Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Readers: My next post is due March 12, 2019.

Dear Readers:
Thank you for your interest in eternal life. My new posting schedule for this year will, as a practice, be every Tuesday, except on the first Tuesday of each month. This is so I can pay various bills and organized things for the month. I will, however, continue to note when I will miss a given Tuesday. It is a joy to be able to share the Good News of the Kingdom of God—which is both outside you and inside you (see saying 3, The Gospel According To Thomas).

Russia update:

Just a brief note: President Putin last Wednesday continued the tit-for-tat diplomacy in which he announced at the end of a speech to the Russian people that Russia would respond if the USA had nuclear missiles on NATO countries such as Poland. This shifts the response to the Trump administration to which it can respond by ignoring the threat and responding with some kind of threat of its own. At this point, it appears as though the Russian game strategists are looking at a first-strike nuclear attack against the USA; also, Donald Trump may be considering a first strike against Russia. In my view, we are entering a very dangerous period in which there is a 5 % chance a nuclear war could occur within the next 12 months.

The problem here is an unknown: If Trump has been compromised because the Russians have information showing he has committed treason by having Russian operatives help him win the 2016 election, then he might take actions which will either invite a nuclear attack or will fail to respond should the Russians attack, say a NATO country. As outlined above, the Russians already have sufficient grounds to attack the USA should they deem it in their national interest. Thus, I encourage my readers to have Donald J. Trump arrested for treason and removed from office before such a nuclear confrontation takes place.

 See: 1) Readers: Demand Donald Trump Be Arrested For Treason! ---Posted on August 28, 2018. The Russian game strategists are looking at a first-strike nuclear attack on the USA.

For background info see:


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