Tuesday, May 15, 2018

The Wild, Wacky, World of Non-Dual Reality

Update on May 15, 2018: Since readers have expressed some interest in understanding the nature of reality as it regards “non-duality” and how this intersects with the Alien-Ego Hypothesis, I repost a discussion of this which was originally posted on November 10, 2016 on this blog. Please note that when Enlightenment occurs, there is a clear seeing that people are responding from some script and human beings are puppets without free will. The only way out of this trap is to enter the Light: Activate the Light Consciousness just above your head. This Transpersonal Self or in some systems the 8th/9th chakras, or Soul Star Self will allow for clear seeing. Once you do see, you will be stunned!

I dedicate the following essay to Alan Watts, a San Francisco Zen teacher from the 1950s. Please see his playful book, The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are (see: Alan Watts - Wikipedia). While I attempt some wit, the reader will be left stunned if he ever sees what is pointed to.

1. In this essay, I shall give a concise description of reality as it relates to human beings. This means that support of the claims will be minimal; however, I invite you to obtain a copy of Mr. Watts text mentioned above for further insights. Also, readers are always welcomed to email me at safeway7354@gmail.com should they have questions.

2. Human beings live in a multidimensional reality. The first level of interest is the preordained one: All events are predestined to occur in the precise way they have happened before the foundation of the world.  At this absolute level, there is no free will.

3. On the second level, thoughts, urges, and feelings are fed into one’s brain or one’s body by dark energies. So say the goal is for 100 million Americans to feel outrage on Nov. 9. Then the programmer will see to it that Donald J. Trump is elected President of the USA. Common sense would tell everyone they are outraged at the election of Trump; in fact, the reality is the election was preordained and then the reaction of outrage because human beings believed the simulation was real.  

4. On the third level, the Ego brain, which is the default mode of human beings, is connected to an evil energy source which can only exist when human beings are suffering. So the feelings of outrage are connect to Satan or evil energies; Satan and his demons feed upon these strong emotions.

5. There is about a 90-10 percent ratio between evil and good. So there are still 10% of people in the world who are still decent. And so acts of kindness and love do occur from time to time. When a man of 70-years old is asked to review his life he will no doubt find a few fleeting moments of happiness; 99.9% of the time he would have felt that everything was fucked up!

6. How to get out of this diabolic plot? We use Einstein’s dictum: “No problem can be solved at the same level of consciousness which created the problem.” This means somehow the human consciousness has to shift from the ego brain into Truth Consciousness. 

7. The first step in shifting into the light is to see what’s happening: illumination=transformation. This shift can occur to those whose scripts preordained them to do so. Should the reader ever gets a glimpse of reality—he is being used by demonic energies—he will be stunned!

8. Jesus came into the world to offer an illumination of what is happening. The Resurrection of Jesus is both a physical and spiritual transformation. The physical transformation is physical immortality; the spiritual transformation is a shift into Truth Consciousness.

9. In practical terms, the reader needs to be dedicated to the truth. What one believes is true is not relevant; one must want the truth more than life itself!

10. It needs to be noted that God usually uses the law of cause-and-effect in order to create human being’s reality. Of course, some events are of a paranormal nature and thus do not fall into the Newtonian paradigm. 

11. The Gospel of Thomas is the best vehicle to transform into the light. Readers are invited to obtain the following resources: 


Readers are encouraged to obtain a hard copy of these texts—not just read them online. The goal is to meditate on the words of Jesus and take your time. Meditating on one saying of Jesus per day is an excellent practice. Note that the words of Jesus vibrate at the Immortal Frequency and thus obtaining these texts is the first step to obtaining Physical Immortality.  

12. Questions of why the world we live in is structured in a certain way are left in the domain of God’s Sovereignty; I would never question why God has structured the reality the way He has done. As a follower of Jesus, I am commanded to share the Good News: “When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will understand that you are the children of the Living Father” (Gospel of Thomas, saying 3).


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