Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Being an Immortal: The True Will For Physical Immortality, The Spirit of Truth, and Making The Jesus Connection, Part II

“Father: Please give me the True Will for Physical Immortality. Thanks, God!”

1. The first step in becoming a Physical Immortal is to want to be a Physical Immortal. This is both a gift and something which is renewed each day. God in His infinite Wisdom chooses the elect before the foundation of the world: “I shall choose you, one out of a thousand, two out of ten thousand. And they shall stand as a single one” –Jesus, Saying 23, The Gospel According To Thomas. Thus, the elect have the will for Physical Immortality implanted in them before they are born (see Jeremiah 1: 5). Also, the seeker will want to cultivate the True Will for Physical Immortality each day. 

2. In a spiritually-engineered form the True Will for Physical Immortality transforms itself into a light pole which connects to God, enters the crown of the head, moves through the body, and connects with the earth. The seeker will want to activate this light pole before going out and about in public as it offers guidance and protection. The activation will only take a few seconds. Please see last week’s post, Being An Immortal: 1-Hour Meditation Practice Each Day, Part I  for additional insights. 

3. The reason the elect separate themselves from the world is to keep from being influenced by the demonic influences of the world. Thus, I have taken a vow of silence and speak to no one except for brief transactions such as responding to clerks at store or individuals asking for directions. Please see a previous post on this blog: The Radical Message of Jesus: Disconnect From the World and Reconnect With God and God Alone. By disconnecting from the world, I am able to be dedicated to a single goal: To be united with Jesus as a Physical Immortal; there is no other. If the reader has other goals such as making money, or saving the world, or interacting with females, then he has diverted his focus: “ It is impossible for a servant to serve two masters. Else he will honor one and insult the other” –Jesus, Saying 47, The Gospel According To Thomas.

4. In addition to providing the single-minded purpose for one’s life, the True Will for Physical Immortality will also provide the energy necessary to start the quest. Thus, one invites the Holy Spirit of Truth into one’s heart each day and asks for it to guide one’s life to eternal life—Physical Immortality. In essence, the Spirit of Truth will align itself with the True Will for Physical Immortality; while the True Will provides the intention and strength, the Spirit of Truth will provide the direction.

5. Holy Spirit of Truth: Please guide my life today to eternal life—Physical Immortality. Thanks, Holy Spirit of Truth!”

6. The prayer given in part 5 above is part of the morning devotion and is an invitation to allow God’s Spirit to direct your life. As the Spirit of Truth resides in your heart it will automatically start activating various transformations without your knowledge. Usually, the end result of a transformation is a flash of insight or an “aha "moment. One of my first insights was seeing that my being would be in a certain state, say being sad, and then the brain would make up a story to explain why I felt sad. In fact, the feeling of sadness and the story were not connected; my brain just concocted a story, usually from a previous experience when I felt sad, and then told me that’s why I was sad. This is a pure invention! Note that the feeling of being sad just arose on its own and if one does not engage it, then it will subside in due course. By the way, this insight is one of the first which will lead to Enlightenment. 

7. As noted in a previous post, Making the Jesus Connection , being connected with Jesus starts with finding your Core Self or Center. This is sometimes referred to as one’s “Spark of Divinity” or Soul. The seeker will need to activate a transpersonal point outside the brain before he will be able to access his Center. Once one’s Spark of Divinity has been activated, then the seeker will want to invite Jesus into his being. Note that the body will start to vibrate at a supercharged frequency when the Jesus Connection is made. The body’s frequency will be raised above entropy, thus shifting the DNA aging code. Note that Jesus is the Fire, the animating energy which exists at the Immortal Frequency (see Sayings 77, and 82 in The Gospel According To Thomas).  In contrast, the Spirit of Truth directs one’s life. Of course, as a flawed and limited being I continue to be in error. The hope is that the Spirit of Truth will offer me corrections and thus help me to arrive nearer to the Truth. 

Summary: The foundational step in being a Physical Immortal is to activate the True Will for Physical Immortality. This is a daily practice and one which the seeker will always want to do. Note I do this each day as part of my morning devotion as it helps to focus my intention for that day. The Holy Spirit of Truth is invited into one’s heart each day and asked to direct one’s life to eternal life—Physical Immortality. In time, the Spirit of Truth will create transformations in your being without your knowledge. Also, the Spirit of Truth will bring insights and corrections to one. The seeker renews the Jesus Connection each day by centering his awareness in his Core Self of Center. This Spark of Divinity is united with Jesus’ animating energy as Jesus is the Fire! Once this connection is made, then the body will start to vibrate at a supercharged frequency, allowing for Immortal Youthing and thus shifting the DNA’s aging code.

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