Tuesday, August 27, 2019

My Next Post Is Due September 17, 2019: Happy Labor Day!

Dear Readers:

Thank you for your support this year as the Good News of God's Kingdom is being shared around the world! Because of the Labor Day holiday, I will be taking a short break from this blog. God willing, the next post will be on September 17, 2019.

A short note to Carl C. who asks if I am an Immortalitst:

Yes. If one does not believe in conscious existence after death, then the only chance of eternal life is to be an Immortal. In my posts I share many ideas which I hope will inspire others to take up the cause as Christianity is a false religion based upon forged documents. Scholars have long known that the Gospel of John is a forgery.

 Please see: 1)The forgery of the Lycopolitan gospel of John - Evangelical Textual ...  and 2) The Shocking “Truth” About the Gospel of John - Universal Life Church ...

I believe Jesus' original message was one of eternal life as a Physical Immortal as he taught in The Gospel According To Thomas. Thank you for writing.


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