Tuesday, September 11, 2018

What Happened When I Lost My Ego: A First-Person Account

"In the days when you ate what was dead, you made it alive. When you are in the light what will you do? On the day you were one, you became two. When you are two, what will you do?"

--Jesus, saying 11, The Gospel According To Thomas

1.First, a definition: An Ego is a thought-form which communicates with other thought-forms on its frequency in order to facilitate psychic energy exchanges.” 
Some clarifications:
a. By “thought-form” I mean a structure which was created at the 5th-dimensional level via a program. It has no life of its own. Thus, the Ego is lifeless. It can only live as long as you give it your life force. Your life force or life energy is translated into awareness. The Ego then eats up your life force
b. The phrase “communicates with other thought-form” implies that the Ego can identify with other thought-forms such the story-telling function. The story-telling function will create thoughts in the brain. The Ego will then constantly respond to the story. It’s all meaningless.
c. The phrase “psychic energy exchanges” points to the point of the Ego: It enjoys payoffs in which there is some energy exchange. This can be the excitement of watching a sporting event or getting revenge on an enemy. These various games and pastimes offer a way to spend one’s time while your Ego eats your life energy.
2. Once my Ego was dissolved I found that my body would start vibrating at a high frequency during my meditation practice. Sometimes early in the morning, say 3 A.M. my body will vibrate at a high-pitch level which vibrates every cell in my body. 
3. The next thing I noticed about the dissolution of the Ego was very little had changed. Yes, the thoughts in my brain were reduced by 95%, but the story-telling function was still at work. Behind the story-telling function of the left brain was a Controller. It was at work creating various activations such as guilt for some wrong in the past. Thus, in a sense everything stayed about the same.  
4. Without the Ego, I can see what the brain is doing. Usually, I activate a transpersonal point above my head. This can be located 3 feet above my head or sometimes a chakra behind my head is activated. In any case, once my awareness is above the head, I could see the ploys of the Controller and other players such as female and male selves. The great thing about this is the rule: Illumination=Transformation. The moment you see something, the act of seeing it changes it. This follows since everything has some level of consciousness and thus your consciousness has connected with another kind of consciousness. 
5. While using marijuana is not necessary to become Enlightened, in my case it was extremely helpful. Three or four puffs on a cannabis cigarette is all that is necessary to help shift one’s consciousness to a non-ordinary one. So the reader can experiment with this and see what happens. 
6. The core practice is key: Shift your awareness to the belly region. This is done by first locating the core self or the spark of divinity. Usually, it is located above the rib cage in the heart region. Once you have found your core self, then you are in the animating life energy of your being. This core being is a white life force which extends from below the navel to the heart region. This is your connection with Jesus as he is the fire!
7. In some practices this white life force is shifted above the body and then by intention you allow it to spin in an elliptical form. You might want to say “Immortal+Youthing Frequency” aloud a few times to fully activate it. I do this for a few minutes during my 1-hour daily meditation practice. 
8. Without an Ego when I defocus my seeing, I see dancing particles of light floating about in space. I do not know if this is universal or just has happened to me. 
9. Without an Ego, the direction of my life comes from God’s Spirit, The Holy Spirit of Truth. Thus, each morning I ask God’s Spirit to guide my life that day: “Holy Spirit of Truth: Please guide my life this day. Please lead me to eternal life—Physical Immortality. Thanks, Holy Spirit of Truth.” After saying this prayer I spend a few minutes connecting with my heart and feeling God’s Presence within my being. 
10. Note that without an Ego that the Super Ego still functions. The Super Ego is the primitive part of mankind which wants to fuck other people up or to get fucked up; there really is no difference between these two opposite ends of a pole. Normally, the activation of the Super Ego comes around 2 years of age when one’s parents will teach you proper behavior. Usually, good behavior=rewards and bad behavior=punishment. Sometimes in order to get attention children will misbehave on purpose since this is the only time their parents will notice them. Again, with purification practices and clear seeing the Super Ego will be dissolved and replaced with God’s Wisdom. Of course, it may take a while. But as your awareness is above the brain, it will become clear what is happening. 
Summary:  Notice what is happening: On the day when you were one, your awareness was centered in the belly region. Then you became two. Your awareness became trapped in the brain. In order to be one again, you will shift your awareness back to belly region. Here we have completed the cycle: The beginning now becomes the end….

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