Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Making the Jesus Connection

“Whoever drinks from my mouth will become like me. I myself will become he and the hidden things will be revealed to him”

--Jesus, Saying 108, The Gospel According To Thomas


Editor’s Clarification: In last week’s post I wrote “any crazy rigmarole, that you die, go to heaven, and in 10,000 years return to earth” I mentioned the number 10,000. In fact, in their study of eschatology Christians usually use the number 1,000 in which they posit a 1,000 year period of the “Great Tribulation.” Often they will cite such passages in the Book of Revelation such as Revelation 20: 5: “The rest of the dead did not come back to life until the thousand years ended,” and also Revelation 20:7, “And when the thousand years are ended…” As previously noted, I view the book of Revelation to be a work of fiction and thus do not take it seriously. Please see: Forgeries In the New Testament , a post on this blog for additional insights.


Overview: To Make the Yeshua-Michael Connection or the Jesus Connection the seeker will need to:
a. Activate the Transpersonal Point above his head.
b. Locate his core self.
c. Center his awareness in his spark of divinity or soul.
d. Unite with Jesus at the Resurrection Frequency.

1. Jesus Saves!” is a common saying among Christians and it is true. But this requires becoming a child again, returning to oneness which existed before the Ego arose along with self-consciousness around 3-years of age.

2. For one’s awareness to leave the Ego brain, one will need to enter the light—a Transpersonal Point a few inches above the head. Be clear: If your awareness is trapped in the brain, then it is impossible for the God Connection to happen. Seekers are invited to see a previous post, Activating the Light Consciousness by Shifting One’s Awareness to the Transpersonal Self for additional insights. 

3. In Eastern systems such as Hinduism the goal is to shift one’s awareness from the brain and then to activate higher chakras (e.g., 8th-12th chakras) in order to be sourced by God. Please note that Enlightenment is more of a surrendering of one’s will to God and has nothing to do with control; it’s the Ego which is under the delusion that it is in control. In fact, the shocking reality is that you are a puppet and all your actions are being sourced by the Matrix, a 5th-dimensional construct which controls the actions of human beings. There is no free will when one is in the Ego. 

4. For the Physical Immortal, however, the spark of divinity, or your soul, located in the heart region, needs to be activated. The idea is to shift one’s awareness to outside the brain in order for one’s awareness to be re-centered in the heart region. In this space, one’s awareness is connected to the body. 

5. Please note what the Hindus and other systems miss: Eternal life or Physical Immortality can only occur with a personal and direct relationship with Jesus.  In general, when people die their soul will return to God and as far as the individual is concerned that is the end of him. Note without a brain there can be no conscious awareness and thus all claims of near-death experiences are a product of the brain’s way of getting one to let go; at the end of the tunnel of light is complete and permanent darkess! While it is possible for one’s soul to be recycled in a process called reincarnation, this is an impersonal arrangement and has nothing to do with everything that makes you a unique spiritual being. 

6. Based upon the model outlined in point 5 above, I am confident that the Christians have been deceived by the Roman Catholics with their claims of a conscious existence afterlife. Sadly, Christians are basing their beliefs on forged documents which became the New Testament. In my view, Roman Catholics represent darkness and are the direct representatives of Satan.

7. When you re-center your awareness in your heart region (but not the heart itself), there is non-verbal being. During my meditation practice, there is nothing I am aware of since I am awareness. Also, note during my meditation practice when the clear intention has been set, I let go and allow God to take over.

8. After one has become a child again and thus one’s awareness or consciousness is centered in the heart region, the next step is to make the Jesus Connection. Since Jesus’ birth name is “Yeshua” I respectfully call him by him name. While Yeshua is God in the flesh, Michael is the Spiritual counterpart of Jesus. However, Christians may substitute my reference to Yeshua-Michael with Jesus. 

Invocation  #1: “Yeshua-Michael (or Jesus): Please let me drink from your mouth and be you. Please show me the hidden things you would have me see. Thanks, Yeshua-Michael (or Jesus) !”


Invocation # 2: “Yeshua-Michael: Please let my spark of divinity or soul be connected to your spark of divinity at the Immortal Frequency. Please let me be united with you as a Physical Immortal , right here, right now. Thanks, Yeshua-Michael!”

Mantra: “Yeshua-Michael.” Merely repeating the words “Yeshua-Michael” has a high vibrational effect.

9. After one has connected his spark of divinity or soul with Jesus, the next step is to shift one’s level of consciousness to the Immortal Frequency. Without this step, while one may have a connection with Jesus, the level of consciousness is not at a high enough level in order for one to construct an Immortal Body and thus shift the DNA’s aging code. I make the higher connection during The Resurrection Frequency Meditation Practice  (a post on this blog) which I do each day. Thus, when my awareness returns to the body it will be vibrating at a high frequency, thus allow for shifts in the body 

Summary: “Jesus Saves!” is true. In fact, salvation can come only through a direct relationship with Jesus. The seeker will need to detach his awareness from the brain and then allow his awareness to be centered in his core self. One’s core self, located in the heart region, is one’s spark of divinity or soul. The goal is to be directed unified with Jesus in one’s core. After one’s awareness is connected to his spark of divinity with Jesus, the final step is to shift this awareness to the Resurrection Frequency, thus allowing for the construction of an Immortal Body.

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