Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Being an Immortal: Allowing God’s Powerful Love To Flow, Wisdom, and Accessing God’s Immortal Strength

“Father: Please help me wrap this light bandage around my body. Please activate it with your Powerful, Unconditional Love and keep it activated throughout this day. Please heal me of self-hate, traumas, demons, darkness, implants, sub-personalities—everything which separates me from your Light. Let me be Holy even as you are Holy! Thanks, God!”
1. Allowing  God’s Unconditional Love to flow throughout your being is part of the purification process. I say the above activation aloud each day. While it only takes 20 seconds to say, over time it will lead to powerful transformations! Seekers are encouraged to change the wording to any kind of healing you might like such as physical healing, specific psychological issues or demonic influences. 
2. One’s awareness will be centered in the heart or the heart chakra. This will allow God’s Unconditional Love to flow throughout your being throughout the day.
When one is outside and dealing with other people, however, one will want to activate the Immortal Will, a light pole which is connected to God, then activate the Crown Chakra, then allow this light pole to flow through the body and then to the earth. With this activation all thoughts will have ceased as one’s awareness is just connected to the light pole. It will protect you and guide you if you ask it to do so. Note that the light pole or Immortal Will is the spiritual form of Jesus as Jesus is the Light. Please see a previous post for additional insights: -- Being An Immortal: 1-Hour Meditation Practice Each Day, Part I  a previous post on this blog.

3. To be clear about the various morning activations, each of which only take a few seconds to do, I will give a brief summary:

a. Activate the Transpersonal Point outside the brain.
b. Activate the Spark of Divinity or Soul.
c. Ask Jesus to be connected to your Soul this day.
d. Ask the Holy Spirit of Truth to be fully activated in the heart.
e. Center your awareness in the heart chakra.
f. Construct and activate the light pole or Immortal Will.
Please see:
 a) last week’s post for additional insights: Being an Immortal: The True Will For Physical Immortality, The Spirit of Truth, and Making The Jesus Connection, Part II and

b) Activating the Light Consciousness by Shifting One’s Awareness to the Transpersonal Self to activate the Transpersonal Point outside the brain. 

4. When the activations in point 3 above are done one will have deactivated the chattering brain which the ego uses to stay alive. The goal is for there to be complete silence in the brain. When you revert to the brain and start the sub-vocalizations, then immediately return to the heart region. There will be an overall sense of wholeness of God’s Love is flowing. Of course, there will be times when you will want to use the cognitive part of the brain and thus some brain talk will occur; when you have finished the task, then just return to the heart. 

5. Please note that when one’s awareness is centered in the heart, the Spirit of Truth will connect with the Immortal Will to direct your life. Thus, various intentions such as going to the store, writing a report, or contacting someone will be activated by the Spirit of Truth and then the Immortal Will will automatically perform the action when you are in the flow. In essence, the Spirit of Truth is acting as a substitute parent for one, but in this case one which is leading you to eternal life—Physical Immortality. When you are not in the flow, then you will stop and okay the suggestion from the Holy Spirit; in time, the connection to the body will be the norm and thus one will do whatever is suggested without thinking about it. In this flow, you will be in an Enlightened state as things and activations will just happen; this is similar to being in free fall but without any awareness that you are in free fall. 

6. As part of my morning activations I do various purification practices. The Holiness Prayer is one such activation as one continues to seek forgiveness each day for having done harm to God, to others and yourself. Another practice is to study the “Pain-Body” chapter in Eckhart Tolle’s text: Practicing the Power of Now: Essential Teachings ... - Amazon.com. Note that as Mr. Tolle has pointed out the pain body is a demon-like energy which lives on causing you and others pain. Thus, part of the purification process one will want to be heal of it. The goal is to allow God’s Light to flow through your body, thus allowing for healing, and being able to access His Immortal energies. Please see: Checklists For Immortals: Purification, Part III for additional insights. 

7. I will touch briefly on asking for God’s Wisdom each day and accessing his Immortal Strength as I recently wrote a post on this topic: The Holy Vow, Wisdom, and Two Book Reviews . In brief: The seeker opens his Crown Chakra—at the top of the head—and then asks God to grant him God’s Wisdom; then I spend a few minutes in quiet reflection, waiting upon God. God’s Immortal Strength is accessed through saying the Holy Vow aloud upon first waking up each day. Also, one will want to make the Yehsua-Michael Connection: “Yeshua-Michael: Please come into my Core Self or Spark of Divinity. Please give me your Immortal Strength, your joy, your knowledge and protection. Use my voice at the Immortal Frequency to share the words you would have me say today. Thanks, Yeshua-Michael!” 

8. Note: Jesus is an English translation of a Greek term used for Jesus. In fact, his followers call him “Yeshua” as that is his name. We use connect this name with Michael as Michael is the spiritual form of Yeshua. Also, note that Michael existed at the beginning with the Living Father as Michael is the consciousness or animating energy in everything (see saying 77, The Gospel According To Thomas).  This connection is called panpsychism.

Summary: Being an Immortal means God’s Powerful and Unconditional Love flows throughout your being. The seeker can access this Love by activating a Light bandage each day and by centering his awareness in the heart. Various purification practices such as healing the pain-body, which is a demon-like entity, will be activated on a daily basis. Asking God for His Wisdom each day is also part of being an Immortal. Finally, one will ask for God Immortal Strength throughout the day; often this will be done via “Yeshua-Michael” and will usually be done just before going outside the house. When these practices are fully allowed the seeker will be in flow and the Holy Spirit of Truth will activate the Immortal Will to guide one’s path to eternal life or Physical Immortality.

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