tasted death” (saying 85). Note that in Genesis 3:19 we are told that upon Adam’s death that he returned to dust, indicating that he suffered both a physical and spiritual death. 

3)     After the seeker has been able to turned off verbal dialogues in the brain at will—by centering his awareness in the still point—the next step is be centered in one’s core. In practice, I usually am centered in the still point when I am in public since this point is connected to the wisdom center (between the eyebrows and is called the 6th chakra). Thus, there is an automatic connection between being centered in the still point and the wisdom center. During meditation or when the brain is not otherwise engaged I center my awareness in my core. 

4)     Be clear: As a seeker of Immortality your greatest challenge will be to be able to feel your core self. I would encourage seekers to seek and find (sayings 92, 94). You will know when the core self has been located as there will be a supercharged vibration energy. Note that when one is centered in the core one becomes animating energy.  Thus, verbal dialogues will cease. Dedicated readers might want to see previous posts on this subject:
 a) Does Being the Animating Energy=The Physical Immortal Frequency ? 

 b)Whoever Is Being the Animating Energy Will Not See Death

5)     Connected to your core self is a Transpersonal point above the head. This is located just above where the Bindu chakra is located (this is where your part your hair). Thus, during meditation one will shift his awareness from the body to a point above the body (about 6 inches above the top of the head). Often there will be a circle or field of awareness which is similar to a halo. 

6)     To activate the Transpersonal point I used to use THC in the form of cannabis oil in gel pills. At one time I used up to 1000 mg of 100% THC. Today, I have discontinued using THC and marijuana as I no long need it. Thus, I invite seekers to experiment will using marijuana and THC in their quest to activate Transpersonal points. It is my view, cannabis will work will one’s intention to transform structures and thus its use may be helpful in one’s spiritual practice. Again, I invite readers to search this blog for previous posts on activating the Transpersonal point. See:

Resurrecting With Jesus By Centering One’s Awareness In the Transpersonal Point 

7)     Once there is a centering in one’s core self and the activation of a transpersonal point there is a supercharged frequency which appears to be nearing the Physical Immortal Frequency. In the next essay, I will discuss activations which will ensure the body is vibrating at the Immortal frequency. It is unclear to me is centering in one’s core and then activating a transpersonal is all that is necessary in order to reach the Physical Immortal Frequency. However, I am confident that centering in the core self and activating a Transpersonal point are necessary steps in order to be at the Physical Immortal Frequency. Again, I will note to the seeker: These two activations took me three years to find and then be able to activate them; thus, the seeker will want to follow Jesus command in saying 2: “Do not cease seeking until you find.” Hopefully, I have shorten the time for the dedicated seeker by directing him to necessary activations in being an Immortal. 


8)     The seeker is invited to experiment with various parameters during one’s daily meditation practice. One suggestion is to use a darken room during the day or to meditate at night in a reclined position. Of course, one might fall asleep while meditating and this is great! Also, I find meditating around 2 A.M. in the morning to be an optimal time to allow for a supercharged frequency. Again, the seeker is invited to try out various times in the day to see what happens. Finally, the seeker may want to try using marijuana or not using it in various doses and see what happens. 


9)     In my meditation practice, my feet will often vibrate at a supercharged frequency. This may be in part due to my activating the earth’s chakra which is located about a foot below the soles of one’s feet. This vibration is somewhat painful, but I would encourage the seeker to be one with the pain and merge the brain’s awareness with the vibrations in the feet. The reward is that a Transpersonal point above the head will usually be activated after an hour or so. Again, it is an open question if the supercharged frequency in the soles of my feet are at the Physical Immortal Frequency. My best guess is it is near this level and a few other activations which will discussed in the next essay will ensure that this frequency is at the Immortal level.

Summary: The recommended activations in this essay took me three years to discover and activate. Thus, I would guess that it might take the reader a few months in order to activate them. First, finding the core self and centering one’s awareness in the core might be challenging for the seeker. Then he will need to activate Transpersonal point above the head and below the feet. (Side note: These activations are recommended for males as females are not a Living Spirit and thus their core is a place of darkness. If the reader is a female, you will need to contact an Immortal who can turn your core from a demonic energy to one connected to God. Please see saying 114 in Thomas). It is unclear if the activations in this essay are all one needs to do in order to activate the Immortal frequency. It is my best guess that these two are close to the Immortal level. The reward for your hard work will be eternal life: “Blessed is the man who has worked hard and found life!” (Jesus, saying 58, The Gospel According To Thomas).

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