Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Activations For Constructing the Immortal Will

This essay continues the process of constructing the Immortal Will. Please review Parts I and II: See Constructing the Immortal Will, Part I and  The Earth-Spine-Crown Connection: Constructing the Immortal Will, Part II .

# 1) Activating the soles of the feet:

“Right here, right now, I connect the soles of my feet to the Immortal energies of the earth, allowing the chakras in my feet to be activated to the Immortal Frequency. Thanks, God!”

This first activation acknowledges that God created planet earth as an Immortal planet. Moreover, God designed this planet so that human beings could be one with him for all eternity as had existed with the first man, Adam. Thus, by being fully connected to the earth, we are connected with God at the Immortal Frequency. Usually, we think of this connection as the Mother-Connection with God as this planet sustains all life. 
#2) The Immortal energies in the feet rise to the tailbone or base of the spine:

“Right here, right now, I activate the Immortal energies in my feet to rise to the base of my spine, activating my tailbone at the Immortal Frequency. Thanks, God!”

This second activation takes the Immortal energies of the earth and allow these energies to rise from the feet and then activate the base of the spine at the Immortal Frequency. Note that the tailbone is the source of the life force for human beings. In Yoga Science, this is the root chakra or the first chakra. See: YOGA The 1st Chakra - Muladhara - The Coiled Serpent Goddess of ...

Side note: When we activate a chakra, we see a color, in this case red, and then visualize a wheel spinning clockwise (as viewed from above) and allow light energy to activate it. 
#3)  From the base of the spine the Immortal energies rise up the column of the spine through the neck chakras, the Bindu Chakra, and the crown of the head:

“Right here, right now, I activate the Immortal energies from my tailbone through the spine to the top of my head, activating the crown chakra at the Immortal Frequency. Thanks, God!”

The Immortal energy which rises through the spine is called the kundalini and is pictured as a coil snake at the base of the spine, ready to spring up the spine. The column of the spine is called the sushumna is Yoga Science. Note that we are connecting the Immortal energies of the earth with the Immortal energies of the God-Connection which also occurs at the crown chakra. Thus, the Mother-Connection and Father-Connection meet and connect as one. 
# 4) Connect the Immortal energies of the earth to the crown of the head:

 “Right here, right now, I activate the Immortal energies of the earth to the crown of my head. Thanks, God!”

This activation just combines the first three activations and I will often use it as a short-cut in lieu of doing them. In any case, the Physical Immortal wants to keep his feet planted firmly on the ground as he stays connected with the Living Father. Please note that Jesus said in Saying 101 of The Gospel According to Thomas: “My true Mother gave me life.” I understand that Mother-Earth is the true Mother to which Jesus is referring. 
# 5) Be Connected with Jesus at the Resurrection Frequency while being connected with the Immortal energies of the earth:

 “Right here, right now, I ask the life force of Mother Earth to meet with the Father’s light energy from above at the crown of my head. Thanks, God!”

Here is the alchemical wedding of the Father-Mother energies meeting at the top of the head. The above 5-daily activations will only take a few minutes. It will keep you connected both with the Living Father and with the Mother Earth.  Please see The Resurrection Frequency Meditation Practice (this is a link to a post on this blog) for additional insights. 
# 6) Connect the Immortal energies at the base of the spine to the crown of the head:

"Right here, right now I allow the Immortal energies from the base of my spine to rise up to the crown of my head as I breathe in; I allow the Immortal energies at the crown of my head to return to the base of the spine as I exhale. Thanks, God!’

This final activation is more of a visualization practice and is done for a few minutes as one inhales the life force rises up the spine and then as one exhales one takes the life force from the crown and return to the base. So: Inhale=Up the Spine, Exhale=Down the spine.

Summary: The marriage of Heaven and Earth, the Father Connection with the Mother Connection, will allow for Physical Immortality. In Saying 101 of The Gospel According to Thomas, Jesus said, “My true Mother gave me life.” Thus, the follower of Jesus will want to have both the Father and Mother Connections. The first four activations are done just before the daily one-hour meditation practice. They will take a few minutes to activate. The fifth recommended activation is done during one’s meditation practice. The final recommended practice is more of a visualization practice which can be done for a few minutes during meditation so that as one inhales the life force rises up and as one exhales the energies goes down the column of the spine.

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