Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Opening the Crown Point: Becoming an Immortal, Part 3

"When you have come into the Light, what will you do?"
 --Jesus, saying 11, The Gospel According To Thomas 

"Jesus said, 'If they say to you, where did you come from?' say to them, "we have come from the Light, the place where the Light came into being by itself.'"
--Jesus, saying 50, The Gospel According To Thomas

Overview: In this third part of a series "On Becoming an Immortal," I discuss how to activate the Light consciousness by opening the crown point on top of the head. Once the crown point is open, then the Light from above can enter by activating a Transpersonal energy center or chakra above the head. This activation will allow the seeker to make the "God Connection" as he shifts his consciousness from the body/brain system to Light.

1) In the first part of this series I discussed how to activate the still point or Hara as it is called in Zen in order to shift one’s consciousness from the brain to the body. The still point is the point in which the body’s Chi or life force is stored in the body. It is connected to the earth’s electromagnetism force. Then in the second part, I showed how to activate the animating function in one’s core self. This is a high frequency activation which is nearing the Physical Immortality frequency. In the body, one stores all the different types of energies such as wisdom and love in the still point. Then one makes a connection between the core and the still point. During meditation I center my spark of divinity is in my core so that the body’s frequency is at a supercharged frequency.   

Side note: what I call the “spark of divinity” is often called one’s awareness or consciousness. I believe these terms are misleading as in pure form one’s spark of divinity is not awareness; instead, like water, it will meld to whatever the brain or mind sees or creates. In fact, the whole point of being in a higher frequency state is for there not to be awareness, but instead for there to be vibrating energy—this is what the spark of divinity is and thus this is what “you” are. This is the way one can raise one’s frequency to the Immortal level. Please note that while I will continue to use the terms “awareness” and “consciousness” I am using them as equivalent terms for “spark of divinity.”

2)    The effect of centering one’s spark of divinity in one’s core (located in the belly region, below the sternum) is to be connected to the earth’s energy which will cause the soles of one’s feet to vibrate. Then one connects the brain’s awareness to the soles of the feet. This will cause one’s consciousness to be raised and with a dedicated meditation practice which will be for several hours per day the frequency will be nearing the Immortal level. 

3)     Please note that one’s core self is connected to one’s will which means that by one’s meditation practice one is construction an Immortal Will.  The Holy Spirit of Truth is invited each morning to guide one’s life to Physical Immortality and thus the Spirit of Truth becomes part of one’s core. Some may call this the Spirit of Immortality and I agree with this description.

4)     In today’s essay, I will briefly discuss how to open the crown point, located at the top of the head. The crown point can be found by constructing a spherical line segment connected to ear to ear and then a second line segment starting at the midpoint of the brow and then going to the back of the head. The intersection of these two spherical line segments is the crown point.

5)     When the crown point is opened, the radiation of the sun or light energy can enter the brain. The idea is to allow the light energy in the form of a light pole to enter the top of the head, then go through the central core of the body and then connect to the earth. Thus, we have created the heaven-body/mind-earth connection. It is not clear if this light energy is to be understood as literal or if there is some kind of 5th dimensional connection. 
6)     To open the crown point one will need to first activate a Transpersonal chakra located above the head. There are many ways to activate a Transpersonal energy center above the head. I will mention three in this essay:

a)     First, for those who have used marijuana for spiritual purposes, cannabis is an excellent device as it works with one’s intention in order to transform structures. When I used marijuana, I found 30% THC level in smokes was about right. The seeker is invited to experiment and find what works for him. Then the seeker will imagine a jump of one’s consciousness of 6 inches or so above the head. Then try to feel a Transpersonal energy center.
Note: I have discontinued using marijuana and all drugs except for caffeine found in coffee as they are no longer needed.

b)    Second, one might center one’s spark of divinity in the navel and then imagine a circle of awareness about 2 feet above the head. Then jump about 1.5 feet above the first circle to construct a second field of awareness about 3.5 feet above the head. Then allow one’s awareness to shift from the navel to about 1.25 inches below the navel. This will create the “Hara-Transpersonal Point” connection. Once this connection is made, one will be nearing the Enlightenment as the spark of divinity is no longer controlled by the mind.

c)     A third suggestion is to be center in one’s core and then allow the soles of the feet to vibrate. Then one moves one’s consciousness from the soles of the feet to the tailbone and then up the spine to the crown point. Often when this earth-heaven connection is made there will be a natural jump of the consciousness of about 6 inches above the head. This will activate a Transpersonal chakra.

7)     Of course, seekers might consult various texts which might offer other suggestions. Be clear :  Unless one can activate the crown point, it is unlikely one’s body will be raised to the Physical Immortal Frequency. Thus, this step will be a sort of gatekeeper which will keep those who only have a passing interest in being an Immortal from further progress. Note, too, that opening the crown point is the start of making the “God Connection.” So those readers who have a True Will for Physical Immortality will want to work at activating a Transpersonal energy center above the head. To offer some hope: Once you can open the crown point, you are almost at the Physical Immortal Frequency!

8)     Once you have activated a Transpersonal chakra or the Transpersonal Point above the head, then let go and let God. There will have a supercharged frequency in the brain and usually the ears will hear loud piercing sounds. Your spark of divinity (or awareness) will be detached from the brain and thus there will not be any awareness of anything. If you are aware of the brain thinking thoughts, then you have not activated a Transpersonal energy center above the brain.

9)     The final step: Activate the Transpersonal Point about 3.5 feet above the head and then construct a light pole reaching into the heavens, going through the Transpersonal Point, then going through the crown point, through the central core of the body and then down to the earth. If successful, you have made the heaven-mind/body-earth connection which is closely associated with Physical Immortality!  Please note that this is a daily practice and is something I continue to work with and find more deeper connections. It has taken me over one year just to start to make a connection and thus it may take the dedicated seeker a while to create this connection.

10)      Readers might like to see Robert Peng’s text, The Master Key for some insights into this construction. Mr. Peng’s background is in the Chinese system and is called QiGong. See:
Side note: While Mr. Peng’s methods are close to the Physical Immortal frequency, he has not made the “Jesus connection.” This connection is made by allowing the vocal cords and voice to vibrate at the Physical Immortal frequency while saying Yeshua’s sayings in The Gospel According To Thomas aloud. This will assist in raising the body’s frequency to the Immortal level.

Summary: We are almost there! I have three more activations which can be covered in two essays and some recommendations on how to keep one’s life force at the Immortal frequency, one essay on creating a new life script by raising the core self, and a final essay on Holy Vows. In my view, if you are successful in doing the activations in the first three essays, then the hard work is done and the rest will be fairly straightforward suggestions. As always, I encourage the seeker to find his own path. If you find a better way, then by all means use it! There is no dogma on my part—the only goal is to be Resurrected with Jesus as a Physical Immortal.

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