Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Resurrecting With Jesus By Centering One’s Awareness In the Transpersonal Point

“ I am the Light that is above all things. I am All: From me all has come forth, and to me all has reached. Split a piece of wood—I am there. Lift up a stone and you will find me there.”

--Jesus, saying 77, The Gospel According To Thomas

1. The Transpersonal Point is located about 3.5 feet above the head. The seeker of Physical Immortality will center his consciousness or awareness at this point. This will activate a circles of awareness which surrounds the body. See and study diagram one at Lee Bladon's site: PDF] The True-Self, the False-Self and the Ego - Esoteric Science . 

2. The direct path to activating this point is via cannabis. I use pre-rolls which are either Indica or Sativa at 30 mg of THC. Two or three puffs is all that is needed.

3. There are several ways to activate the Transpersonal Point. I use the following method:

a) I center my awareness in my core self. This is located just above the rib cage.

b) Once I have centered my awareness in my core I see my awareness as a pearl or a ball of energy. Often this is referred to as one’s spark of divinity.

c) Using my mind’s eye I move my awareness to the crown of my head.

d) From my crown I jump about 6 inches above the head. This activates a chakra connected to the brain.

e) My second jump is about a foot above the first and is connected to the throat chakra.

f) My next jump(s) are to activate the Transpersonal Point. This may take 2-4 jumps into order to activate it.

g) You will know when you have activated the Transpersonal Point since you will hear loud piercing sounds in the ears.

4.  Thomas students might like to investigate this further by looking at Joys’ Way by Dr. W. Brugh Joy, Jeremy P. Tarcher, Inc., Los Angeles, 1979, pages 191-197. Dr. Joy outlines what he calls the spiral meditation in which the Transpersonal Point is activated. See: Joy's Way, A Map for the Transformational Journey: An ... - Amazon.com.

Side note: As is the case with nearly all metaphysical books, I take what I find useful and leave the rest behind

5. Also, Thomas students might like to google the term “hara line” and see how to activate a light pole which goes through the Transpersonal Point, through the body and connects to the earth.

6. While I acknowledge that activating the Transpersonal Point will be challenging for beginners, at least I have given the seeker the goal. Be clear: If your awareness stays in the Ego brain, then it is not possible to be a Physical Immortal. It will be up to each seeker to keep trying until he finds.

7. In the Thomas Immortality Project system one Resurrects with Jesus by activating the Transpersonal Point. As saying 77 as cited at the beginning of this essay notes: “I am the Light that is above all things.” Thus, by activating the Transpersonal Point above your body/brain system you are uniting with Jesus.

8. As part of my morning devotion I activate the Transpersonal Point at the Physical Immortal frequency: 

“Yeshua: Your sayings are life! May my vocal cords and voice be activated at the Physical Immortal frequency as I say your sayings aloud, allowing me to be Resurrected with you as a Physical Immortal, right here, right now. Thanks, Yeshua!”

After this prayer I then say a saying from The Gospel According To Thomas aloud. 

9. Once your Transpersonal Point has been activated, one will invite the Holy Spirit of Truth to guide his life:

Holy Spirit of Truth: Please guide my life this day to eternal life—Physical Immortality. Thanks, Holy Spirit of Truth."

The Spirit of Truth is connected to one’s will and is located below the ribe cage and is connected to the solar plexus chakra.

10.  Once you can activate the Transpersonal Point and hear the loud sounds in the ears, then you are on your way to being a Physical Immortal! The next step is to let go. This means your awareness will no longer be connected to the brain. Also, it means uniting one’s awareness with the Transpersonal Point and being one with it.

11. Side notes:

a) Males will usually find it quite challenging to activate the Transpersonal Point as it requires them to let go. As a preliminary step it might be useful to first center your awareness in a chakra about 6 inches above the brain as this maintains a connection to the brain while being disconnected in a certain sense.

b) Females do not have a Transpersonal Point and thus will not be able to activate it. Thus, it is impossible for a female to be a Physical Immortal unless she transforms herself into a Living Spirit (see saying 114, The Gospel According to Thomas).

Summary: The seeker of Physical Immortality will center his awareness in his Transpersonal Point, about 3.5 feet above the head. The seeker will first find his core self or spark of divinity and then jump to the crown of the head. This will be his new center. At first the seeker will have to keep re-centering from the brain to the Transpersonal Point until this point is fully activated. As a preliminary step, it may be helpful to first activate a chakra about 6 inches above the head and be centered here. Please note that centering in the Transpersonal Point is a form of detachment from the brain-body mechanism.

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