Tuesday, February 12, 2019

The Immortal Youthing Meditation Practice, Part I

In the days when you ate what was dead, you made it alive. When you are in the Light what will you do? On the day you were one, you became two. When you have become two, what will you do?"

Jesus, saying 11, The Gospel According To Thomas

Overview: The meditation practice outlined in this and subsequent essays may be the Holy Grail: A specific, repeatable practice which will shift the DNA’s aging code into a youthing program. 

1.    First, I will need to give the reader a few activations. In this first essay, I will focus on activating the “still point.”  This is activation is what Zen masters will teach pre-Enlightened disciples. Since it is not well known outside Zen, but essential for higher-order activations, I spend this first essay on it.
2. Imagine your attention is focused on your chest. Then in a straight-line manner move your attention to your belly region. Then move your awareness to inside the navel (belly botton). STOP!
3.   What happened here ? The brain was aware of your attention in the chest, belly, and navel. In other words, your brain was aware and controlling your movement (so you think). This split awareness is called “subject-object” consciousness or dual awareness. Thus, one has divided one’s consciousness into two: One that is aware of what is happening and one that experiences the action. This split awareness is the cause of all of man’s suffering. Only by being centered will one be able to allow one’s life force to be concentrated to such a degree that the body will vibrate at a high-frequency.
4.      How to be one again? Zen masters discovered a “still point” which works magic. Return to your previous guided imagery in part 2 above: Let your focus be on the belly button for a minute. Then see a circle surrounding the body and connected to the navel. Finally, jump up about 1 inch above the first circle and create a second circle surrounding the body; then re-focus back to the body focusing one’s awareness just below navel. At some point you might activate the still point. Before you activate the still point your brain will be controlling any action of which it is aware (so it thinks) and thus will be linked with a second aware of consciousness, the subject-object consciousness. Then activate the still point: poof! One’s awareness is free from the brain’s control and there is…silence….
5.     Once the seeker has activated the still point located just below the navel the brain’s connection to one’s awareness has ceased. You are free! Once the still point has been activated there will be a shift from experiencing the body as an object of awareness to one of animating energy. 
6.    Where will the awareness go as one is free from the brain’s control? Usually, it will go above the head several feet. In order to allow some loosening of the ego brain and its tight control over one’s awareness, one might like to experiment with cannabis. I use pre-rolls of sativa with 30 mg of THC; two or three puffs are all that is needed. In time, one will not need to use cannabis. A second point is the 6th chakra or third eye which is located between the eyebrows is usually activated along with the still point. In some systems, this is called the 2nd chakra-6th chakra link. 
7.   Note that as one can turn off the brain’s connection to one’s awareness all internal dialogues have ceased as on a verbal level there is silence. Well, how does anything get done if your brain is not controlling it? The same way it always was happening: There is a controller which is activating your actions so that as your connection to an energy grid or matrix is activated it will activate actions based upon your frequency. In other words, free will is just a trick of the mind so that you can be controlled. The shift to the still point allows for Transpersonal chakras above the head to be activated including the Transpersonal point which will allow one to be free from the matrix. See a previous post: Resurrecting With Jesus By Centering One’s Awareness In the Transpersonal Point 
8.   A quick aside: Once you are experienced at activating the still point all you will need to do is say or intend: silence. Then Voilà ! the mind’s activities have ceased. Please note this has no affect upon the brain since it will continue all its functions independent of your awareness—like it always did. So our new motto from Zen: Turning the still point on is the new off!

9.    The seeker of Physical Immortality may want to bask in the animating energy for 20 minutes or so. Also, advanced students may activate the Transpersonal Point as noted above. Usually, within a few minutes of being the animating energy the feet will start to vibrate. This will be somewhat painful but the tingling and the prickly feeling in the feet are the healing energy of God being absorb in the feet. It is possible that marijuana is the healing force that God is using. In any case, after 20 minutes or so of this meditation practice the body will be vibrating at a high frequency. Conjecture: This high-frequency vibration is nearing the Immortal Youthing frequency which will allow the body to rejuvenate and reverse the aging program of the DNA.

Summary: In this first part of the “Immortal Youthing Mediatation Practice” I have shown how to activate the still point. This point, located just below the navel, will allow for a bit of magic to occur: When it is activated there is silence. In this space of silence, the body will start to vibrate as there is a shift of being aware of things happening to being the body’s animating energy. The feet will usually start vibrating within a few minutes as God’s healing energies are allowed to flow. It is possible that this frequency is at the Immortal Youthing or rejuvenating frequency which will allow for the DNA’s aging code to be reversed.

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