Tuesday, May 22, 2018

"Whoever Is Near Me Is Near the Fire": The Fire of Self-Purification In Order To Be One With God

"Whoever is near me is near the Fire and whoever is far from me is far from the Kingdom”---Jesus, Saying 82, The Gospel According To Thomas


Overview: Human beings have 5 bodies: Physical, blueprint, emotional, mental, and spiritual. The goal of going through the fire of self-purification is to destroy the emotional and mental bodies. In general, the emotional body is associated with females while the mental body is associated with males. In both cases, they block God’s Spirit to flow as it wishes throughout your body and thus have to be destroyed in order to construct an Immortal body. In this higher frequency one will have peace, joy, and contentment as one is centered in his Core Self while God’s Spirit is free to flow as it wishes.

1. We will start the self-purification by fire by constructing the Immortal Will. Please see the post from two weeks ago: Checklist For Immortals: Constructing and Activating the Immortal Will, Part IV

2. As God’s Light, which is Jesus (see saying 77, The Gospel According To Thomas), enters the top of the head through the crown chakra we see a ball of fire. The sphere-like energy represents the high frequency of Jesus. The first stop is in the left hemisphere of the brain. Here we destroy the Ego.

3. "Father: Please allow this ball of fire to destroy my Ego and the story-telling function of my left brain. Thanks, God!” The Ego is where the life energy of human beings is sucked up and eaten by evil creatures. The fire will also destroy the story-telling function of the left brain which invents stories in order to create drama, conflict, fear, anxiety and so forth. As the Ego is burned up by the fire hear it scream! Your connection to Satan is being dissolved as your connection to the Matrix or “One Mind” is broken.

4. Our next stop is the vocal cords. This is a favorite resting place for demons. These evil energies use your voice to constantly lie. Be clear that lying includes deception of any kind, misleading others about your intentions, omission of facts in order to deceive, changing the subject in order to deceive, taking things out of context, and so forth. However, note that you always have the right to be silent and refuse to answer a question. Also, a question which invades your right to privacy can be answered truthfully as “No” even when the literal answer is “Yes” since by saying “No” in this case you are telling a higher truth: “No, you do not have the right to even ask such a question!”

5. “Father: Please allow this ball of fire to destroy the demons who use my vocal cords to lie. Thanks, God!” 

6. The next stop is in the heart region. Here is where your parents took control of your will by creating a fear of punishment. They used a structure called the superego which will constantly cause guilt, self-hate, shame, the recalling of traumatic events and other negative thoughts. So the superego needs to be burned up!

7. “Father: Please allow this ball of fire to destroy my superego. Thanks, God!” To activate the superego one can recall an event which causes one to feel guilt or shame. Then burn this energy up: Hear the screams of the demons as they are destroyed!

8. Our next stop will be the testicles in which fetishes or demons with low-level of consciousness are lodged. These demons will create stories (real or in fantasy) in which you are publicly shamed and then activate the superego which will in turn activate the heart region, thereby allowing love to flow in your heart. Interesting: The demons have managed to transform abuse into love! When this occurs, there will be an erection and then the victim will masturbate and then ejaculate to the fantasy. These fetishes have to be burned up by the fire!

9. “Father: Please allow this ball of fire to burn up the fetishes in my testicles. Thanks, God!” Please note that when you activate a fetish, then the demons will be activated and thus will take you over at critical points in your life and fuck you up! This is the real danger of these fetishes: When you masturbate to them give them your life energy and thus you give them permission to fuck you up in real life. Thus, you must destroy them before they destroy you.

10. When you are ready, then walk through a large fire that is burning brightly. As you walk through this fire allow it to burn up all darkness, demons, traumas, self-hating energies, implants (including those in your eyes and vocal cords), guilt, shame and so forth. Hear the loud screams of these evil energies as they are destroyed by the fire!

11. “Father: Please allow me to walk through this fire of purification which will destroy all evil, darkness, subpersonalities, implants, traumas, and demons. Let me be Holy even as you are Holy! Thanks, God!” As you leave the fire, you will be ready to enter the Kingdom and thus unite with Jesus as there is an outpouring of relief, joy, and oneness. Then your Core Self or Center will be purified as you are whole again. 

Summary: By going through the fire of self-purification one will remove darkness so that God’s Light can shine.  As you exit the fire, you will be ready to unite with Jesus. In this union there will be a joyous embrace of each moment as you have become whole and are one with God. 

Addendum: To be clear: The ego is an artificial construct located in the left hemisphere of the brain with no will of its own. However, the ego is under the delusion that it is in control. It will be provided with strokes which are both positive and negative: The positive stokes tell you how great you are while the negative strokes will attack your self-worth. The brain is connected to what Dr. Larry Dossey calls the “One Mind” or what I call the Matrix and refer to it as the “Ego-Alien Hypothesis.” See: One Mind: How Our Individual Mind Is Part of a Greater - Amazon.com.  At this level, there is no free will as all thoughts, feelings, and actions are controlled by the Matrix.  Thus, as long as one has an ego and superego one is under the dominion of Satan. Ergo, these structures have to be burned by the fire of self-purification.  

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