Tuesday, September 24, 2019

My Next Post Is Due October 15, 2019

Dear Readers:

As some of you may have noted, I have shifted from posting every Tuesday to posting twice a month. This is helpful for me as it gives me time to read various texts and experiment with various practices to see what appears to work for me. In my view, the two previous essays, September 17, 2019 and September 24, 2019 are excellent pointers in directing the dedicated seekers to eternal life. To activate them, however, will take some work as it took me 3 years in order to find and activate them.The reward for your hard work will be eternal life: "Blessed is the man who has worked hard and found Life!" (saying 58). Thus, I invite seekers to not cease seeking until he finds (saying 2). God willing, my next post will be on October 15, 2019 as I will continue with part 3 on becoming an Immortal.

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