Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Checklist For Immortals: Constructing and Activating the Immortal Will, Part IV

“Father: Right here, right now I ask to be connected to you through the light which is Yeshua. May this light originate from you to the crown of my head, activating the center of my brain with your Wisdom and Immortal energies, and then activate my heart region with your Love, and my belly region with your Immortal energy and Strength. Then please allow your light to go through my body and connect to the earth. May your Immortal energies from above and the earth’s Immortal energies from below pulsate up and down as I am a Physical Immortal. Thanks, God!”

Please see:
for the previous checklists.  

1. The final activation, constructing and activating the Immortal Will is the summum bonum or the “highest good from which all others are subsumed,” is a 5th-dimensional engineered construct which when fully activated subsumes all the other practices and recommendations on the Thomas Immortal Project

2. In the first part we imagine a white light tube connected to God from the crown of the head. The light is Jesus (see Saying 77, The Gospel According to Thomas) and it has been activated at the Physical Immortal Frequency. Note that this is what previous recommended practices have accomplished: Your awareness or Soul is connected to Jesus at the Resurrection Frequency, thus allowing for you to be a Physical Immortal. See: The Resurrection Frequency Meditation Practice , a post on this blog.

3. As the Immortal energies flow from the Living Father it will activated the crown of the head. This is the opening of the crown chakra, the 7th chakra in the 7th-chakra model. It is through the opening of the crown chakra that the Immortal energies of God’s Light are allow to flow throughout your being.

4. This white light tube or cylinder-like structure will penetrate the top of the head and go to the center of the brain. 

5. At this point, imagine a ball or sphere of bright light in the center of your brain while it is radiating Immortal energies. Allow this ball of light to remain in the center of your brain for a few minutes. This activation will allow you to start to shift the DNA code as it activates the alter major chakra (at the base of the skull), the Bindu Chakra, and the pineal gland. Note: It is not necessary to know exactly what God’s Light is activating; all you need to do is to see the sphere and be connected to it.

6. Allow the white light sphere to flow through the neck activating the neck chakras which will allow for the kundalini energies to rise from the base of your spine to the top of your head. Keep the ball here for a couple of minutes.

7. Now allow the white light tube to be constructed so that it goes through the center of the body. Your next stop is in the heart region. Here you will allow for the bright light of the ball to shine brightly as it activated both your upper heart chakra (a transpersonal chakra located between the heart and the throat ) and the 4th chakra or the heart chakra.  Here we allow God’s Love to bathe one in His Loving energies for a few minutes.

8. Next we allow the Immortal Current which the ball represents to flow down to the belly region. Here we activate the solar plexus, the navel, and the tin tien (a region just below the navel and a few inches inside the body). As you spend a few minutes allowing for the ball to rest in the belly region, feel the Immortal current strengthening your will. 

9. Now construct the Immortal Will or white light tube and connect it with the earth. Allow the ball of light to connect a foot or so inside the earth, activating the earth’s chakra. This connection completes the Father-Body-Earth connection at the Physical Immortal Frequency.

10. The meditation practice will consist of having constructed the Immortal Will and then allowing the sphere or ball of light which is the Immortal Current to pulse up and down: From God to the head, then to the heart, then to the belly, and then to the earth. As we breathe in we allow the earth’s Immortal Current to flow upward thus activating the kundalini energies and then as we breathe out we allow the energies from above to descend from God to the earth.

11. Final Note: Once the Immortal Will has been fully activated you will be a Physical Immortal. Also, note that once the Immortal Will has been constructed and fully activated it will act independently of you so you don’t have to do anything except to visualize or see the white light tube as the Immortal energies flow of their own accord. The practice is quite easy and I integrate it into my 1-hour meditation practice as well as activating it as part of the morning checklist for Immortals. Note: It may take a year of meditation practice to both construct and activate the Immortal Will. Just see what you can do each day--even 10 minutes per day is great!

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