Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Whoever Is Being the Animating Energy Will Not See Death

“Whoever is living from the Living One will not see death”

--Jesus, saying 111, The Gospel According To Thomas

Overview: If a seeker wanted a single process which would allow for eternal life, Physical Immortality, then living as the animating energy would be it. This essay breaks the process down in various elements, but understanding can only take you to the river’s edge; then you have to jump in and merge with the water.

1. What you are is animating energy. There is no need to do anything but be it. This is not about some subject-object process where there is something which you are aware of, say your thoughts, and then there is you, the watcher. No, here the seeker merges with energy and becomes the energy since that is what he already is.
2. As noted in last week’s post, seeing what the Ego is, a thought-form without any existence other than the life energy you give it through your awareness, is a first step to Enlightenment. See:  What Happened When I Lost My Ego: A First-Person Account. Another important development in the path to Enlightenment is being the animating energy that you are. This level of being is called: The Core Self, The I AM THAT I AM, Christ Consciousness, The Kingdom of Heaven, the Spark of Divinity among other things. In this essay, I refer to it as the animating energy in order to emphasize that being at this level of consciousness is a dynamic process, it is aliveness, it is being without conscious control, it is allowing the animating energy which is which allows you to be alive. 
3. In my path in being the animating energy I followed a process which I will briefly outline: 

  1. First, I woke up one morning and I felt a core self in my inner heart. This was the Holy Spirit of Truth showing me this and allowing me to experience it.
  2. Second, when I meditated and then focused on my core self my body would start to vibrate at a higher frequency.
  3. I studied the meditation practices in Practicing the Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle, pages 55-66.  See: Practicing the Power of Now: Essential Teachings ... - Goodreads
4. Note that the purpose of the meditation practice is to merge one's awareness with the animating energy. This animating energy is connected to the white life force in the belly region.

5. The point of this essay is to point out to seekers that he has a core, animating self. It took me about 1 year to fully activate it into my being. But the key step was just knowing that it existed. Again, it is associated with the upper chest region under the heart.

6. To be clear: When you have found your core being, it will be animating when you center your awareness in it. By animating I mean this way of being will allow the body to vibrate and you will feel the vibration in the body when you center yourself in your core. Dedicated seekers might google the terms mentioned above such as “spark of divinity” and see any insights which might be helpful. 

7. Once you are the animating energy, then you will be connected to your core being, the inner core which is your life force. This is a white light inside your body which allows you to exist; without this white light or energy, you would cease to be alive. As mentioned above, Mr. Tolle’s text, Practicing the Power of Now, goes through the process in which one re-centers his awareness from the brain and back into the belly region. His insights in this slim volume of 142 pages have proved invaluable. 

8. Note that all activities which take you away from your animating energy is using your animating energy. Thus, when one is aware of something, say a thought, then he has taken a part of his animating energy of given it over to awareness. Awareness is a secondary function of the animating energy. Also, thinking thoughts will usually be a secondary function as you have given the controller on the left hemisphere of your brain part of your life force. A subtle but profound insight might strike you: Everything which you are aware of has its origin in the animating energy which is what you are. When this insight is fully embraced one is said to be Enlightened.

9. The goal of living from the Living One: It is union with Jesus at the Resurrection Frequency, the frequency he experienced when he was Resurrected from the dead. In this mystical union with Jesus as his animating energy unites with your animating energy, one is Resurrected from the dead and becomes a Living Being. 

10. One last development: As the seeker lives from the Living One, lives as the animating energy, the final step is to activate Wisdom Consciousness. For me this consciousness is just above and outside my head and is located on the top of my head (this is where the Bindu chakra is located). Thus, when I go outside or deal with a human, I automatically activate my Wisdom Consciousness. Given that nearly all humans are dead, I come in peace, but avoid all unnecessary interactions with them. Also, as my consciousness is located above my head, I will usually activate a field of awareness which surrounds my body.  Wisdom includes: Discernment, clear seeing, clarity, mercy, forgiveness, honor, truth, faith, gratitude, joy, love, Immortal strength and Immortal Will. 

Summary: Being what you are—the animating energy that vibrates your being—is the first and last step in living from the Living One. Jesus tells one of his followers, Thomas, the secret: “ Because you have drunk you have been intoxicated by the bubbling spring I have measured out” (saying 13, The Gospel According To Thomas). So to follow Jesus one with be in a state of consciousness or being which will allow him to unite with Jesus’ supercharged animating energy. In order for this mystical union to happen first the seeker must find his inner core self and then be the animating energy. This is aliveness. It is being being. There are no filters here. No awareness of being the animating energy; instead one is the animating energy.  Please note that it might take seekers a year in order to be the animating energy. The payoff is worth the effort: “Whoever is living from the Living One will not see death” –Jesus, saying 111, The Gospel According To Thomas.

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