Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Readers: The next Post Due is February 12, 2019.

Dear Readers:

Thank you for your interest in eternal life! God willing, the next post will be on February 12, 2019.

Some brief notes: Every morning upon waking up I say the Holy Vow: “Father: I give you everything—My life, my heart, my soul, my mind, my very being. Please give me your Immortal strength to do your will this day. Thanks, God!”

Then the next step is to center my awareness. This means I center my being in my core and thus can feel my core self. This means when thoughts arise I redirect them to my center. Usually, it takes a couple of minutes or so. This centering is key as the mind will naturally want to create thoughts. These thoughts are a distraction from being centered.

When going outside my motto is: “Peace, safety, and centering.” Thus, I come in peace for all while being safe. In San Francisco, this means dodging cars which run red lights, cars which back up at stop signs, and skaters on sidewalks. Some days it feels like a miracle I get back home in one piece! Then I make sure that I centered in my core so that I can activate a Transpersonal chakra about 6 inches above my head. This will allow for clear seeing while my awareness is somewhat disconnected from the brain. Generally, I avoid all unnecessary interactions with humans as few of them live a God-centered life and thus I have no interest in interacting with darkness.

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