Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Does Being the Animating Energy=The Physical Immortal Frequency ?

“The man old in days will not hesitate to ask a child of seven days about the place of Life, and he will live.”

---Jesus, Saying 4, The Gospel According To Thomas

“You test the face of the sky and of the earth, and him who is before your face you have not known, and you do not know how to be in this moment.”

---Jesus, Saying 91, The Gospel According To Thomas

1. All living beings have an animating energy which allows them to be alive. In human beings the animating energy is connected to the core self located in the belly region. The core self is activated with archetypes or patterns of energy which is unique to each individual. An Immortal will want to activate the core self at the frequency of: Immortality, Honor, Truth, Uncaused Joy, Rejuvenation, and Compassion.
2. When the core self is activated it will cause a supercharged frequency which is connected to the Earth’s Immortal currents. In my case, activating my core causes my feet to vibrate with painful pricks. Because this has been only happening for a few months, I do not know if this is a permanent shift or one which will subside in due course. 
3. The supercharged frequency also causes my ears to hear loud piercing sounds. Generally, my focus will be on allowing my awareness to connect with my feet. Then I give up control of my awareness and just be the animating energy. This last step is subtle as otherwise there will be a kind of spilt consciousness in which I am aware of my awareness being in my core self. While when my feet vibrate at a high frequency it is somewhat painful, it is also stimulating as though my body is waking up. Please note that my core is located just below the rib cage or sternum. The goal is center one’s awareness or consciousness in one’s core, thus allowing for a supercharged frequency.
4. While I am not sure, my conjecture is that I can center my awareness in my core since my Ego has been dissolved. When I had an Ego my awareness tended to be located on the left side of my brain where verbal thought occurs. Without an Ego, then, it appears the energy which the Ego used to stay alive is now being used by my core, thus allowing for a high frequency. It is unclear if this frequency is at the Physical Immortal level.
5. Conjecture: Returning my consciousness to my core is becoming a child again as a young child, say of seven days old, has no Ego. Again, note that the core is where one’s animating energy exists, thus allowing one to be alive. If this conjecture is true, then it would appear to be possible to allow rejuvenating energies to flow throughout the body; this will in turn will either stop or reverse the aging process. What I am unclear about at this point is this: Is centering one’s awareness in one’s core sufficient to allow for the Physical Immortal Frequency to be activated or is it necessary to also activate what I believe is an Immortal current in the spine column? This is part of my present investigations and thus I invite seekers to see what works for them. Perhaps the most challenging part for the seeker is to find his core self as I found my by accident after a year of daily meditation for at least one hour per day. 
6. The conjecture in point 5 above could be what Jesus was speaking about in saying 46: “I have said to you that whoever among you becomes as a child shall know the Kingdom.” This would be consistent with saying 4 cited at the beginning of this essay in which an older man needs to ask a child of seven days old about the place of Life. Note that a baby is just animating energy without an Ego. As an older person, one will want to return to his original state and thus become a child again. 
7. After meditating on my feet for an hour or so, there is usually a circuit to the crown of my head and perhaps activating the crown chakra just above my head. This happens naturally without my intending it. This may be a kind of Physical Immortality circuit. 
8. The careful reader will no doubt have noted that this essay uses terms like “conjecture,” “may be,” “appears.” This is because this essay is based upon my speculations since I have no guide except my direct experience. Of course, I hope my speculations are informed one and hope they are near to the Truth. In time, God willing, I will provide further insights as they arise.
9. How to activate one’s core self? This first step is to have a daily meditation practice in which one shifts one’s awareness from the brain to his core. Note that in my beginning practice I had to spend a year or so just centering my awareness in my center—located in the center of my chest. At this time I still had an Ego and thus it was a constant battle between staying centered in which there are no verbal thoughts arising vs. the brain taking over my life force and thus creating thoughts, memories, stories, and the like. After one has practiced centering one’s awareness, the next step is take all one’s energy and be what one is: Animating energy. Once I am animating energy I let go as the animating energy is the source of what I am. Some might find it helpful to activate the Hara, located just below the navel to help one center his awareness. Centering in the Hara is what is taught in Zen and is part of the Enlightenment process.
10.  While I have experimented with using marijuana is various forms such as smoking and ingesting edibles, the most powerful affect appears to be concentrated cannabis oil which contains 100% THC. It was through using concentrated oil that I was able to dissolve my bitch self and my Ego. As a result of these transformations I have no sexual interest and thus I am celebrate. There is, however, a pull when I am in public when I see females who wear tight pants. I wish females would go back and dress lady-like and start wearing dresses again. Just so the investigator can locate the cannabis oil I will give the particular brand (this is no endorsement, merely a reference point should one like to investigate further): The brand I use is “ABX” and is also named “AbsoluteXtracts” I recommend starting with 50 mg THC oil and working from there. It took 1,000 mg of this oil in order to knock out my Ego. Please be clear that this is not for novices and it took me 2 years in order to be able to use this mega dose. Without a doubt this is a potentially dangerous practice and thus the reader will have to assume the risks involved. I only use this oil once a month and thus for the other 29 days or 30 days of the month I do not use any form of marijuana. Also, please note that if one takes this large dose, then he will probably be knocked out for 3-4 days. The real dangers include returning to a “normal” state of consciousness and also while one intends for specific transformations to occur such as dissolving the Ego, the outcome is outside one’s control. Please note that the website for this produce is: www.abx.org. The product will be locate as a "soft gel."
11. The one time I generally do not feel my feet tingling is when I am in public.  In fact, when I am in public it can be challenging to stay centered. It appears as though the brain has to process so many things at once, such as potential threats, making assessments of other people, moving about with safety, and allowing one’s will to direct one’s actions; all these processes which are occurring at once makes it challenging to stay centered. With practice, of course, one can learn to stay centered.
12. It may be that by activing the Earth’s chakra, located about 1 foot below the soles of one feet and into the Earth, I have allowed the Earth’s Immortal currents to activate my feet at this supercharged frequency. 

Summary: This essay is one of speculation in which I attempt to explain the supercharged frequency I feel in my feet. I believe there is a connection between my core and the Earth. Moreover, I conjecture that this frequency is at the Physical Immortal frequency. Also, I am of the view that the Ego will need to be dissolved before this frequency can arise. Probably one will need to dissolve any sexual interest as this is a diversion from being centered. In my view, these transformations are about being present in each moment and thus being a child again.

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