Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Constructing the Immortal Will: “Father: Please Give Me Your Strength”

1. The final activation necessary in order to be a Physical Immortal is activating the Immortal Will. This has two parts:

  1. A spiritually-engineered construct in which a white light tube connects the heavens to the top of your head, goes through your body and then connects to the earth.
  2. God has sourced your will with His strength. In this essay I will discuss the latter and then in an upcoming essay discuss part ‘a’.

2. “Father: Please give me your strength” is the motto of the Immortal. This includes physical strength, mental strength, and spiritual strength. Every morning the first thing to do is to say the Holy Vow aloud: “Father: I give you everything—My life, my heart, my mind, my soul, my very being. Please give me your strength to do your will today. Thanks, God!” The Holy Vow is your direct connection to God each day!
3. Each morning as you make the God Connection imagine a white light tube above your head which is both connected to God and to the crown of your head. Maintain this “God Connection” throughout the day by seeing the tube or cylinder-like structure connect to God as you repeat "Father: Please give me your strength. Thanks, God!” I sometimes shorten this prayer to just a one-word activation: "Strength." Please see Activations For Constructing the Immortal Will , a post on this blog for additional insights.

4. Old-school pushups and sit ups are the easiest way to immediately build physical strength. Start where you are: Do 10 pushup and 10 sit ups. Then progressively increase this until you can do 50 pushups and 100 sit ups. Ask God for his strength in doing these. Also, see if you can add a few pull ups for upper body strength. In time you might add weights to your morning workout.  

5. “Weak body, weak mind” is the insightful connection between strength training and mental strength. So if one is physically weak, then he will be mentally weak. And if one is mentally weak, then it is impossible to acquire wisdom since wisdom is dependent upon a strong will. Note: I include: Clear seeing, discernment, courage, mercy, faith, honor, truth, and will as essentially virtues in acquiring wisdom. The last virtue, “will,” includes both physical and mental strength. 

6. Mental strength can be acquired by spending a few minutes doing puzzles. I spend 10-15 minutes a day doing 2-3 chess puzzles from the text Forcing Chess Moves by Charles Hertan. See: Forcing Chess Moves: The Key to Better Calculation: Charles Hertan ...By not using a chess board I strengthen my visualization skills along with problem solving abilities. The key is to see why I am wrong about a proposed solution. Knowing that I am wrong is more important than assuming that I am right. Please see 10 Great Qualities For an Immortal To Have, a post on this blog for additional practices. 
7. Through a daily meditation practice I strengthen my spiritual will. Once the Transpersonal Self has been activated (this is the Higher Self which is connected to God and is located above the brain) one can activate his center or core self. The core self is located in the belly region under the rib cage. Meditation can have 4 kinds of practices:
a. Body Awareness—This is connecting one’s awareness to the body. In time, the body will start to vibrate at a higher frequency.
b.  Transpersonal Awareness—This is activating the frequencies above your head. There will be a sense of boundlessness as one’s awareness is detached from the Ego brain. Note that there is nonverbal awareness at this level as the space above your head is not connected to the vocal cords.
c. Letting Go—During this period of meditation there is a defocusing from attempting to do anything and more of an allowing. This mind is silent as all internal dialogues have ceased. Be what arises….
d. Specific Practices—During the 1-hour daily meditation practice a few minutes can be spent connecting one’s awareness to the earth’s energy by activating the base of the spine (the tailbone) to the top of the head. As one breathes in the Immortal energies of the earth rise up the spinal column to through the neck chakra, the Bindu chakra, and then to the crown of the head. Note: I often will continue from the top of my head to activate my 6th chakra located between the eye brows. Then upon exhaling allow the energies from the top of the head to go down the spinal column and exit through the root chakra or the base of the spine chakra. 

Summary: Constructing the Immortal Will starts by repeating the motto: “Father: Please give me your strength” throughout the day.  Sometimes I just say “strength.” Imagine a white light to be connecting you to God’s strength as it connects to the top of the head. A few minutes each day working on building one’s physical and mental strength is required. Finally, the 1-hour daily meditation practice will strengthen both your mental and spiritual will.

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