Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Checklists For Immortals: Other Practices, Part V

Overview: In this final installment of “checklists for Immortals” I list key practices an Immortal will want to do. The power of these checklists is they are done every day and in time the practices will be so deeply embedded, one will do them automatically. As always, I encourage seekers to find their own path to eternal life—Physical Immortality—and thus I invite you to be creative and construct your own checklists.

See previous checklists:

1. Honoring God’s Holy Day—The 7th Day of the Week—

In the beginning of creation God sanctified the 7th day and made it Holy: “And God went on to bless the 7th day and to declare it sacred, for on it God rested from all the work He had done” (Genesis 2:3). Also, in The Gospel According To Thomas Jesus issues a direct command to honor God’s Holy Day, the Sabbath or the day of rest: “If you do not observe the Sabbath as a Sabbath, then you will not see the Father” (Saying 27). Finally, note the first followers of Jesus were led by James, the brother of Jesus and one of the first eyewitnesses to Jesus’ Resurrection (see I Corinthians 15), and they honored God’s Holy Day, the Sabbath.

Warning: Those who follow the Roman Catholics and attend meetings on Sunday are in direct disobedience to God. Please note the Roman Catholics under the authority of the pope change God’s Holy Day for their followers at the Council of Laodicea, circa 364 AD. 

2. Celibacy—

To be an Immortal, then the kundalini, the Immortal current at the base of the spine must be activated. The kundalini can only rise up the base of the spine, and up the spinal column and then to the top of the head when one’s life force is not diverted via ejaculation. Also, note Jesus commands his followers to abstain in any sexual activity in The Gospel According To Thomas: “Blessed are the solitary and elect for you shall find the Kingdom” (saying 49). The Coptic term for “solitary” derives from our term “monk” and implies both in the Greek and the Coptic that one is celibate. 

3. Making the Yeshua-Michael Connection:

First the seeker needs to find his center or core being. This is in the heart region (but not the heart itself) and it is your spark of divinity. This spark of divinity or soul can only be activated by seekers who have activated the Transpersonal Point above their head. Please see: Activating the Light Consciousness by Shifting One’s Awareness to the Transpersonal Self  (a post on this blog) for additional insights. Once you are centered in who you really are and have shifted your awareness from the Ego brain and all its endless chattering, then you are invited to make the connection:

“Yeshua-Michael: Please let my spark of divinity be connected to your spark of divinity. Please give me your Immortal Will, protection, Immortal Strength, joy, and knowledge. Thanks Yeshua-Michael!”


a) Yeshua is Jesus birth name in Aramaic and is what his followers call him by.

b) Michael is the spiritual form of Yeshua and preexisted with the Living Father before time began. Also, note that in Daniel 12:1, Michael is portrayed as the leader of all the angels.

c) As a mantra saying “Yeshua-Michael” is quite powerful and thus just saying “Yeshua-Michael” has a high vibrational energy. 

4. Boundlessness—

Just as mortal need sleep, Immortals need to leave their conscious mind and be absent. I do this each day by The Resurrection Frequency Meditation Practice , a post on this blog. Once my Transpersonal Self has been activated—this is located above the head—I keep jumping to higher frequencies. At some point, I let go and thus have do not conscious awareness. It is when my awareness is in boundlessness that transformations can take place. 

5. Constructing an Immortal Body—

At some point during my meditation practice or during the day I spend a few minutes being clear that my intention is to transform my body from a mortal one to an Immortal one: “Right here, right now, I intend upon my spark of divinity to be connected with Yeshua-Michael at the Immortal Youthing Frequency. May my body vibrate at the Immortal Youthing Frequency, thus constructing an Immortal Body. Thanks, God.”
After saying this invocation aloud, I connect with my body and intend for it to construct an Immortal Body. Thomas students are encouraged to study Saying 22 for additional insights. 

6. Be Wrong Each Day—

 I make it a daily practice to spend 15-20 minutes each day solving challenging puzzles in which I am either unable to solve or am in error. In my practice, I use the text Forcing Chess Moves: The Key to Better Calculation: Charles Hertan and solve the puzzles without a chessboard. While I usually can find the key move, I often overlook some key variations, especially when they 6 moves or more in depth. Only by being wrong each day, can I ever hope to be right.

7. Focus Each Day on the Present—

While the past can be used to gain self-insight into one’s patterns, the past itself is of no value. Also, any idea that you are going to be saved in the future violates Occam’s Razor, the principle of parsimony. In simple terms, today you are alive. By working to become a Physical Immortal, then you are being saved; in contrast, any crazy rigmarole, that you die, go to heaven, and in 10,000 years return to earth, is based upon pure speculation which I am convinced is completely wrong-headed. (Side note: This is one of the many crazy ideas these Christians have invented over the millennia and they will usually cite the Book of Revelation; any sane person who reads this text will no doubt be left with the impression that it was written by someone in a drug-induced psychosis.) Thus, I greet each day as a glorious opportunity to be connected with the Living Father. Today is the Day of Salvation!


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