Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Readers I wiil be celebrating Labor Day next week. Next post due September 11, 2018. Happy Labor Day!

Dear Readers:

Thank you for your interest in eternal life. Because next week is Labor Day weekend there will be no post. God willing, I will post a new essay September 11, 2018. As noted below, I believe the international situation is close to a point that the Russian game theorists may conclude that it is to their benefit to launch a first-strike nuclear attack on the United States. No doubt the Russians will be looking at the fact that the United States is spending hundreds of billions of dollars on new war technology. This includes an advanced space program which may be able to hit any incoming missiles to the United States. While this “star-wars” technology was floated during the Reagan administration, I believe Israel has shown that there are enough advances in this technology that it may be a realistic possibility. Hence, the Russians might want to strike with a nuclear attack while they still can.  By having Trump removed from office the American people can signal to the Russians that our intentions are peaceful. Please do what you can to support peace. Thank you.

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